Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1000: Han family

One after another, a huge pressure of bloom, the vast spread, covering one big domain after another, causing countless souls to tremble!

"what is that?"

Countless monks are hairy, they begin to look at the source, but they are blurred, they can't see the truth, the world is covered up by the infinite gods, reverse the rules of the universe, create an independent world, shake the world!

"what is that?"

The king of the gods trembled. They only felt that the flesh was going to collapse, and the infinite breath continued to sink. It was called the starry sky to push down, and it was necessary to shake up the fields of life and bury the millions of souls!

The terrible light burns and radiates far away.

From this moment, the ruins of chaos, some of the terrible groups, the resurgence of the strong sleepers, open the pupils and look forward to, the heart is curious, what happened in the direction of the Avenue City, why there is such a terrible breath in the explosion !

This is a dark, ambiguous picture. In the looming, one after another, the ancient murderer released a brilliant glory in the darkness, tearing the sky and sinking a piece of Xinghai!

What are the terrible breaths of the strong and the heavy breathing?

From now on, a large number of strong people retreat, came to the Avenue City, nervous watching, they are afraid of being affected, resulting in a catastrophe, when the time can not control the death and injury!


The darkness of the earth is radiant, and the light of the nine hundred and eighty-one is like the nine hundred and eighty-one dragons lying in the air, exuding the atmosphere of destroying the earth and destroying the earth, extending far and far!

"Is the peak killing open?"

There are big people who are hairy. They are far apart, and they are still suffocated and uncomfortable by the awakening atmosphere. Is this a smashing game for the mighty sacrifice?

Even the Avenue City is autonomously shining, resisting the pressure from the Hanjia Township, the city is very sacred, illuminating the corner of the dark, sacred and solemn.

In a magnificent underground palace, the veteran of the old hall of Daodian stood up fiercely, whispering: "On the Lord, the Korean family is likely to play the foundation of the earthquake, and has accumulated a million years of foundation. Once, we want to join forces!"


The old hall of Daodian smashed a scorpion, letting the veteran of his knees cough up a blood, smashing out, the body almost fell apart, he groaned in horror, and wondered how he angered him!

Daodian old antiques must be mad, Nima, Laozi has been fully shot before, the result of prehistoric big brother took a palm!

It was just a warning, but one of the districts warned that he almost couldn't hold it. He was sure that this was a great power!

The Han family is absolutely looking for death, even if it is a strong foundation, to suppress a great power? It’s all about idiots and dreams!

Not to mention the Han family, even if it is the peak of the hegemonic forces, want to kill a great power alone, it is completely idiotic dream!

Even Qiu Ming’s pulse will be planted in the dark, and in short, there will be a **** event that will shake the universe.

He wanted to inform Qiu Ming, but let it go!

At that time, Qiu Ming still slandered his own rules and took away the material of the immortal. If he did, the old antiques of Daodian could not imagine how serious the consequences were. Perhaps he is now dead, definitely not just a small warning. simple!

"A terrible killing!"

Only those who are in the pattern can know how abnormal this killing is!

Even if Su Yan takes a look at the eyes, it is difficult to see how many clear pictures. In short, in the dark world, full of horrible deterrence, this is the world of heaven and earth, the formation of the life of the Jedi!

Su Yan had to admire that the accumulation of Han’s family for a million years is really against the sky. It’s no wonder that the family can stand on the same level as the Fengfeng group. The roots of this group are really against the sky and can withstand the invasion of powerful powerhouses.

Even the big killings are in the Korean family, the lineup is completely different, and the power will climb once again, fearing that it can really block the power!

"Kid, do you know it is amazing?"

The old man in black is sullen and sullen: "It’s a pity, now that you are soft, it’s already late. You have made this obstacle, and it’s the most powerful killing of my family. I have lost so much. I really should have frustrated you. !"

The half-step power of the two Korean families is looming in the darkness, and under the backdrop of the pattern, the momentum is infinitely horrible and strong.

And they looked at the prehistoric big brother with the cold scorpion. Although they are awed by the mighty, but if they can't kill the power today, then the future will surely encounter the disaster of the Han family!

"The power is not respected, I am looking for you to be dead!" Su Yan angered.

"Haha, a wild boy who came out of the backcountry, has never seen any big world. Today, let you see and see, what is the foundation, what is the group that will never die!"

The two living fossils of the Han family roared, and the moment when the vast dark areas trembled, the sky collapsed, and the instant of vomiting, the heavens and the earth of one vast and wide area, were all extracted.

The short-lived light, the world has changed, and the deepness is like the deep abyss.

A huge array of radiances, nine hundred and eighty-one stands, each of which is forged with rare chaotic treasures, which is the strongest inheritance of Qimen. This is the first ancestor of the Han family. A powerful and powerful person, a master of eight classics, spent a lot of years of hard work, collecting the world's rare treasures, and finally forged.

