Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 943: The strongest in history?

In fact, this possibility is really true. The life of the Jedi is buried in the mountains. The time of existence is hard to estimate. No one in the past can break this life.

However, the emergence of Su Yan caused the Wan family to be stunned. He directly broke the myth of the Jedi life, and even returned to the underground mountains. Otherwise, the large groups of the ancestral temples would not send hundreds of top experts to kill Su Yan.

Life Jedi naturally makes the big people of all ethnic groups jealous, even if the power is concerned, who knows what Su Yan got in life, even if he can't get anything, there are big people who want to figure out the hidden feelings of the mountain!

If there is really an old antique, it is secretly guarded, and the situation is terrible for Su Yan.

Su Yan struggled fiercely, but the power from the birth of heaven and earth was so amazing that Su Yan was extremely difficult to move. He wanted to directly avenue the road map and open an escape route away from this area.


But then, Su Yan's face was amazed because he found that there were many creatures nearby.

These monks are not weak in their practice, and their expressions are fearful and uneasy. They are also suffering from the same situation as Su Yan. They are imprisoned and are extremely difficult to move.

Su Yan’s face is amazed. What is the situation?

He calmly looked around and found that the powers derived from this world were boundless. I don't know how vast the area was, and it covered hundreds of millions of miles of territory, involving many large domains.

The boundless territory of the vast expanse, the billions of souls!

This moment is filled with fearful mood swings, the heavens and the earth are discolored, and it looks very gloomy.

All of this was caught by Su Yan, which made Su Yan's heart shocked. If it is really aimed at himself, there is no reason to make such a big move. There may be other things happening in this world!

"Mad, shouldn't you encounter the danger zone of chaotic ruins? But I just came out of the chaotic channel. It is reasonable to say that there should be no danger zone here. If it is, things have already spread!"

Su Yan breathes heavily, and the blind man constantly scans the surrounding environment.


It was the moment when Su Yan was watching nervously. A loud blast exploded, the sky shook and trembled, the sound of the people shook the soul, many people were shocked by the soul, and the universe was more fearful and uneasy. This unknown event It’s really scary.

"So what happened!"

Many of the imprisoned creatures are trembled, because in this area, there is one after another, from the slumber to the strong player who happened to happen, and suddenly awakened, illuminating the universe, the atmosphere is terrible!

"There are a group of big people who are secretly crouching here. What are they doing here? Is it foreseeable that a big event is about to break out?"

Many people are ecstatic and screaming. At least there are more than a dozen gods. The breath is really horror and hegemony. There is even a half-step sneak sneak sneak in the darkness. It is simply a group of small giants hiding here.

However, they are gathered together, which is quite scary, so many people are shocked, and even some people are thinking, is it about to open up a new cosmic secret? Or is the broken universe going to emerge?

Su Yan's face was cloudy and uncertain. He carefully sealed the body's breath and sealed the power of life.

Because Su Yan has a hunch, these people may be waiting for themselves here, aiming at themselves!

"Made, if it is, they can see too much!"

Su Yan's facial skin is smashed, so many strong people gather here, there is no purpose Su Yan can not believe, and they are on the edge of the chaotic channel, even in the zone that is not suppressed by the secrets here!

They are hiding too deeply, and if it is not because of the changes in the heavens and the earth, it will not be revealed at all.

Su Yan has already seen it. These people also expressed quite panic. Obviously, they did not know that such an emergency would occur. It was as strong as a half-step power and was suppressed.

These big men are gloomy, and they really came to bury the secret of the mountain.

However, this sudden incident is beyond their control. Even if it is a powerful power, it is impossible to make such a terrible force in a short time. Even the old antiques speculate that it is likely that a cosmic secret suddenly opened, otherwise it would not It will be so amazing!


There is a mysterious half-step power to roar in my heart, perhaps he saw the clues, not coming late, but it appeared in this time period.

After all, it is related to the Jedi, and Su Yan will one day leave the chaotic channel. This is the only way to go from the chaotic channel to the chaotic ruins. Now it is good, they are all leaked.

"So what happened!"

Su Yan's face is getting more and more dignified. He feels that the change of the birth of heaven and earth is getting more and more serious. Heaven knows how many large fields have been affected, which leads to the vast universe of stars and stars, and there are mysterious chaotic symbols in the manifestation.

