Overlord of the Demon Realm

Chapter 245 Tracking

call out!

Ye Kong flashed in front of the Fire Rock Lizard, and the curse of the forest slashed down, hitting the opponent's body, directly cracking the rock above it.



There was a damage on the top of the Fire Rock Lizard's head, the value was very high, just one attack, its blood volume dropped a lot, and its body was hit stiff.

Fire Rock Lizard (level 14): normal-level creature, animal life, blood volume 1870/1870

As a level 14 wild monster, the flame lizard's blood volume is not high, but it is better than the rock formation on its body surface, which can reduce the damage of the enemy. Therefore, its defense is better than wild monsters of the same level. However, Ye Kong's attack power is very high. Even a level 15 special elite (clock tower guardian) can deal hundreds of damage with a single strike, let alone ordinary wild monsters.

Ordinary level, enhanced level, sub-elite level, elite level, leader level.

Each monster template, not only the difference in blood volume, but also the defense, attack power and skills, etc., the stronger the monster template, the higher the value in other aspects. To put it simply, the defensive power of enhanced wild monsters is much stronger than that of ordinary wild monsters, and the sub-elite level is much higher than that of enhanced level, and so on.

Therefore, when Ye Kong hit the Guardian of the Clock Tower, he would do 100+ damage with one strike, but when he hit the Fire Rock Lizard, he would do 400+ damage with one move of the Gale Sword.

"Hiss hiss!"

The Fire Rock Lizard was spitting out a letter and was about to fight back, but Ye Kong didn't give it any chance. Taking advantage of its brief moment of stiffness, he slashed down with a sword, making its blood volume into a disabled state.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!!"

The nearby fire rock lizards also found Ye Kong, and rushed over one after another. Since the opening of the first expansion piece, the range of hatred of monsters has become larger. If players don't pay attention, one accident will attract the whole Groups of monsters are also very common.

In the past, some teams, because they did not understand the situation, the ranger players who were responsible for attracting monsters accidentally attracted the entire monster group, which eventually led to the group's destruction.

Ye Kong didn't care, he came here on purpose to attract monsters, and planned to eliminate the entire group of monsters of the Fire Rock Lizard in the shortest possible time.


Ye Kong killed the fire rock lizard in front of him. At this time, the other seven-headed lizards also approached, screaming and killing him one by one. Ye Kong's body surface lit up, and he activated the skill of returning to heaven.

The four sword spirits gathered in the air, but they were not used to resist attacks, but directly integrated into his body. The next moment, Ye Kong not only recharged the spirit spell, but also gained a 12% damage gain (one sword spirit gain 3% injury), I saw that he didn't even look at the other lizards, and he slashed on the head of the frontmost lizard with a sword.



One sword hit close to 500 points of damage! The HP of the Fire Rock Lizard has dropped a lot. It's unimaginable that the Fire Rock Lizard's creature level is not low, even 2 levels higher than Ye Kong, but it behaves like a low-level wild monster. Wreak havoc at will.


9, -8, -9, -11

Fire rock lizards spat out their long tongues one after another and hit Ye Kong's body one after another, causing very poor damage. You must know that Ye Kong's weapon has been enchanted and forged, and has obtained a "toughness enchantment" with +5 defense power , plus the effects of other equipment, its own defense power is as high as 40 points, which is much higher than that of ordinary tanks.

In terms of numerical value alone, Ye Kong's defensive ability is probably better than his output ability!

To Ye Kong, the attacks of the fire rock lizards are like scratching an itch, and Ye Kong completely absorbed the reduced blood volume with normal attacks.

Fortunately, the Fire Rock Lizard has a higher level and has a suppressive effect on its attack. Otherwise, if the damage is lower, it will be exempted by Ye Kong's legendary talent--the ability to abuse vegetables of the legendary profession is not Just kidding.

When Ye Kong's equipment is better and wild monsters like the Fire Rock Lizard can't harm him (low damage is exempted), Ye Kong will be a nightmare for ordinary players. He is no longer eligible to play against.

boom! boom! boom!

System prompt: You have killed the Fire Rock Lizard, and the progress of the mission has changed to 3/10

System prompt: You have killed the Fire Rock Lizard, and the task progress has changed to 4/10

System prompt: You have killed .

The fire rock lizards exploded into spots of light. At the same time, Ye Kong's mission progress continued to increase. When he reached 8/10 of the mission progress, which was the last one, Ye Kong suddenly stopped.


The flame lizard took the opportunity to escape, and in the stiff state of being hit, it glanced at Ye Kong, and there was a sense of fear in its eyes, and the next moment, it turned around and fled!

A wild monster even escaped!

"Next, it's up to you." Ye Kong withdrew his long sword, but quickly chased after him, following behind the opponent in a leisurely manner, not in a hurry: "I hope you don't panic."

Judging from the signs, Ye Kong doesn't seem to have missed it, but rather did it on purpose. In fact, this is exactly Ye Kong's plan-now wild monsters not only have territorial awareness, but also have a significant increase in AI. The method is more flexible, even after realizing the strength of the enemy, they will take the initiative to 'flee' away!

Fleeing behavior is limited to ordinary wild monsters/enhanced wild monsters. Once they reach the sub-elite level, due to their own self-esteem as a leader, they generally will not flee, and will only fight to the end—especially above the leader, everyone is tough In the end, absolutely not cowardly.

Right now, Ye Kong took advantage of this, deliberately let the opponent go, and hung behind it, chasing him all the way. The Fire Rock Lizard in front, being chased by the fierce god behind him, ran desperately, fully displaying its moving speed.


While Ye Kong was chasing, doubts emerged in his heart: "It's strange, the speed of this fire rock lizard is surprisingly fast. According to reason, no spirit-eyed monkey at level 16 can run as fast as it."

It's strange, no matter how fast the Fire Rock Lizard is, it's impossible to get rid of Ye Kong. After all, Ye Kong's agility level, even a level 20 swordsman, may not be as high as his agility.

50 points of agility, known as the second threshold of the agility profession, is not without reason.

The speed of one man and one beast is very fast. Although they startled some monster groups along the way, because they moved too fast, they often lost their tracks before the other party could catch up.

For a while, Ye Kong saved himself the trouble and didn't have to deal with passing wild monsters.

After a while, the Fire Rock Lizard got into a cave passage, and Ye Kong, who was also a bold artist, followed directly. The two shuttled through the cave for a while, and then came to another underground space, which was covered with blue vegetation. Ye Kong has never seen a space like this before.

The Fire Rock Lizard didn't stop, it was still running wildly, Ye Kong hung behind it, one person and one beast ran across the entire space. Along the way, although he saw some collection materials, Ye Kong didn't stop, and followed the opponent with determination, making the Fire Rock Lizard almost run out of the "psychological shadow".

The two ran through several underground spaces and a large number of cave passages, and finally, the front suddenly became empty, and an underground space full of hot flames was revealed in Ye Kong's eyes.

at the same time,

There are also hundreds of Fire Rock Lizards.

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