Driver thought for a while: "There are two possibilities. One is that we made the wrong front and rear doors. The one we entered is the backyard of the house, and the inside leads to the real dangerous place."

"They're there to prevent something from getting out."

"This is unlikely," Ron shook his head. "If it was to prevent things inside from escaping, they shouldn't have made the door open inwards - isn't that a mental problem?"

"The body should also be outside the door instead of inside." Ivy added.

"That's another one," the goblin hunter said. "They were once attacked by something, and the situation was very bad, which forced them to retreat to the corridor and set up traps. After all, traps are used for Traps laid in front of people will not work if they are caught off guard.”

“But it didn’t end up being used.”

"Yeah, it's useless. It's all rotten." The goblin smacked his mouth in a serious manner and continued to explore the way forward. "Do you think that corpse was also a tough guy back then? He stood against the gate by himself to prevent the enemy from rushing in. Come in and die of exhaustion - that's what I read in the novels Victoria read."

Victoria; "——When did you sneak into my room?!"

"The time I lost so badly in gambling with the kobolds, I really had no money to spend." Driver stuck out his tongue, "Don't touch me, I'm warning you, this thing I have is dangerous-"

"Go to hell! You don't have anything in your hands!" A Zuo Zhengdeng kicked the goblin firmly on the butt, knocking him to the ground. Behind him, the priest shouted angrily, "Where are you?" You won a bet with a kobold? You haven’t paid back the money you owed me!”

Driver was so thief, how could he really carelessly move closer to the trap after making such a self-destructive statement?

"I obviously won when I made a fortune!" The goblin climbed up and protested with his neck stiffened, "Didn't I pay you back everything before?"

A flash of embarrassment flashed across Victoria's face - she had forgotten this - but she quickly became hardened again: "Who knows if you have secretly taken my money before!"

"I only took it once!"

"Okay, okay, if you want to make a fuss, don't stop here - Drivedo, pay back what you owe as soon as you get back." Ron had to step in to stop the unexpected argument and reached out to grab the goblin. The pointed ears said, "I'm not telling you, are you short-sighted? Those kobolds got people drunk for thousands of people in the tavern. Even I have heard of it, but you still have to bet with them?"

"Why do you think you can win if you give a thousand dollars? Because this is what others do all the time, do you understand?!"

Drivedou's vitals were seized, and he stretched his neck and shouted: "Wasn't I drunk? I thought I had a huge advantage -"

"I'll drink it for you next time," Sera curled her lips, "I was wondering why those kobolds were so enthusiastic every time you went there. So that's what happened."

"Okay, okay, Victoria, calm down. If you want to beat him up, I won't stop you."

The pardoned Dreyfus was once again put in the front to break the trap. As everyone continued to go deeper, everything seemed to be changing in the direction of the second guess. Although there is an area in the middle where traps are extremely dense, but further back, all the mechanisms have disappeared, as if the organizer suddenly realized that there was no point in doing so, so he simply stopped.

And it was also after this section of the corridor that the entire area began to become complicated. Several corridors branched downwards, leaving only a few dark holes for everyone.

But after all, this place is used to house living people, not tombs for the dead. In front of each cave entrance is a sign written in common language, indicating where each of these passages can reach. But what makes Ron and others a little strange is that each brand has two lines of markings. The traces carved with beautiful cursive characters on the top were scratched out with a sharp tool, and another set of logos were written with paint on the bottom.

"This... is this used to confuse people?" Sera tilted her head, "You can't even fool me, so you should be more rigorous - even if the original words are scratched off!"

"No, this is not to confuse people," Ron waved his hand, "Do you remember what the spiritual servant said before?" During the period of logging out, the 'Ember House' was iterated three times, and the locations of each area were different. Change'. This will probably be the so-called changed area from now on."

"But if it was three times, then there should be three groups, or at least two groups, of crossed-out writing." Sylvia said, "It can't be like Sera said, it was all scratched out the first time. Bar?"

"That's impossible, Sylvia. Even if you use magic or magic, it will leave some traces on it." Ron threw a detection spell on the area in front of him that first said "residential area", and then changed it to on the sign that says "Storage Area."

"Look, there are indeed only traces of one modification here."

Victoria walked to another sign. The uncrossed line on it said residential area: "Did I forget it?"

"It's understandable that you forget once after two iterations, but you forget twice after three times. Isn't it too forgetful?" Ron narrowed his eyes and looked into the darkness in front of him, "I'm a little doubtful. Could it be that it’s not simply ‘forgetting to change’, but simply forgetting about ‘iteration’ itself?”

"If there are really people alive here, benefactor," the vampire frowned, "those spiritual servants remember it very clearly."

"Be prepared for battle at any time," Ron had a bad feeling in his heart and ordered quickly, "I now doubt whether the first possibility mentioned by Driver is true."

"But the distribution pattern of those traps shows..."

"What if both happen at the same time?"

The goblin cursed. If that's the case, the people here are too unlucky.

As for those spirit servants-this kind of arcane servants don't necessarily have to be driven by a living master. Under the premise of preset tasks, as long as there is a device that can provide energy, they can keep running for a long time, and even create a false impression that someone is alive.

Sylvia summoned the leader of the night hounds. This place cannot support a whole hound pack to hunt in a dispersed formation, but even so, the huge human-faced hound showed its value as soon as it appeared-it began to bark in the passage in one direction.

"What's going on?" Ron looked at the vampire, who immediately understood the perception of the Yethis Hound: "My benefactor, there is a living creature in that passage, and it left a scent a few days ago!"

"Are you sure what it is?"

The Yethis Hound didn't use its master to translate this time, and directly nudged Ron with its head - it was a human.

"Lead the way, chase after it!" (End of this chapter)

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