Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 991: God magic dance!

Su Yan stood in this shop for a long time, and he began to walk toward the blood-sensing place.

Soon he came to a place dedicated to the practice of monks, which is also the industry of the temple, guarded by strictness, no one dares to mess here.

Some of the strong followers of Su Yan can only blink dry, and their hearts are confused. When is this, Su Yan still has the mood to come here to practice? Can this guy still be stable?

This large-scale practice site, there is a strict array of isolation between the secret room and the secret room to ensure the safety and concealment of the guests.

In the halls of this place, there are some monks scattered in the practice room.

Just arrived here, Su Yan's nephew directly locked, a burly man, the little lion king did not cover his own appearance, with his weight, the ancestral hall has not yet reached the point of chasing the little lion king, even chaotic ruins So big, who knows who the little lion is.

"It's them!"

Su Yan’s heart was pleasantly surprised. I didn’t expect to see the little lion king. So since he came, it shows that Bao Cai has long left the galaxy. Now they are all in the chaos of ruins, maybe they are all here!

"Su Yan!"

The little lion king swayed with joy, and said: "We rented the Tianzi No. 5 box!"

Su Yan went straight and went over to the management and said that he would rent a box of Tianzi. This is a face that enthusiastically greets Su Yan. The rental fee for this day's box is not low. Two hundred pounds of chaotic treasure is needed a year.

Su Yan paid a month's rent and was led by a maid to the place where the Tianzi box was.

The entire Tianzi practice area has a large array of isolation. Su Yan came to this area and has noticed the Tianzi No.5 box. He called the leading maid. When the little maid looked back, her eyes were suddenly sluggish. .

This is Su Yan's pupil exudes a strange luster, and the eyes of the Kun Kun eye directly control the heart of the little maid.

"Su Yan is coming soon!"

At this moment, the Little Lion King waited anxiously in the practice room, and soon knocked on the door.

They were surprised and opened the door, and they saw Su Yan and his three men standing outside the door!

Two men and one woman, Su Yan had little impression of them.

Needless to say, the Little Lion King is the best descendant of the Blood Lion King, who once fought side by side in the Milky Way!

Another man in black, carrying a dark sword, all showed a sword-like meaning of a landslide. His name was Ye Yongning, and Su Yan was very impressed with him. He once smashed a god. In the first battle of the Milky Way, the younger generation of the funeral family, only Ye Yongning was a strong god.

Another woman named Xia Yu, and Xiahou have some blood relationship, she awakened the blood of the body, returned to the field of powerful bloodline, the war force surpassed Ye Yongning, is a strong god!

Little Lion King, Ye Yongjian, Xia Yu.

The three strong, the two peaks of the gods, the strongest of the gods, the rising stars of the young generation of the three funeral families, all have the strong power of the same generation!

"Ha ha ha!"

There was a big laugh in the secret room. It was only a few years ago. Although they only fought side by side once, they were connected by blood, and they were very excited at this moment.

"Your changes are really big enough. You have stepped into the peak of the gods!" Su Yan was a little surprised. He found that the three blood-stained people were extremely powerful and surprised.

"We have gone the big fortune, the old leader sent us to a Jedi to practice!" Ye Yongjian's sword and eyebrows screamed and said: "Unfortunately, our potential is worse, if it is not the summer rain because of the power of the blood The skyrocketing will not enter the field of the gods."

Su Yan moved, the old leader sent them out, and went to the Jedi to experience.

The time was very unforgettable for them. Some of the companions were not able to smash in the past. Even the little lion said: "If you return to Yuan, they will definitely change. According to the old leader, if the Jedi can run through, the harvest will be realized. No less than a pinnacle of the universe!"

"What!" The bamboo moon is eclipsed, and the value of the universe is so terrible. Even if it is discovered by the peak group, it will strictly keep secrets. Because these peak universes are conceived, it is hard to imagine, sometimes Will cause great competition.

"And, the old lord once explored this land of creation and took away the strongest creation. According to the old leader, the value is almost worthy of a broken universe!"

Xia Yu smiled and said that her eyes were large and curved into crescents, which is also the property of their family.

For the old leader, the powerful person who resorts to the sky, the adventures of the chaotic ruins are very long, and many discoveries have been found. This is the most amazing place in the creation. As early as before, the old leader has secretly arranged a cross-domain array, so that They run directly into the Jedi.

However, the greatest creation of the Jedi, that is, the biggest threat has been dug by the old leader, so the sinister nature is reduced a lot, or else they are extremely difficult to penetrate the entire universe.

Anyway, waiting for Baocai to go down the mountain will definitely change. After so long life and death experience, their achievements will not be low in the future, and they can shelter the wind and rain.

"That's great!"

Su Yan fiercely grips, waiting for him to meet with Bao Cai, and why are they afraid of the North Demon!

