Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 930: Riyue Mountain River Map!

"How could this be!"

The picture presented by the space-time mirror allows many people to cool from the head to the foot. This is a whole hundred top experts who join hands to resonate with the source of life and want to cover Su Yan.

However, the contrast of the ending is too great. Su Yan opened the blockade with the power of the ruthlessness, and even released the shocking power. Here, he is a boxing top 100 master.

"Unbelievable, the power of Su Yan's body is too overbearing, and the form of combat power is completely different. What opportunities did he get on the mountain of burial?"

"After the return of thousands of talents, such a strong energy suppression, he can directly tear a hole by a unique means, he realized a certain form of combat evolution, and must experience a certain **** temper!"

"Is it obtained on the mountain of the burial mountain? Or is Su Yan harvesting some kind of prehistoric school?"

There is a lot of discussion about the antiques of various ethnic groups. Here, I want to reveal the learning of Su Yan. He seems to have turned into a trip before, and it is not afraid of bearing the terrible suppression in the world.

Even after it became a big bang, the peers were peerless, and the blockade was hardened. This has to be said to be a miracle, and it is also a kind of field that has evolved into an extremely advanced field!

In particular, the strong members of the Wu nationality, proficient in the major martial arts school, Su Yan to break the law, run their ultimate strength, this must be said to be a violent aesthetic!

However, they did not think that Su Yan responded with violent violence and responded with a peerless attitude. This is amazing!

There are also some old and powerful sighs. If Su Yan is not a rising star of the funeral family, perhaps they have come long ago and will be under the income of Su Yan. Everyone knows that what he lacks is resources!

However, Su Yan already has it, and the trip to the mountain of burial is bound to be full of rewards!

Only the faces of the great peaks of the ancestral temples were gloomy. They couldn’t speak, and hundreds of top experts joined forces to suppress them. This allowed him to escape. Is this too scary? What kind of roots does he have in the end, what kind of roots in the fusion!

In fact, Su Yan broke out the power of such a mad tyrant, naturally has the credit of chaotic maternal!

He broke the law with force, and even broke out the power of horror. The fists of the waves were like rainbows, which contained the spiritual will to penetrate everything. In particular, Wanlong started to shake off the earth, and it contained a kind of supernatural power!


This fist slams out, God blocks the killing of God, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha!


The picture of the earthquake, like the real dragon was bombarded, one after the other, the golden light, the dragon and the sky, has a supreme power!

Su Yan played out the dragon's totem evolution, running out of the real dragon and the great powers, following the big cracks that he was running through, screaming out!

Hundreds of top masters have lost their color for a while, and they have already played such a vast source of energy, but Su Yan can also be broken, or even take the initiative, and burst out to kill the big surgery!


A face-to-face, a dozen strong shudders, the body has collapsed a blood hole, they did not even have time to react, look terrified, directly penetrated the body by the real dragon!


All the people have been scared, this is a fierce means, a fierce mess!

Even Su Yan’s outburst force, which came out in abrupt moments, directly penetrated the chest of a dozen monks, causing him to scream and scream, and feel that the body is going to collapse!

"No, no!"

The Wu people’s horror was so sudden that they burst into such a strong force. What kind of cruel training Su Yan experienced in the end, even with such a hegemonic means, his mastery of the battle form really entered a terrible level. !

"Still, kill me!"

The rest of the top players are angry, not in Tibetan mastiffs and arrogant!

However, the storm they ignited was a little scary. There were big killers, and there were battle flags, thunder hammers, and swords!

In short, they all carry a variety of killing weapons, and with the release of energy in the body, resulting in this picture is too amazing, who can stop this power!


However, the next moment of light, someone's heart is like being caught and crushed!

A person's heart is full of fear, Su Yan is coming in abruptly, shrinking into the inch, crossing the time and space, appearing in front of an enemy, the majestic appearance of his arrogance, has made this person tremble, such as falling in purgatory!

"Do not!"

He was frightened, and he did not even have the courage to resist. He fled directly!


This scene really blows up the monsters of the demon domain. Nima's top 100 strong besieged Su Yan, but he is good, and Su Yan is a face-to-face, fleeing directly, what are you afraid of!

At the same time, this also confirms a problem. Su Yan is too strong in the fierceness. In the younger generation, several people dare to fight with him!


The man who fled this man just ran a few steps, and the space of the cockroach trembled!

"Do not kill me!"

He was frightened, the liver and gallbladder cracked, and the source of energy oscillated by the space. The shaking eyes were black and he had to faint.

This person completely lost his fighting spirit, and his body shivered. Even he felt that his neck was cold, his heart was completely swallowed by fear, his head was taken away by Su Yan, and he was crushed and crushed by Su Yan!

