Overlord Wizard

Chapter 49 Witch Sisters (Modify)

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Li Luo didn't know how powerful the two female wizards were, but at this time, they had already run more than 30 kilometers, and the other party hadn't chased them, so they probably let him go.

Thinking of this, he stopped and took a few breaths. It was only when he exploded his grudge to the limit that he had this speed. Only now did I feel a soreness all over my body, and a burning pain in my chest. After taking a breath, he took out the map to identify the direction, and walked away from the two witches and approached the Dragon Valley.

Three days later, after eating three first-order wind wolves who came to die, Li Luo finally lost the feeling of extreme emptiness. After hunting monsters for another four days and making enough barbecue, he stopped.

At this time, Li Luo frowned tightly, holding a four-leaf dragon's blood grass, looking hesitant.

Evolving in a WoW cave? No kidding. The only safe place is the cave he started teleporting out of. But at this time in the cave, I don't know if the two female wizards have left or not, and I am a little worried that when I go back, once I meet the two female wizards, the other party will recognize him.

"It's impossible for two official wizards to play in the water all the time, so I'm afraid they won't be able to waste time to the extent they are today." Li Luo thought about it for a while, and felt that his idea was right, so he ran towards the water pool again.

Soon, he returned to the waterfall again, and after scanning his mental power around, he followed the pool where the waterfall fell, and climbed up along the edge of the waterfall.

Whoosh! When he came to the half-waisted position of the waterfall, Li Luo looked happy and plunged in.

Soon his figure disappeared into the hidden passage behind the waterfall, and came to the cave again.

Without any hesitation, he took out a four-leaf dragon's blood grass and ate a tenth of its size in one go.

In this way, Li Luo's life became regular again. Another two months were spent in the cycle of hunting first-order monsters—returning to the cave to evolve—and eating beast meat.

At this time, although he didn't seem to have changed much, he couldn't help exuding a sense of coercion. Li Luo knew that he already had such a trace of dragon prestige, and it was time to conduct experiments on those two kinds of magic herbs.

Several auxiliary materials for the experiment can be found in the forest, and Li Luo also gathered other materials in these two months. The reason why he started the experiment was because the dragon's blood grass on his body had been exhausted, and it was time to consider ways to improve his soul power and spiritual power.

Two weeks later, Li Luocai left from the laboratory bench with a tired face.

Looking at only five bottles of potions, Li Luo always had the urge to kill that damn rat! This most basic experiment actually made him fail no less than 80 times. While secretly cursing that old thing in his heart, he also sighed involuntarily.

The few bottles of potions in front of him don't know how much they will improve him.

He didn't sigh too much, and drank the bottle of blue potion in front of him in one gulp.

At the same time, sit with your legs cross-legged and start to meditate.


As soon as he meditated, Li Luo felt his spiritual sea tremble and become thicker at the same time. While his spiritual sea was constantly growing, it was constantly being consumed, and he was in a state of endless loop. Although he could neither grow nor regress, Li Luo could feel that his soul was getting tougher, and at the same time, Long Wei also seemed to have strengthened a bit. At the end of the meditation, Li Luo just moved his arms, then became dizzy for a while, and fell to the cave floor.

Time is spent in meditation.

Ten days later, Li Luo used up the potion before walking towards the entrance of the cave in the distance. While walking, he felt the changes brought about by the five bottles of medicine.

At this time, although his spiritual power has not improved much, he feels that everything around him is more sensitive. Except for the tiny mosquitoes and flies, which can be seen from a distance of 30 meters, even everything in the waterfalls below the pool can be clearly sensed. At the same time, the original aura has also undergone some changes, giving people a feeling of incomparable purity and a little coercion. If you have to describe it, it is like the feeling that ordinary people feel when they see an adult giant panda in the wild.

Obviously, Li Luo just gave people an aura that made people think that he was kind and not easy to mess with.

While rejoicing, he began to feel it carefully.

After a while, he looked happy, and there were no shadows of the two witches in the pool below, so he could jump down with confidence.

Thinking of this, Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and began to secretly plan his next move.

Calculating the time, more than half a year has passed, and it won't be long before the wizarding academy will go to study seriously. Although he seems to have reached the standard of a third-class wizard apprentice now, compared to those apprentice wizards from those colleges, he is still a little bit worse in wizard level. At least he doesn't have many offensive spells, and he is absolutely inferior to them. At the same time, he had to complete the task of Guiche as soon as possible.

"There are still two months before the academy accepts apprentices." Li Luo murmured.

He started to walk all the way along the direction referenced by the map, and gradually stopped at the periphery of the Warcraft Mountains.

After thinking about it on the spot, he pulled out a pile of weeds, made a basket, put the hemostatic grass collected these days into it, and sealed his fighting spirit before walking forward.

In front of him, groups of mercenary teams were slowly walking towards him. They looked like they were going to hunt and collect herbs in the central area of ​​the Demonic Beast Forest.

But at this moment, a group of mercenaries came from the side and caught his attention.

Looking along the line of sight, Li Luo's expression changed in fright, and at the same time he walked cautiously into the distance.

