Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 964: End of auction

The entire avenue auction house has gathered the strongest people from all walks of life, and there are also big people from all ethnic groups watching this in the box.

So, how much is it special?

Many people's faces are not normal, and even some people's skins are faintly twitching. This is where the sings come out. Is this the rhythm of Qiu Ming?

And the family's earthquake map, now is managed by Qiu Ming!

With this in hand, even the mighty power can't easily suppress Qiu Ming. The earthquake map is a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sect. It is.

What can Su Yan say? Take a look at the observations, and give Qiu Ming a hundred pounds of chaotic treasures as a cost of observation, the value is very high, but for Qiu Ming, is it not to call Huazi?

Qiu Ming’s face was suddenly gloomy, and the other side was the one he opened!

"I don't know what level of treasure is this?" Qiu Ming's three times of opening, just to see the true meaning of the blasphemy, it seems that this is really true."

"I think the mysterious person in the box is of great significance. Even Qiu Ming’s face is not given. Today I am really ups and downs!"

"There are so many strong people in the auction venue who have not seen the mystery of the human form. Only he can see it. This is enough to illustrate a problem. Perhaps this person also comes from the restricted area of ​​life?"

Some people are confused. They are still fresh in their memories of the previous auctions. After all, they have also brought out a horror gamble. However, they have watched many times during the auction, but they really don’t see what kind of hidden feelings they are.

Is this really a very special treasure? Or is it that the forging process is so horrible? Valuable to let Qiu Ming pay special attention.

"Abominable avenue auction house, abominable avenue auction house!"

As for the original owner, it is really regrettable that the intestines are green, although he does not know how high the value of the human form is, and even how special, but this thing is worth the blood.

Now that everything is late, Su Yan has already bid for the human form, this is his treasure.

I don't know, but I know, I can't wait to spurt!

"Qiu Ming brother!"

Suddenly, Han Weiran came out, changed his previous attitude, and looked docile. She was born with a glamorous and noble appearance. Nowadays, this face is gentle and charming, attracting the hot eyes of many men.

Han Weiran looked at Qiu Ming with her eyes, and her eyes were like a silky voice. The tone of her voice was dripping: "Qiu Ming’s brother is in a hurry, but the human form is only his tenth day. After ten days, he will return to me. By the time, Qiu Ming My brother took it away directly!"


When Qiu Ming, who was in a bad mood, heard Han Weiran's words, he was a little surprised and obviously didn't know about the gambling.

"I will tell Qiu Ming brother later, Qiu Ming brother will follow me first."

Han Weiran took Qiu Ming’s hand and provoked the bright pearls of all ethnic groups. After all, Qiu Ming was the ultimate king. He admired his arrogant woman.

At the same time, Han Weiran’s eyes flashed a cool color, and he yelled at Su Yan’s box: “Keep my things safe. After ten days, I hope that you will be sent to me in full. If there is a trace of damage, I can Can't spare you!"

After that, Han Weiran took Qiu Ming and went to the box.

"Little brother, your tone is really big, if my Tianshi article is missing a word, don't blame me for packing you up!"

Su Yan’s voice also floated over, and Han Wei, who was half-footed into the box, was so angry that he decided to wait for the avenue to open, and unloaded Su Yan.

"Hey, Qiu Ming is Qiu Ming, Han Weiran is the most outstanding lady of the Korean family."

Zhu Yongjia was amazed for a while, and he glanced at the bamboo moon. He said with a look: "The cosmic mother liquid is taken out and taken out. This Qiu Ming is really rich in financial resources. Some people have really lost watermelon and sesame seeds!"

The strongest of the Tianzhu Yimai knows that Qiu Ming looks at the other side of the bamboo moon, especially in the past few years, the bamboo moon is in the family, and Qiu Ming came to Tianzhu for several times in order to see the bamboo moon.

However, the bamboo month is closed to the door, and some of the veterans of Tianzhu are dissatisfied. Although they know that Qiu Ming has other pictures, if the relationship between Zhuyue and Qiu Ming goes further, they will also be equal to Qiu Ming is tied to his own ship.

Unfortunately, he did not care about Zhu Yue, and he was always dissatisfied.

This makes Tianzhu a strong force and helplessness. Moreover, Han Weiran of the Han family, the first noble woman of the Korean family, has long been closely related to Qiu, and if the Tianzhu pulse is inserted from the middle, it will also anger the entire Korean family. .

Therefore, Tianzhu Yimai does not care about this.

"Bamboo Yongjia, you don't talk, no one treats you as dumb." Zhu Yue's tone is a bit cold.

"I am not talking about the facts?" Zhu Yongjia snorted: "Han Weiran was not so strong before. It must have been that Qiu Ming gave her some resources. The cosmic mother liquor should not be too expensive, and this thing is also the same." There is not much, and you will not want to get a share of the universe mother liquor!"

Zhu Yongjia's tone is very heavy. Tianzhu has a strong pulse. There are only a few cosmic liquids in the family. They have long been booked by such geniuses as Zhu Yongjia. Waiting for them to step into the realm of the gods is the moment to use this heaven and earth. !