Even though the tensor is the strongest of Zhangjiacun, he is a generation of supreme body, and Baocai is a bigger variable. Su Yan believes that waiting for them to grow up will inevitably be the birth of the most terrible force of the funeral family.

"Su Yan, long story short, Avenue City is too dangerous, when are you going out?" Little Lion King worried.

"Ha ha ha, no problem, I can get your news in Avenue City, I am relieved!" Su Yan's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, said to them: "You are going out of the city now, to inform Yuan Yuan them, we.. ....."

Su Yan took out a topographic map and told them the location of the broken universe. Then Su Yan had to go to the reincarnation, and there must be a helper around him.

"Let's let us out of town now?"

The lion's hesitation made Su Yan mysteriously smile: "Reassured, this robbery is brought out by me. Naturally, there is a way to deal with it. Now the time is tight, you are not suitable to stay here to prevent people from being aware of our relationship!"

"You have a countermeasure." Little Lion King scratched his head. Although he did not know what Su Yan had, he could kill from this situation and would surely make a sensation in the universe.

However, they wanted to leave something like Su Yan before they left. This is the bodyguard of the old leader's refining. Even if the power can secretly start, it can withstand one or two.

"I can't use anything, you have to collect it, don't worry about me, the little lion king will start as soon as possible, to call them Yuan Yuan, then we have something big to do!"

Su Yan’s heart was expecting a lot of money, and he was able to fight alongside a group of old brothers. The reincarnation was a must. This thing Su Yan also studied during this time. This thing may be crucial in the time of Su Yan’s breakthrough. help.

Waiting for the little lion to leave for a moment, Su Yan is not ready to stay in the avenue.

"It's time to go out of town, I have to take a look, how many cows and ghosts will jump out!"

Su Yan’s eyes are murderous, and the best ancestral halls are able to come. Now this is a big enough thing. There are so many strong people staring at each other. If you give them a pot, it will shock the world!

Su Yan left the Tianzi No. 3 room and returned to the Avenue Restaurant on the way.

Along the way, there are many people who secretly pay attention to Su Yan. Even when he strolls outside the city, there is always a kind of uneasiness, which is always leaking in the eyes of some people.

There are definitely big people who are starting to observe their every move.

Su Yan sat in the room for a whole day, until the night, Su Yan is ready to leave.


Among the nights, half of the avenues suddenly became brilliant.

It was a lot of sharp and sharp pupils who opened the sky and looked at the restaurant in Suyan Avenue.

Among the heavily guarded avenues, there are tens of thousands of time and space fluctuations in the moment, and the vastness of the land is very fast.

At this moment, the Avenue City is like a purgatory of gods and spirits, and it is a horror beam, which makes this city shine to the extreme!

But this is not a fireworks, but a killing of the martyrdom.

In the whole city, countless monks were soft on the ground, shivering like a demon in the face of a group of purgatory, afraid of death.

"What do they want to do?"

The strongmen of the older generation are chilling. Is this group of people going tonight to smash the entire avenue restaurant, to use force in the avenue city?

In this city, but there is a temple in the old antiques, who dares to come here to wild, is it necessary to break out of the power!

It’s really important to have a Su Yan alone. There are absolutely other substances that attract them and can’t control them to die!


The darkness dissipated, and the avenue was in the middle of the city.

One after another, a wave of energy whistling, the vast gods shattered the heavens and the earth, this is a terrible big change, and immediately there are amazing monks exclaimed: "Su Yan to escape the city tonight, with a special secret method to play tens of thousands of trails He wants to escape the city!"

The whole avenue city is boiling, and some people even sigh. It is really scary to be able to live this step. So many people want his life, and the past generations can find several such sluts.


Some people think that this is the tragedy of Su Yan, but he has received the life-saving of the Han family.

Although they don’t know what it is, they can cause so many old monsters to fight in the Avenue City. It is definitely a shocking treasure.

The city is in chaos, and the demon and ghosts in the dark are madly locked in time and space, chasing the true direction of Su Yan’s escape.

However, taking advantage of the chaos in the whole city, I am afraid that few people will think that Su Yan and his party did not leave the space at all.

"let's go."

Su Yan walked out of the Avenue Restaurant and rushed to the fourth city gate at a very fast speed.

Although the guards at the gates of the city are on the verge of enemies, they will not check too much for the guests entering the city. Since ancient times, the avenues have not forbidden any monks to enter. They just do not mess in the city.

Just at the moment when Su Yan left the gate of the city, there was a sound of victory in the darkness: "Su brother, is there any hospitality in my avenue city? Why did you leave in a hurry, but I always wanted to send you a Cheng!"

His last sentence contained a kind of cold, letting the guards at the gate of the city shudder, cold hands and feet, this is a kind of killing, suppressing the entire city gate.

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