Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 989: Killing from the restricted area!

"Congratulations to the Lord, above Hexi!"

Among the officials of Xue Guan, one of them, his subordinates all brushed up to Daxi, how strong the forbidden zone behind Qiu Ming, most of the subordinates did not understand, but some people know very clearly!

The forces behind Qiu Ming definitely have this energy to attack the Avenue City, and they are not worried about the revenge of the Temple!

Of course, with only one drop of fairy material, it is simply not enough for the group behind Qiu to make these decisions!

The most important thing is the series of singularity, this is the crucial introduction, and it is worthy of risky shooting with the addition of immortal material.

If the gambling is right, the results are completely different, and they are likely to give birth to a super strong heritage!

"Spiritual material, a series of sorrowful works, enough for my family to spend a lot of money!" Qiu Ming laughed constantly, Su Yan also died soon, and thought of his surrender in front of himself, Qiu Ming's mood was comfortable. .

"I thought it was safe enough to hide in the city of avenues? The things that people think about dreams, there is really no one under this day that can stop me from killing Qiu to kill one person!"

Qiu Ming snorted and felt that the overall situation had been fixed. Since their restricted area decided to take the shot, it was nothing to break through the avenue city, although the old monsters of the various ethnic groups now in the avenue city are also eager to move.

However, there are some peak groups that don’t even know what the singularity of the series is, and they are afraid that they will not make a big move.

The group of people he said refers to the ancestral temples of these giants!

As for the other groups, there is no threat or pressure for Qiu Ming. Once the group is ironed, Su Yan will not live for too long.


Some people saw that Qiu Ming was in a good mood and quickly went to whisper: "I have something to report, the last time the Han family was defeated, this gambling thing..."

Wen Yan, Qiu Ming's face suddenly chilled, suppressing the atmosphere and crowding the bureaucracy, so many war servants shivered.

Qiu Ming noticed that there was not much atmosphere. His body and mind were silent, the spirit fluctuated and he heard the sound of discussion in this street area.

Qiu Ming’s face slowly subsided.

Now the entire Avenue City is insanely passing, saying that Qiu Ming is not keeping his credit, the gambling thing is on his account, and he is the title of the younger generation!


Qiu Ming’s fist slammed into the ground and shouted: “Su Yan, you dare to ruin my reputation, I will not smash you, I will not call Qiu Ming!”

He is really mad, and his character is very concerned about his reputation, but because he is passing information on the restricted area in the retreat, the result is a big change, and there are rumors everywhere.

"Master, I think it should be settled as soon as possible, or else it will be delayed for a long time, and there is a loss of the reputation of the Lord!" His subordinates were nervous.

Qiu Ming's body is full of anger, and now the remaining cosmic mother liquid is added, is not to let outsiders laugh!

But if this hole can't be replenished in time, this has a very striking blow to Qiu Ming's reputation.

"Su Yan, you are waiting for me, I see you can live for a few more days!"

In Qiu Ming’s heart, he is a sacred and ups and downs. He is a king of the gods, but Su Yan is only a small god. He eats a big loss in the hands of a god. Qiu Ming can sit still and not kill him. Resolve your heart and hate.

Even in the past few days of gambling, he lost the **** drum, more than a hundred drops of cosmic mother liquor, but also has a gap with the Korean family!

Han Weiran did not come these days!

Qiu Ming does not care about Han Weiran. He cares about the ability of the Han family. Whether it is a burial place or a real land in the future, it is necessary to help the Han family.

In short, all this is because of Su Yan!

Qiu Ming lost too much, and he made up his mind to make a one-off turn.

"Han, I lost so much, I don't even call me!"

Qiu Jing thought carefully, and was extremely dissatisfied with the Han family. The mood was extremely irritating. The universe mother liquid was too expensive, and the gambling resources were supplemented. He did not have much cosmic mother liquid left in Qiu Ming.

There are a lot of arguments from outside, so that Qiu Ming, who values ​​his reputation, can only bite his teeth.

Soon, he handed the cosmic mother liquid to the avenue auction house, and the old man in the auction sighed. This Qiu Mingzhen is rich enough, and the cosmic mother liquid has taken out hundreds of drops.

Even they are more envious of Su Yan, because a gamble has become a winner in life.

"Su Yan brothers, I took a lot of effort to get the cosmic mother liquid from the hands of Qiu Ming!"

The Emperor Kangbo’s fart is coming forward, meaning not too obvious. He also needs the cosmic mother liquid. This thing is very important for the Emperor Kangbo, and he can improve his inadequacy in the realm of the gods.

Even the Emperor Kangbo also gave Su Yan ten Tiantiandi treasures, and even he explored the whereabouts of other Tiandi treasures.

"You guy!" Su Yan blinked for a moment, what do you mean by ten Tiancaodi? Does the Emperor Kangbo want ten drops?

At first sight, like the poor ghost, King Kangbo, Su Yan black face, directly throwing him ten drops of cosmic mother liquid!

In the future, there must be something that needs the help of the big manager of the Emperor Kangbo. He believes that the Emperor Kangbo, who was pointed by the prehistoric big brother. There must be no small opportunities in the future. If you step into the field of power, you will invest in it.

"Su Yan brothers, let me say a few more words, Avenue City should not be more, and travel as soon as possible!"

The smiling face of Emperor Kangbo quickly converges. His demeanor is dignified. In recent days, he found that there are many faces in the avenue city. The breath is amazing, and the Taoist temples are as strong as the enemy. They are worried about someone. Regardless of the rules!

Once the iron law of Avenue City is broken, then the temple is also lost!

In short, if Su Yan had an accident in Avenue City, the first city of the universe was not safe, and the loss of the temple would be even bigger!