Zhu Yuexiao laughs, cosmic mother liquor, he still remembers that Su Yan took out a can and then a can of cosmic mother liquor!

However, this guy does not even know what the mother liquor is.

It is also because of the cosmic mother liquid that Su Yan took out, so that Zhuyue accumulated a strong foundation in the realm of the gods and perfected its own defects.

Otherwise, in returning to the natural bamboo, it will not let the family ancestors pay more attention. It is also because of this reason that she can enter the peak of the gods at an extremely fast speed. Now she has the fruit of the stars and the moon. The king of the king also feels tighter. .

"What are you laughing at?" Zhu Yongjia was angry.

The bamboo poncho flutters and the white body of the snowy moon, she is beautiful and holy, full of crystal-clear hair floating down the waist, exudes an amazing beauty.

Bamboo Moon’s ignorance made the bamboo Yongjia more angry.

In the box of Han Weiran, Qiu Ming was suspicious of the information that Hankang kept saying, and the person in the box was Su Yan?

However, when I recalled this person named Su Yan, Qiu Ming really believed in it. Looking at the vast cultivation community, who would dare to talk to him like this?

"Yin, you are sure that the thing is very extraordinary?" Han's old master was dignified and asked.

"Not bad!"

Qiu Ming nodded and said: "It is very likely that the forging of the history of the great forging, even the human form itself, should be strong enough!"

"Hate, the little beast was pitting me!"

Han’s old master carefully thought back, his face changed again and again, and angered: “At the time, I said that I had to buy a high price. The result said that the kid said that he spent money to buy it, and gambled on the history of my Han family. It’s fooled!”

"The elders are flustered." Han Weiran chuckled. "Now, Qiu Ming’s brother is coming. I care who he is. I have Qiu Ming’s brother sitting here, can't I still deal with him!”

"Not bad, hahaha, if it is really Su Yan children, his last days really come!" Han Jia old master laughed, this is not bad.

"Well, these days, you are with me, retreat for a few days!"

Qiu Ming also nodded. In order to ensure that nothing was lost, he would find ways to improve the strength of Han Weiran. If he can successfully win Su Yan, then whether it is a human form or a topographical chapter, he will be in the bag.

"Thank you Qiu Ming brother." Han Weiran was amazed. A red long dress set her beautiful and enchanting, and her eyes swayed out of the water.

"I hope that thing will not let me down!"

Qiu Ming is still obsessed with it. The technique of the awe-inspiring work is the strongest inheritance in the peak of forging, and even the cockroach is probably the rare treasure of the powerful series!

In any case, this thing Qiu Jing is bound to win, if the other party is Su Yan then it is more perfect.

"Don't be wise."

Han’s old master did not rest assured: “Su Yan’s kid is also very evil. Although he is not sure if he is, he can’t care!”

"I said elders!"

Han Weiran was dissatisfied with frowning: "Qiu Ming's brothers have all shot, what is Su Yan? My Qiu Ming brother can crush him with a finger. It is not enough to worry about it. What are you worried about? Just stepping into the field of the gods, he and I have a whole eight small realms. I am alone enough to suppress Su Yan!"


Qiu Ming said in a deep voice: "How do you talk to the elders? Su Yan, I don't put it in my eyes, but I am always careful. I have helped you improve your strength in these few days. You must also practice hard, don't give me care. ""

"The people know." Han Weiran is a gentle sheep, and he listens to Qiu Ming.

"Ha ha ha, Qiu Ming, you have peace of mind, I am going to go out, I am going to return to the family now." Han Jia old master is very satisfied with nod.

"The elders go slowly."

Qiu Mingmu sent him away, and then his eyes looked at the box where Su Yan was. I wanted to use the eyes of the sky to look at one or two, but when I thought about it, I shook my head. After all, it was the avenue auction house. You can't break the rules at will.

This auction conference held by the Avenue Auction House is over!

There were also news that skyrocketed, causing a series of sensation in Avenue City.

After all, a gamble after ten days is so amazing that even Qiu Ming is involved. How can we not let the major groups move? Once the gambling of the avenue is opened, it is afraid that it will attract all the powerful to come to watch the battle.

At the same time, the major shops in the Avenue City are full of enthusiasm, it is extremely hot.

A large number of monks who rushed out of the auction, looking at the human form with red eyes, the most important thing is the human form that can be integrated with it!

There were even news leaks that caused a lot of shock.

“Master of the treasures at the avenue auction house, is it eye-catching?”

The impact of this incident is huge, an auction, if you can't see the eye, the credibility is destined to plummet.

After all, the avenue auction house is still a giant, and will not be a mistake, which will lead to great damage.

However, this incident caused a group of Jianbao masters in the auction house to blink.

In fact, they took advantage of Su Yan’s time to collect treasures, and a group of Jianbao masters gathered together to study the human form.

However, they are allowed to study, and there is no other special value in the study of human form.

This makes them all smile, Nima is what this is, with their knowledge, what treasures have not been handled, but can not study what is special about this.

Even the temperamental Master Jianbao said: "I see him confessing clearly, what kind of treasure is this? There is also Qiu Ming, the king of the eight lambs, but the point is out, he is looking for something!"

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