Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 975: Su Yan's spoils

The monks of the audience looked silly, and one after another began to stunned.

The gods of the older generation have blinked their eyes and felt that they have seen their eyes. How could such an outrageous thing happen? It is unheard of.

"Miscellaneous things, Han Weiran, what are you doing, ah!"

Han’s old masters, all mad at the body, pointing to Han Weiran, really have to be directly bombed by Han Weiran’s practice!

People don't know what happened to the evil spirits. Han Weiran can't be mutinized anymore? !

Now they see Han Weiran holding an antiquities in his hands, presented to Su Yan, a pair of Su Yan female slaves, the attitude is docile.

Very few people have discovered that Su Yan’s pupils are singularly scented with strange brilliance, and the faint glimpses of the sacred spurs are intertwined and bloomed in his pupils, so that horror is like a glory in his eyes. !

Su Yan's eyes are as if the complete Qiankun Avenue is presented. The two worlds are so deep, vast, grand and magnificent that they are not traced back to the source.

"This is the killer of Han Weiran?"

Zhu Yue whispers in his heart, this leather drum is presented at this time, it is definitely not simple.

However, Su Yan was in a pinch, directly using the eyes of Qian Kun, locked the spirit of Han Weiran, and let her dedicate the skin drum to Su Yan.

In fact, Zhuyue is not unexpected. The first Han Weiran is the first noble woman of Han family. Coupled with the relationship with Qiu Ming, Han Jia is reluctant to let Han Weiran go out for adventure and experience. After all, he is worried about Han Weiran’s accident.

This also led to the very few battles that Han Weiran experienced. She and Su Yan, who had been killed from countless deaths, even if her Han Weiran’s fighting power surpassed Su Yan, could not be Su Yan’s opponent.

There is also Qiankun’s eyesight, which is extremely strong, and the monk with insufficient strength can’t hold back the shock of Qiankun’s eyes. Only the strongest person of the Iron King can resist the training of Qiankun’s eyes. Daohang, Qian Kun eyes are extremely difficult to threaten the king of God.

But waiting for him to be strong enough, this Kun Kun eyes is naturally scary enough, and the future will definitely make Su Yan use for life!

"What is she doing!"

Han Kang is going crazy, he quickly wants to understand, it is definitely Su Yan’s technique, which affects Han Weiran, which makes Hankang crazy. Once Han Weiran loses, Han’s family will face Su Inflamed blood attack three times!

Their super-powerful, the originator of Qimen's pulse, even lost to Su Yan in succession. This kind of shame is unbearable to the Han family, and there is a feeling of living away from Han Weiran.


The sound of indifference blew, accompanied by the vast power of the gods, the brilliance of the brilliance, the splendor to the extreme.

In the avenue city, there was a round of constant ancient days, burning and blazing, and there was a ray of light, which made 茫茫天宇 turbulent.

The shocking energy spreads, and the monks in the earthquake field tremble, and the peaks of the gods are trembled.

Even the king of iron and blood is upright, and feels that a supreme creature awakens here, overlooking the eight deserts, letting the iron king flustered, and the heart chills.

"A good Qiu Ming."

The Jagged King stares at the figure of awakening. At this moment, Qiu Mingshen Megatron, the well-deserved king of the top, is so horrified that the gods and kings gathered here are scared. The accumulation of his accumulation is really scary.

In particular, this is a cold, earth-shattering, want to pass to the avenue of the avenue!


The Emperor Kangbo also followed the cold, this Qiu Mingzhen is arrogant enough, thinking that the avenue is free to shake? This is the battlefield where both powers have been overpowered, and the king of God alone cannot influence this battle.

The true avenue of the avenue shines autonomously, solemn and solemn, and isolates the sound waves of Qiu Ming.

Qiu Ming’s face is cold and humiliating Han Weiran, just humiliating him!

Although Qiu Ming and Han Weiran have no substantive relationship, who does not know his relationship with Han Weiran.

Qiu Ming's momentum is even more prosperous, and all the pores are spitting out the infinite amount of light, and the breath is arrogant. The four sides of the earthquake are watching the body's blood and blood, and they must be planted on the ground!


King Kangbo angered: "Qiu Ming, dare to destroy the gambling of the avenue, you are enemies with the entire temple!"

This voice has a strong enough shock, so that Qiu Ming's heart is angry, but he really does not dare to force the shot, once the rules are broken, it is equal to ignoring the temple, and even spread out to his prestige.

"It seems to be awake!"

At this time, Han Weiran’s avenue crystal on his neck glowed, and Han Weiran lost in nothingness, igniting a magic lamp and illuminating the gray!

Han Weiran's eyes began to be clear, struggling, and there was a tendency to return to God. Even the power of the gods in her eyebrows began to gather, and I wanted to strike on the drums!

"Not coming yet!"

Su Yan exudes the sound of thunder, his figure is standing on the ground, and his momentum is rushing.

