Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 441 The possibility of non-existence

With the disappearance of that existence, the darkness in the entire underground space seemed to have become much lighter. Countless people with delusional implants and spores crawled on the ground in various weird and indescribable postures, raising their heads at weird angles. Staring evilly at Ron and the others.

while surrounding their temporary master.

The elf with dark eyes and no white eyes tilted his head, and his pair of pointed ears moved. Immediately, a huge and funny smile grinned under his nose, extending all the way to the base of the ears on both sides, regardless of the flesh. Therefore, he didn't even notice that he was torn apart.

He was wearing the clothes that Ron had worn when he last saw him - in that underground cave - but without the dust, mud and bloodstains at that time, so he looked bright and beautiful. He took off his rapier, raised it horizontally, and pointed it directly at Ron's throat.

"Long time no see, hehehe..."

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The sound of "click" spread from his tailbone upwards, and finally the sound gradually became louder at the cervical spine, as if there was a big invisible hand, forcibly breaking his neck into three angles, and finally put it into a pose The same weird posture as those long-dead plants on the ground.

"Speaking of it, my body is like a cat house (a euphemism for a brothel). Anyone can use it to manipulate it at will, but I can't control it at all - interesting, really interesting."

The elf quickly approached everyone with steps that he did not recognize. Anyone who has received weapons training can see that "Mindatis" is using some kind of dexterous steps to match the upper body swordsmanship at the moment, but because his whole body is full of With a weird aura on both the mysterious and physical sides, his footsteps were like a drunken zombie, sloppy yet stiff, rigid yet casual.

"Come on, what are you afraid of?" Mindatis swayed forward and stabbed out the rapier like a poisonous snake, but was blocked by the Hell's Angel kite in Victoria's hand. There was a muffled "bang" sound, and the priest His expression changed, and he took a few steps back before he could steady himself.

"What a strong force!" The priest's expression was solemn, not only expressing his surprise, but also reminding his companions.

"Why, when you chose this guy in the town, did you think that this day would come?" Mindatis let out a creepy smile, but did not continue to attack. Instead, he attacked like a cat attacking a mouse. He jumped back and kept a certain distance from Ron and others.

"If you were on my side at that time, you would definitely be very different now! How long have you been following this guy? You can't even take a sword from a dead man?"

"It's not so much a dead person as a puppet at the mercy of others." Ron stared at the elf, judging its true form in his mind. Logically speaking, the gray mist should have appeared long ago, but for some reason But he didn't show up for a long time, which made Ron have to be extremely vigilant.

The opponent should not be an ordinary undead or resurrected living person, so the "banker's" method may not be that simple.

"Look at yourself, do you really think you are in a good state? Or is it a good fate to be your subordinate?" Ron looked at the other person and spoke slowly, "Where are the servants before you? Where are the bandits? Where have they gone?"

"I still remember the dwarf who followed you. He was loyal to you, but unfortunately you were so inhumane that you abandoned him so easily."

The smile on the elf's face narrowed slightly, but doubled in size when Ron finished speaking: "Hoho...ah, yes, yes, you are right!"

"Ron, you are the winner, at least the winner who defeated me, so of course everything you said is right! Hehehehe!"

"But let me ask you, what's wrong with how I look now? How is it compared to when I was punched to death by you or a fledgling boy?! You mean, I should Isn’t it right to stay like that and rot in the ground?”

"I have not lived too long. I consider myself to be the best among adult elves because I know how to deal with the world. But I didn't expect that you are better at being a hypocrite than me!"

Two streams of filthy and fishy liquid gushed out from those obsidian eyes, and fell into Mindatis' extremely cracked mouth: "You are responsible for everything I have done today! If you hadn't killed me, how could I have left?" To where we are today!”

"At that time, you were fully armed, and I had even run out of spells. Both sides relied on their abilities. I don't think there was anything unfair," Ron said lightly, "But I'm not referring to that point. You actually , we could have avoided getting into this muddy water, right?”

"Why did the Hailan Empire die, and why was it despised by the whole world? As their loyal supporter and a well-educated nobleman, you should know that everything you do is meaningless, right?"

"So what if you really find Baron Saran's treasure? So what if you find Gilennis? Even if you and that baron rebuild the Hylan Empire, it will still be destroyed! Humanity may Forget the sins it committed more than a century ago, but the dwarves will not, the halflings will not, the dwarfs will not, and the elves will not!"

"You could have lived your whole life as an elf in any way you wanted! But you didn't! You chose to stand here and smirk at me! You said yeah yeah yeah but you just wanted to kill me and turn me into a monster with the same moral character as you!"

"I just came to this world by chance, and happened to have an intersection with you. I am just a short-lived species with a lifespan of only a hundred years - all this is your own choice, don't even think about blaming me!"

"I chose? Do I have a choice?!" Ron's words did not seem to move the elf who should have died long ago, but instead aroused the violence in its heart, "I was born in such a country! Born in such a family! I have never had such a thing on my body since I was born. I have already shouldered the mission and responsibility! I have noble blood flowing in my body! I should take on the responsibility of rejuvenation! This is all destined since I was born! "

"Tell me, do I have a choice? !"

The elf screamed at the top of his lungs, but did not move Ron in the slightest. The young human looked at him and nodded slowly: "Yes, you do."

"Some people are born as landlords and bureaucrats, but they hope that the poor people in the world can stand up. Some people are comprador criminals, but they want to fight for the interests of the motherland from the hands of the suzerain. Individuals can betray their classes, so why not?"

"If humans are like this, why can't you do it, think of it, or see it with a long life? If you live Just to be driven by others, follow the established route from birth to death, and rise and fall together with a poisonous flower that is born with extreme poison. What difference does a life span of 700 years have to you, compared with 70 years or even 7 years? "

When Ron spread his hands, the elf mercenary beside him cast an approving look at him, and then she turned her head to the weird elf who was still grinning: "The lord is right, your name is... Mindatis, right? You should have a choice. "

"I am a living example. I am very glad that I chose this path and did not sink with you. I can even send you on a journey and correct the mistakes made by my fathers and grandfathers. "

"You are... one of the rebels?" Mindatis glanced at Anastria with a sinister look, "His Majesty has given you wealth and honor, and granted you a free identity and many opportunities..."

"You traitor!"

"But, forget it," the elf's neck bent three or four times again, staring at Ron coldly, "I knew from the beginning that our cognitions are fundamentally different, and verbal arguments will not produce any results."

"I don't intend to continue discussing those things with you, I just want to mention one thing."

The smile on Mindatis's face turned cold in an instant, and the wounds torn by laughter seemed to have never existed: "Come and fight me again, I want to personally avenge you for killing me."

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