"Damn, give me a town!"

The top players in all directions are angry and mad. They have sent so many strong people, can't they stop Su Yan's footsteps?

Just in the moment when Su Yan killed this person, all kinds of vast energy sources came from the sky, and they had to suppress Su Yan directly with a peerless attitude!

Only when this is nearing him, Su Yan made a long scream, the pores spurt and smog, intertwined with the eternal eternal traces of the sky, flowing with the initial supreme ambition of everything, full of terrible oppression!

Su Yan is like a sip, the avenue clock that was born in the early days of chaos, rumbling and rumbling, the sound waves can be described as thunder, exuding a kind of thunderbolt that ruined the earth, and hard to tear the power of killing the sky!

"Thunder and lightning!"

Many people have changed their color. In particular, the strong face of the gods teaches that the face is cloudy and uncertain. This is the thunder and lightning, and the level of practice is extremely high. Why can Su Yan master the thunder and lightning? Who passed it to him.

Now they are not in the mood to think about these things. In short, let the gods between heaven and earth be spectacular. As long as they do not exceed certain limits, Su Yan still stands in the invincible field!

The next moment he turned into a thunder and lightning, entangled in the light of lightning, and smashed into the battlefield!

The spectacular picture, the thunder and lightning, the bright and bright sky, opened up a layer of energy source, the light sprinkled and glory, all shaped like thousands of thunder and lightning, flocked to the battlefield, a series of great earthquakes broke out!

"Is he invincible?"

Su Yan’s move made them eclipse, seeing Su Yan rushing into the battlefield, brave and invincible, and the move was big and big!

In this way, swept all the way, the body swooped against the ground, who can stop his power, he sometimes turned into a big scorpion, and sometimes turned into a boulevard, sometimes turned into a dragon tiger, the momentum changed, emerged from the initial Peerless!


Everything has broken apart, it is simply the cutting edge of the battlefield. Everything is screaming, the chaos is falling, the world is shaking, the world is shaking!

Hundreds of top masters, why not, simply can't sleep Su Yan, burying the mountain of the mountain, will be squandered by Su Yan, and now he is here to prove his own gains, he has to say that he has changed, completely different, raising his hand All have a terrible sense of oppression!


One of the top masters was killed by Su Yan, a mountain was crushed by him, sinking!

Even the jaw-dropping thing is that there is a thunder hammer bombarded on the shell of Su Yan, and it sounds like a strong iron. This is a solid body, a masculine tyrant, a treasure can’t be moved, and even a shocking thunder hammer. The strong palms have been shattered!


Han’s old master’s eyes are red. If it’s not Su Yan’s insight into the crisis before, he will never be so easy to crack the Han’s hard-working killing map!

However, even if there is no killing map, but hundreds of top players join hands, even can not balance a Su Yan, and even hard to hurt him.

Su Yan swayed the entire battlefield, and the strength of the battle became stronger and stronger. The avenue of the road covered the sky and filled the vast land!

A generation of peerless hegemony broke out, like stepping on the bones of the kings, standing on the top of the sky, the majestic shore, shocked the world!

"Su Yan is invincible!"

Some people are out of control, giving a roar, admiration is self-evident, this is an invincible gesture, swaying the whole audience, who can stop Su Yan, hundreds of top masters can not sleep with him, Su Yanqiang broke the game!

I am afraid that only the ancestors can threaten Su Yan, and the rest of the strong are not at one level.

"In a strong person, facing us at the peak of the group, we must lie down, Su Yan, give me life!"

Some people can't bear this kind of fiasco, and finally they make a fierce scream, and a catalogue is shot out in the sleeves. When it is burning, as the corner of the universe descends from the sky, it radiates the source of energy that suppresses everything in the universe!

This picture is magnificent and peerless!

On the top of the catalogue, inscribed with the sun, the moon and the mountains, intertwined with the supreme trend, full of the peerless power to suppress the kings!

When he broke out, there were looming millions of mountains, and the stars rumbling and running, and the breath of the whole, locked in a hundred thousand miles!

"This....this is the map of the sun and the moon!"

The strongmen of the older generation changed color, and they could not help but exclaimed, and their eyes were a little red, because this is a rare and precious treasure of the sun and the moon!

Rumors of this picture, the essence of millions of mountains, the source of the endless star, after a long period of tempering, can be forged into the rare treasure!

The potential of the sun, the moon and the river can be said to be endless, the town pressure is terrible, and it is called the invincible treasure of the same generation!

The killer of the Korean family, the sun and the moon, the river to the extreme, his forging method is too complicated and complicated, and the refining master is extremely difficult to forge.

The value of this picture can't be measured by money at all. It is the treasure of the previous generation of Hanmenzu, who spent the ages and tempered!

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