And millions of years have passed, and the nine hundred and eighty-eight stands have increasingly absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, and have long since changed in the precipitation of the years.

At this moment of the eruption, it is said that the murderous murderer is awakened, and as the 81-year-old giant dragon is erupting, God can horrify and smash the heavens and the earth, releasing the dense order of light.


The loud noises and the sky, the 80th array of resonances, collapsed in time and space, and 80 towers continued to shine, as if turned into eighty-one small universe, in the process of the boom, even slowly combined!

"A terrible big killing!"

The gods and kings are all hairy, and the eighty-one arrays are integrated into one, which outlines a cosmic wrinkle. Some people make bold speculations, which inevitably smelt a small piece of cosmic stone, because the world presented is really like the universe.

There are a large star turning, there are sun and moon, and there are mountains and rivers!

It sinks here, open up the earth, the corner of the suppressed universe is dull, the world has lost its brilliance!

No one had thought that the Han family’s township squad would be so tyrannical, and the family’s well-deserved Qimen’s originator.

"Give me the suppression!"

Two and a half steps can make a mad scream, they played the strongest foundation of the peak killing, the vague world of the universe is sinking, the stars are blasting, the scorpio is shattered, the big cracks are boundless .

This makes Su Yan's eyes red, and the peerless stage, if you can get it, half a step can be directly crushed by a face!

He really didn't think that the Han family still had this kind of means. This thing is more valuable than the avenues of the avenue. It can protect a long period of time. This is the most proud of the Han family. ,

Now I will do my best to fight it out, the universe will be in the sky, cover the sky, and I want to cover a big power!

"Is there a thrilling feat? The Han family has no power, but it is a powerful force to suppress a strong man!"

The sentient beings are not trembled. If this happens, this is true for the Korean family. It is enough to inherit the pride and glory of the long years. They suppress the giants of the world, and they can not cause shock.


The sky is falling, the mountains and seas are dry, and the sun and the moon are falling!

The picture of destroying the earth and destroying the earth is blurred, and the king of God can't see the pattern in it. The cold and sinister old antiques are difficult to see clearly, because in the process of peerless killing, the time and space are cut off, and the independent universe is evolved. Together, suppress all enemies!

"Can power be suppressed?"

"How hard it is to break the myth!"

"But the Korean family is a Han family after all. The ancestors of the family have been brilliant, and they have gone out of the eight-character master class of the big energy level. The remaining legacy has accumulated for millions of years, and maybe it can be successful!"

The onlookers are all excited, and in a vague world, everything can't be seen clearly.

Some people have seen that the figure of the power is covered up, but no one knows that the prehistoric big brother is still calm. For the Han family's heritage, the Taoist old antiques can only say emotion, but also has to be a ridiculous thing, use him to For a gem, this is a dream of idiots.

Su Yan found that the prehistoric big brother wanted to flap a palm and slam the hope of the Korean family.

Su Yan’s eyes on the bamboo moon, the intelligent bamboo moon directly grinned: “Big brother, it’s better to use the five-color battle flag. After all, if you shoot, it will destroy this supreme treasure. It’s a pity that this treasure is destroyed. If it is tempered, it will probably take it to the next level!"

The prehistoric big brother calmed down a little, and his palm was suspended in a crystal clear five-color battle flag.

Su Yan gave a thumbs up to the bamboo moon. If the big brother slaps the legendary details of the Korean family, then there is no way to play it. It will surely scare away the strong man of Qiu Ming!


The five-color battle flag broke out in an instant, dancing the wind!

The darkness was torn apart, and the five-colored sacred seas stirred up. It was called the Five-Five Sword, and it broke the darkness!

This battle flag is awakened by horror, and the flag surface woven with five powerful animal skins shines, and the hundreds of thousands of colors of the gods are bursting!

This is the five-color battle flag that the prehistoric big brother personally mobilized. It is the most beautiful avenue in the world. It is powerful and the ruined roads are broken. The magnificent flag faces the fuzzy universe that has fallen from the sky!

"Now we are still waiting for what we are waiting for. We can completely reverse the pattern. This is a good time to kill him. Let the five-color battle flag be turned into a spear of killing, and cooperate with Han Jiazhen to kill this powerful power!"

In one world, bamboo and silver made a crazy scream, and the opportunity she waited for finally came!

Tianzhu Yimai also came to a group of big people, the family's top avenue sacred soldiers lost, how can make Tianzhu a pulse to sit!

But nowadays, the prehistoric big brother played a five-color battle flag, indicating that he has been shocked by the Han family. Now is the perfect time to shoot, maybe you can kill a powerful strong!

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