A pair of deep pupils are faintly golden, and his scorpions are filled with horrible air. If the two great ancient dynasties are in turmoil, the shock of the end of the universe will be given to Han Weiran, so that she is about to tremble in front of Su Yan!

"A terrible scorpion."

The gods in the field are changing again and again. What is this technique? They have never heard of it.

Qiankun's eyes are too old, and there are so many martial arts in the world. Even the old monsters are extremely difficult to see Su Yan's martial arts.

In short, under the reflection of the golden pupil, Han Weiran once again fell into confusion, and hands holding the leather drum, presented to Su Yan.


The whole frying pan was over, and it was incredible.

It is too difficult for a **** king to think that it is difficult to control a **** by shackles alone.

Of course, the success of Su Yan is still due to the lack of experience of Han Weiran. I have never experienced many kills. Or can I control a **** with ease?

When Su Yan’s palms were held in the hands of the drums, Han Weiran struggled fiercely, and his most important treasure was taken away, let Han Weiran instantly clear up and screamed directly: “You are a little beast, you pit I!"


Su Yan was furious and released the power of the dragon and the tiger as a whole, shaking the world.

However, Han Weiran in the state of madness broke out with the strongest force to sacrifice the sun and moon and the mountains and seals, and shattered against Su Yan!


However, Su Yan’s Yuanshen directly recovered, and the Yuanshen force bombarded the leather drums!

The khaki leather drum made a sigh, and the sound sounded calm. In fact, it was passed to the moment when Han Weiran knew the sea. The sky collapsed, the ghosts cried, and her knowledge of the sea was torn apart!


Han Weiran screamed screamingly, holding his head and mourning.

This scene made Su Yan somewhat dazed, even scared. What kind of treasure is this? How can he have such a strong destructive power, although his **** is infinitely close to the realm of the gods, but the power of the drums is enough to threaten his god!

"The leather drum seems to be the treasure of Qiu Ming!"

Someone slammed openly and recognized the origin of the ancient leather drum. This is a **** drum. It is an extremely precious ancient treasure. If the spirit of the caster is strong enough to shock the **** of the god, the value of this thing is too Expensive!

If you really use it for auction, the value is definitely much higher than the value of the humanoid auction!

After all, if the **** of the drums falls in the hands of the Emperor Kangbo, the Emperor Kangbo must be the fierce **** that cannot be provoked by the realm of the king of God. Therefore, the value of the drum is very expensive, and the money is not true. Can buy it!

"Oh my God, take the drums of God, the treasure of the gods of Qiu Ming God!"

The whole scene was sensational. This is a rare and rare treasure. It is a special restraint of the gods. Once it falls into the hands of the gods, the gods and kings can rely on the gods and drums to become the top kings of the king.

The king of iron and blood is screaming, and the **** drum is in the hands of Su Yan, which is too funny!

As for the face of Qiu Ming, the faint faintness is distorted, so treasure, lost the sorrow and not heartache, but also fell in the hands of Su Yan, this is a shame!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The sound of the avenue of the avenue, Su Yan smiled constantly, only feels dripping.

He was targeted by Qiu Ming. Once he was running the earthquake map, he almost broke the road of Su Yan.

Nowadays, he took out the **** of the drums and handed it to Han Weiran to deal with himself. The result was too big. The power of the drums had not been played yet, and he was given a hand by Su Yan.


A group of strong people in the Han family are mad, and they don’t care about any treasures.

The Han family cares about the inheritance of "Tianshi Pian". The treasures are gone, but the Tianshi articles are the ones that their ancestors are proud of. Once they are taken by Su Yan, then a seven-character young master is very It’s about to be born!

" Lost?"

At this time, the strong men who have returned to God from this battle shock really have to spurt blood.

They spent huge sums of money betting on Han Weiran, and Han Weiran ended in disastrous defeat!

Many people want to die, what is this?

As for the Emperor Kangbo, he laughed, and he earned it. He bet on Su Yan’s entire 35,000 kilograms of chaotic treasures, and there were very few people who bet on Su Yan. The casino lost all the money. Enough for the Emperor Kangbo to make a profit!

Of course, the gambling of the gambling is also scary, but this has nothing to do with the Emperor Kangbo, this is the proceeds of the avenue auction house.

The Korean family’s overall face is really eye-opening. What should I do now?

"You are a beast..."

Han Weiran pointed to Su Yan, shuddering, this shame she could not bear, how to lose, how could Su Yan shocked to lose self-awareness!

"This monk!"

Han Weiran roared again and again, so that the bamboo moon was angry, and the jade hand clenched and gasped for a while.

Su Yan’s face was a little cold, and her eyes looked at Han Weiran. Then she said to the Emperor Kangbo: “The Taoist temples are strong, and this victory has been determined. Can this woman be my loot?”

Iron King is big!

This madman, do you know that Qiu Ming is also entrenched here, this guy really wants to hide in the avenue city for a lifetime? He didn't know how terrible the disaster was caused by angering Qiu Ming. There was a restricted area of ​​life behind him. Once a powerful person came out to ask for sin, Su Yan would be a mold.

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