Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 573 Stone Gate Opens

The man-made corridors and stone gates appeared deep in a rift valley that was supposed to be flat land, and they seemed to be intact. This sight really made people suspicious. But this is not the reason for Ron and others to back down.

They have been to a lot of places that make people suspicious. Besides, how many places that have been associated with the devil in this land are there that are not suspicious?

"I just want to know if the people who built these are still living down there." Ivy tied the tower shield firmly behind her back so as not to affect her movements when she fell down. "If there really was a settlement here, it looks like it was The survivors of the 'Sundering' built shelters below."

"I just don't know when the changes happened here," Ron and Sylvia began to cast spells. As long as they make enough preparations, they can deal with accidents even if they encounter them. They have experienced this kind of thing quite a lot. , "At least it shouldn't be during the period of the Kingdom of Farama. It's impossible for Farama himself to be unaware of such a big change in the terrain."

"From the traces returned on the screen, it is inferred that someone has been taking care of it at least recently," Gilenis's feet had already left the ground and she was floating lightly on the rift valley. "I will act with you - I can Go down first and then teleport you over."

"I don't feel that there is a magic barrier prohibiting teleportation here... huh?"

From the perspective of Ron and others, the Moon Elf slowly fell downwards. However, before she completely disappeared from everyone's sight, she heard Gilenis let out a soft sigh, and she suddenly stopped where she was. The ground seemed to be suspended in the air.

Gilennis descended again without belief, and this time she stepped more firmly onto a barrier-like transparent dome. Under her feet, the complex and exquisite lines of the magic circle began to flow at this moment, preventing everyone from entering. The mage continued to explore downwards.

"Wow——!" Dreyfudeau exclaimed exaggeratedly, "You actually made mistakes sometimes? Or did you miss? You are usually like a god!"

This is probably the impression that goblins have of Gilennis in normal times. After all, the gifts of nature can never see the height where the mage stands, let alone he is still a goblin - this is a double look up at the physiological and magical levels.

Gilenis didn't pay much attention to the goblin's carelessness. She held her chin with one hand and looked down at the magic circle at her feet: "I see... It's kind of interesting. Is it because the spell caused the counter-system to be activated? "

"Can't we use magic to get down?!" Sera's expression suddenly changed. She smacked her lips and looked at the rift valley in front of her. "I'm not afraid of death, but I won't want to commit suicide. At such a high place, even a giant I’m afraid I’ll break my bones if I fall.”

"The giant can probably 'sneak' down the cliffs on both sides," Sylvia made a gesture, "but it has to be like a frost giant, not the big foodie in our territory, he is a bit short. "

Just as several people were gradually changing the topic, the scroll in Ron's hand suddenly flew up, and the item that was unknown how many years ago suddenly spontaneously ignited into ashes, and the white firelight emitted shone on everyone except Gilenis. Everyone outside, at the same time, a dull and mechanical voice sounded from the valley:

"Identity verification passed. Number six - Wanderers, welcome home."

As if led by that voice, the barrier under Gilenis' feet opened a gap, and only part of the original magic circle remained around the moon elf. When Ron and others tried to step in, in Yuluo With the blessing of the magic, everyone immediately fell lightly downwards, leaving Gilennis alone on top.

"Gillianis, you-" Ron reached out his hand to pull her, but the moon elf shook his head slightly and took a step back:

"It should be that you were recorded by the scroll, so you were able to enter. Now that the scroll has been burned, I can't enter."

With that said, Gilenis simply left the sky above the rift valley and watched everyone slowly disappear into the depths. After a long time, she stretched out a hand and pressed down on the magic circle.

As she expected, the barrier only swayed slightly twice and then stopped moving again.

"Sure enough, it's not about 'quota' or 'qualification', but about being blocked..." Moon Elf's eyes narrowed, "If you enter by force, the entire rift valley will collapse - even if there are really people down here, it will definitely It won’t be their handiwork.”

"Forget it, I'll just wait here. Even if there is any danger, I can detect it as soon as possible and take action."

Gilenis did not choose to look for the person who was hiding behind the scenes to stop her. Since the other party could use a barrier to stop her, at least the other party's strength must be slightly stronger than hers. If there was a conflict, it would not be amicable. It would be better to Keep the status quo for now.

Regardless of Gilennis waiting above, Ron and others have slowly fallen to the bottom of the valley with the power of Feather Fall. As the props attached to the Light Technique are lit up, everything around them becomes clear. .

Previously, the mouse's perspective naturally had its limitations. Ron and others did not notice some of the surrounding details: the stone walls on both sides did have traces of artificial excavation, but the mouse did not see its entirety. On the stone wall, there are obvious traces of paint, but over time, most of the paintings or writings that may have existed have been eroded away, and only fragments of color are shown in front of a few people.

"Something's not right," Ivy shook her head slightly, pointing to a relatively smooth wall on one side, "If it was caused by wind and rain, it would definitely not present such a smooth surface. In my opinion, it seems that someone deliberately peeled them off."

"Why not clear them all, but leave some fragments?" Victoria held a different view, "It looks like schizophrenia."

"If that's the case, then the one who wants to erase these traces must be dominant," Sylvia looked at the front and back, "This place is bigger than it looks from above. How long do you think it would take to polish everything around it into this state?"

"Maybe not just one person?"

"So we have to go in and face a bunch of psychopaths?" The vampire grinned, "That's really unfortunate - for us and for those guys."

While several people were speculating, Sera had already dragged the Grip of the Blue Wave all the way to the stone door. The stone door also showed the same disordered feeling as the wall: the erased areas were relatively smooth and flat, while some of the broken areas that were not erased left elusive relief fragments.

But the barbarian didn't want to waste her brain thinking about this at all. She raised her fist and punched the stone door casually, asking: "How do I open this door? Push or pull--"

A "rumbling" sound interrupted Sera's words. The barbarian stared at the stone door in front of her like a dead body falling backwards, smashing large pieces of smoke and dust.

"...Ah, it's open." (End of this chapter)

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