This is a special kind of road mark. It seems to cross in the years, and the terrorist power radiated from it suppresses the beings of the universe!


Su Yan’s nephew shrank slightly, his figure quickly sank, and soon his feet fell on the ground.

At this moment, Su Yan discovered that although the Wei Li derived from the heavens and the earth is still there, it only only banned the space, and running on the ground is still no problem.

“Forbidden field?”

"Is it an ancient method, or a special cosmic mystery, will this happen?"

Su Yan whispered in his heart, he did not dare to move, hiding here to wait and see, and really worried that there are still old monsters staring at the monks who came out of the chaotic channel.

Soon, more and more monks began to discover that the power of heaven and earth is just a ban on space. There is no problem running on the ground.

This area has also begun to be chaotic, affecting far and far.

The same batch of strong people also left most of them, madly crossing, wanting to return to report, they feel that a big event has occurred.

"It turns out they don't know what happened."

Su Yan was inquiring about the news nearby, and some local creatures were so arrogant that this was the first time that there was no such record in the ancient books of their family.

However, this is very beneficial to Su Yan, and even the power of the strong is suppressed.

Su Yan also followed the flow of people, confidently running here.

Still staying here waiting for Su Yan's old antiques, can only blink dry, too many people, if you really start, there will be news spread, this funeral family but there is a fierce **** sitting, they do not want to provoke the family .

"This old guy is really targeting me!"

Su Yan's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and he did not return to the distance, followed by the crowd, rushing into the chaos of the chaos.

The corner of the magnificent world is full of wild and old-fashioned atmosphere. The age of existence in this world cannot be measured. From generation to generation, generations of people have come out, and the strong have hegemony, which has made many people in the world.

Chaos ruins, the territory is endless.

In this vast territory, Su Yan did not realize any familiar taste. I don’t know if I can see it, the ruined rivers and mountains left by Xianxing Earth, and even the complete world.

"How far has it been!"

There are too many people in the industry, and it is difficult to count clearly.

Su Yan did not know how long it took to attack. In short, this area was completely chaotic, and hundreds of millions of miles of rivers and mountains were affected. The forbidden space was too grand, and even the news was difficult to spread in a short time.

Many people hope that the universe will be opened, but Su Yan does not think so. He feels that a terrible oven is burning between the heavens and the earth, and the unique power of the heavens and the earth is sprayed, thus affecting the changes in the world.

"Look at you!"

Some people in the distance exclaimed, and many people followed the distance.

Su Yan's face is not normal, he looked around in the crowd, found countless people, rushing in a direction, and even the king of God to take the lead!

"What happened in the end?"

There are too many people coming in, and there are countless numbers. There are also some powerful people who are also rushing, seemingly chasing some kind of treasures that are about to be born.

Su Yan looked at the destination of their attack. He could see that in the distant world, there were chaotic lightnings and more powerful air spurts.

There is definitely a root cause, and it is constantly starting to resurrect from the slumber, but in the process, the billions of miles of territory are covered with terrible banned airfields, and the world seems to be fluctuating!

"It’s terrible, is it that some kind of treasure is born?"

Su Yan screamed, the tail rushed with the crowd, some people leaked some clues on the way.

"I don't know, but the lord has a command, and the whole family rushes over. This is the biggest creation in history to be opened!"

Some people have a tone of excitement, which makes people feel awkward. The king of God exclaimed: "The strongest creation in history, here is the birth of a strong land, is it a short-lived prototype of the universe, has been nourished for a long time, has been developed The universe is awesome!"

The strongest in history?

This is really scary, and some people have to go up and imagine.

Although Su Yan can see some blurred images of the destination, the distance is quite far and wide, and the movement that is mainly from the source direction is amazing!

Another day passed, countless creatures ran on the earth and crossed towards a destination!

On the final day, a loud bang exploded.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth are cracked apart, and the sound is too fierce. Just as the billions of oceans are roaring, the sentient beings are directly on the ground, and the king of God feels that the flesh is to burst!

This is not a killing, but a deterrent for the birth of high and low, but even the king of God is extremely difficult to bear, spurting blood.

Su Yan’s eyes are a little black, but he can still stand.

Immediately, Su Yan felt that a vast amount of energy was awakening, overwhelming, accompanied by the ancient airflow in the thin, rushing out, do not know how many large areas run through, in short, there is a trend towards the end of the universe!

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