"I have my own opinion!"

Su Yan nodded, and he was also prepared for a few days. For the control of the human form, the drums are also working freely. The most important thing is that the Tianshi chapter is an important level of cultivation. As long as there are some opportunities, you can step into the seven. In the middle of the Pico gate field!

"I can go to buy these treasures and treasures, and continue to save the savings, you can step into the field of the gods!"

"My speed of practice really needs to be accelerated. The first life of the Chaos ruins is the Jedi. The burial place is the highlight. Among them, it is the treasure of the treasures, the hegemony of the hegemony of all races, and the hope of accomplishing great power!"

"There are reincarnations. I don't know what will happen when I fight for it. Where are the treasures? I need help now."

Su Yan felt a bit, a fierce spirit, this time he has been hiding in the Avenue Restaurant, then since their own news leaked, Bao Cai have they already arrived in Avenue City? Perhaps you are exploring your whereabouts!


The secret room of the bamboo retreat was pushed open, and a vast expanse of the gods came.

Su Yan’s nephew patrolled the past and saw a sly universe star, turned into a woman with a peerless position, and pressed against the universe, and she turned into a nine-day god, reflecting the eight deserts!

The final vision exploded, and a curve of fascinating Miao Man figure manifested itself, standing in the blurred star sea, full of destruction and new life!

Su Yan moved, saw the stars and seas bred the stars, the sun and the moon, and saw the sun and the moon destroyed, the Xinghai went into a collapse.

All of this stems from the appearance of this peerless figure, she is evolving two kinds of fruit, destruction and new life coexist.

The Emperor Kangbo was shocked. The atmosphere of Zhuyue was much stronger than that of Han Weiran. Even her body was extremely unique, and there was also a combination of destruction and new life, which evolved into a chaotic star sea and suppressed the world!

"The top god!"

Kangbi Shenwang commented that this must be the style that the gods should have. The Tianzhu vein was born with a strange woman, and the king of God was approaching the bamboo moon.

Undoubtedly, Zhu Yue practiced the mystery that was passed to her by the prehistoric big brother, and the fighting power doubled, and the cosmic mother liquid perfected its own foundation, which made the bamboo moon touch the extreme, but there was another kind of field from the extreme to the new field. the trend of!

what is this? During the practice of Zhuyue, it was also shocked. The secret technique passed to her by the prehistoric brother broke some routine!

"Big Brother, I bought some of the things I needed for my bodybuilding, so I can set off and pick the reincarnation!"

Su Yan said to the prehistoric big brother who drank alcohol, so that the heart of Kang Bo Shen Wang who heard this sentence was surprised, Su Yan knows the whereabouts of the reincarnation?

However, he went with great power, and Kangbo God did not ask much.

"Bamboo month." Su Yan's eyes looked at her again. Silence said for a while: "The road ahead is dangerous, the big brother is sure that I am innocent, but..."

Su Yan’s words and stops, do not want bamboo to follow, in the unlikely event of a difficult problem, Zhu Yue will also suffer, fearing that it will impede the status of Zhu Yue in the family.

"No problem." Bamboo month walks lightly, snow white body blooms Avenue Xianyun, she whispered: "Big brother passed my secret technique, I can count as a big brother half disciple, since I have to pick the reincarnation, I have to go with it. ”

Su Yan stunned, it seems that Zhu Yue also knows about the reincarnation of the fruit, and Tianzhu Yimai knows about this thing.


Su Yan no longer said anything more, and Kang Bo Shen Wang told him a lot of places to buy the things needed for the body.

In this way, they were three people, and they walked out of the Avenue Restaurant!

In fact, just at the moment when the door was pushed out, the entire avenue city was like a resurrection, the horror of light was pervasive, the invisible field extended, and the vast avenue city was in the room!

In the Avenue City, the universe is cold and cold, like falling into the ice!

They are afraid and uneasy, what is the situation? How suddenly the Avenue City was so unsettled, like the coming of the gods and the chaos, breaking the tranquility of the Avenue City and letting them suffocate.

Some people think that Avenue City is about to be bombed!

This is just a wave in the darkness of the sky!


There is a horrible air passage, it is a figure, and the gods are full of glory. It is just an imposing manner, which has already become a big shock!

"Zu Dianzutian!"

Wanling was eclipsed, and no one thought that the first one to stand out was the ancestral temple.


Su Yan's overall glory is great. He is like a lightning bolt. He is also screaming with terrible momentum. He is smashing up and forming an intertwined relationship with the ancestral momentum. There are many buildings in the looming area that want to collapse!

Everyone is amazed, is it necessary to open the war again!

On the avenue of the avenue, you must infect the blood of the heavens!

"Su Yan!"

Only the ending made them shocked, and the distance was big and the sky was thick, and the blood was crushed by the gods.

what is that?

Yangshuo, Holy God of War, Zhentian God of War, Northern Demon.......

The horrible figure is looming, like standing on the top of all beings, overlooking the world, with the invincible power of the same generation!

They turned out to be coming to Su Yan!

In the Avenue City, the dragon and the tiger are lying, the gods and the town of heaven and earth, weeping ghosts!

This confrontation is enough to make the people panic and trembling.

And this invincible power directly covers Su Yan, and it must be crushed to the depths of the abyss, and it must not be released for life.

"It’s all coming!"

However, the roar of the world, the release of fierceness, the smoke of the wolf, this day can not hold his edge, the desperate world can not cover Su Yan's spirit.

His long black hair is scattered, and his majestic eyes reveal the power of the gods and the sky. It is like a gathering of the essence of the great world. It brings together the origins of the kings of the world, and overwhelmingly releases the terrible kingly style. : "Is it eager to die?"

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