Before, above the rift, the burning of the scroll caused the access control here to react, and it was probably to wake this person up from his dazed state.

However, he did not make any special reaction. Even though he had seen outsiders enter with his own eyes, his response was just to return here and seal himself again.

"Can you wake him up?" Sera asked curiously, "He can be dragged out of this state by external forces."

The barbarian's rage is the opposite of this, but it is generally the same. When external changes affect themselves, the original state will be broken.

Ron did not answer. He was trying, but with little success.

Whether it was glowing, or shouting, or even directly attacking, the other party seemed to be determined to maintain the chaos and confusion, without any reaction, and looked like...

"Is this guy pretending?" Ivy poked the dirty ribs with only a layer of skin, but it only made the man shout meaninglessly. While dodging desperately, he was unwilling to leave his chair.

"It doesn't seem to be pretending, it's more like the spell was too fierce this time, resulting in extremely slow interference from the outside world," Ron sighed. This kind of situation, whether in the past or in this world, is often heard, but it is the first time to see it with his own eyes, "I'll try another way."

He took out the metal piece and shook it in front of the other party's dilated pupils: "Hey, are you still awake? Come back to your senses!"

"We are 'Drifters', we are home!"

"Drift... drift..."

The mouth that would drool at any time suddenly opened and closed, and subconsciously reacted to this word.

"Ron, it's cured!" Sera was shocked, "You have this skill?!"

There is no alchemical medicine or plant tincture, and it can be cured with just a piece of metal?

"Just apply a little stimulation to make him wake up by himself," Ron shook his head, "I don't have that much ability. If he doesn't want to wake up, no one can do anything."

"But maintaining logic is an innate tendency of an intelligent creature. Some philosophers say that people are thinking reeds, but who really wants to be a reed?"

While speaking, Ron noticed that the originally turbid eyes seemed to have a little clarity. At the same time, a series of ambiguous noises appeared in his throat.

"Victoria, bring some water and dry food," Ron reached back and a water bag was immediately delivered, "It looks like he has woken up."

"You are... drifters?" The man squatting on the high stool with his legs hugged was now fully awake. He widened his eyes and looked at everyone in disbelief, especially at Ron in front of him, "But, but the entire 'Ember Shelter' has fallen, where are you from?"

"It seems that you still remember a lot of things. Eat something first," Ron nodded, but he was not in a hurry to ask, just handed over the food, "You look very bad."

"Bad? Yes... umm." The disheveled man first drank half a bag of water, and then began to eat the food. To be safe, Ron did not give him too much food, which made him suck his fingers greedily after eating the food on hand, staring at the remaining food in Ron's hand.

"You are not in the right condition now... Forget it, do you want to eat?" Looking at the pair of green eyes, Ron gave up explaining the principle to the other party and just shook the remaining food in his hand, "Tell us about the situation here, and then I will let you eat enough."

"Okay, okay!" The man nodded repeatedly, he turned his head and looked around at the chairs with corpses lying around, and waved his hand suddenly, "Then you have to share with them!"

"There is no one on it," Ivy couldn't help reminding, "They have already..."

"You have to share with them!!!"

The man made a terrifying expression that could make gods and ghosts hate him, and roared loudly: "You have to give them food too!"

"Okay," Ron stopped Ivy from speaking again, "I have a lot of food here. If it's not enough, I can make more - Victoria?"

"No problem," the priest nodded, and stretched out his hand to brew a divine spell, "Heroes' Banquet, can provide food for twelve people. Even if you haven't seen it, you should have heard of it."

"But the spell can only last for an hour, so you have to answer the questions first, and then you can eat together."

The man immediately showed a surprised expression: "Okay! Okay! Great! Brothers and sisters, we are finally saved, finally saved!"

There will be no cheers around to respond to him. His brothers and sisters have only lived in his fantasy for at least decades.

"Returned wanderers, what do you want to know?"

"First, do you remember your name? Secondly, we want to know what a wanderer is," Ron shook the metal piece in his hand, "I don't know if you have any idea of ​​the time outside. The earliest batch of 'wanderers' may have died. We only came here because of a scroll and this."

The man half opened his mouth, and he pretended to listen attentively, as if someone was reminding him in his ear: "Ah, of course, I am could also be Hardman, whatever. As for the wanderers, the wanderers are not protected by the shelter, and of course they will die because of their lifespan..."

"You are their descendants, and they didn't tell you anything?"

Hoffman seemed to have determined that Ron and others were descendants of those who left this shelter. After all, the most different Driver was not here. Whether it was half-elves or dhampyrs, they could not be distinguished from humans in this environment.

"Only these, you should know what it is, or part of what it was."

"This is the access card, the identification area of ​​the access card," Hoffman muttered, "It seems that a long time has passed, it shouldn't have become like this..."

"Your elders didn't tell you anything? That's right, shelter, shelter, there is only one shelter left in the former kingdom, what's the point of coming back? Since the natural disaster, the earth has cracked and the entire kingdom has turned into ruins. The survivors can only hide in the rift valley after the disaster to survive. It's a good thing to leave..."

"What's the point of coming back?"

"But you, alas," Hoffman sighed and shook his head slowly, "Go, go, no matter what you have heard or guessed, go, there is no treasure or secret here, just a group of old stubborn people who don't want to die with the former kingdom." (End of this chapter)

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