In the line of sight just now, he clearly spotted the figures of the two witches who fell into the pool at the beginning. Although they had changed into a set of magic robes at this time, their aura was definitely not wrong! They were surrounded by dozens of mercenaries holding the moon, and there were several wizard apprentices among the mercenaries, exuding faint mana fluctuations.

"Don't find me." Li Luo secretly prayed in his heart, and the pace of walking into the distance became faster and faster.

At the same time, the two witches in the distance stopped suddenly, and the witch in the red robe frowned and looked at Li Luo.

"Sister, why did that person just now give me the aura of the peeping thief I met earlier, but the aura is a little different."

"Sister, why are you thinking so much, come here and ask, don't you know?"

Following the conversation between the two girls, many mercenaries rushed over with a bang. Li Luo looked at the appearance of these big men from the corner of his eyes, as if Li Luo was some kind of gold and silver treasure, if he was too late to snatch it, he would have to kill himself.

Li Luo stood there trembling, with a look of panic, and sat on the ground pretending to be frightened.

"What do you want to do? I didn't provoke you, did I?"

Li Luo said in panic, but at the same time, he was not too worried that the two witches would recognize him.

At this time, he not only sealed his fighting spirit, but also gathered his mana to the appearance of a second-class wizard apprentice. With the basket of herbs behind him, he looked more like a herb collector.

Soon, he was brought before the two witches by many mercenaries.

"Spare the two witches"

As soon as Li Luo was taken over, he bowed his waist, crying and begging.

The two witches looked at each other, and the witch in the white robe said angrily, "Sister, it really is him!"

"So who is it?" Li Luo stopped crying and asked pretending not to know.

"Sure enough, you know who it is, pull him down, and chop him up!" The witch in the white robe had a disgusted expression on her face, but she let out a pleasant voice, which made Luo Luo feel a chill in his whole body. , I thought I had encountered some wraith banshee.

But he didn't care about thinking so much, and hurriedly explained: "Senior witches, did you recognize the wrong person? I have never seen you before. I am just a herb collector, and most of them are collected on the outskirts of the nearby Warcraft Mountains. Herbal."

"Hmph, so much nonsense, if you offend an official wizard, even if you are the son of a nobleman, you will inevitably die!" A big man with a scarred face said viciously, and at the same time pressed his hand on Li Luo's shoulder.

"What offended them, I have never met the two seniors, how did I offend them?!" Li Luo knelt down pretending to be in pain, cold sweat broke out all over his head, and said in extreme panic. At the same time, he secretly cursed the two women in front of him for countless times. While cursing himself for being careless, he did not forget to firmly remember the face of the man with the scar.

After listening to Li Luo's words, the witch in the red robe looked at Li Luo's abnormal pain, frowned, and said to the witch in the white robe beside her, "Sister, even though we are formal wizards, we can't kill people casually."

The witch in the white robe thought about it for a while, and she also calmed down a bit, but she still looked at Li Luo with an unyielding look, and asked lightly, "Tell us, what do you know!?"

Seeing her expression of wanting to eat him, Li Luo scolded the woman for being narrow-minded, and replied tremblingly: "I can cook, and even the city lord of Baishi Town praised it as delicious!"

"Hmph, it's a lie at first glance. How can you stay in the city lord's cafeteria as a chef with such great skills and come here to take risks?" A skinny mercenary next to him frowned and asked coldly.

"It's true that I'm a chef, but I'm also a second-class wizard apprentice! I also need to gather herbs to refine medicines," Li Luo hurriedly replied.

"Hiss second-class wizard apprentice!" The people around gasped after hearing Li Luo's words, and started discussing in low voices before Li Luo finished speaking. And the man with the scar that grabbed Li Luo also let go of his hand, looking uncomfortable.

"Sister, forget it, kill the wizard apprentice casually, and blame the superiors, we can't explain it." The red robe witch obviously felt the fluctuation of Li Luo's mana, and said to the younger sister beside her.

"Yes, yes, this kid is an apprentice wizard, and he can cook well, why don't you accept him." A short mercenary stepped forward and suggested.

Li Luo turned his head to look, and found that the mercenary had an immature look on his face, and he looked about fifteen years old. But what surprised him even more was that the face of the mercenary overlapped with that of his younger brother.

"Brother!" Li Luo's eyes turned red, almost crying.

"Brother?" The little mercenary asked in confusion after hearing the words.

"So it's two brothers, two wizards, look." The leader of the mercenary wearing wind wolf leather armor said this sentence loudly, deliberately raised his voice a little, and looked at the two witches. go.

"Forget it, forget it, follow us. It's fine to make a meal. Huh, don't let me find out that you are that person!" The white-robed witch heard the words, and at the same time she waved her hands a little bit unwillingly while feeling very annoyed. threatened.

"How is it possible? I haven't met the two goddesses while gathering herbs all the time." Li Luo said in a low voice while walking to the back of the team.

It seemed that Li Luo's compliment was very well received, and the expressions of the two witches immediately improved. The team also began to move forward again.

Li Luo followed behind blankly, and at the same time began to calculate in his heart.

"Two official wizards! Using poison won't do. It's easy to be discovered that they should be hunting some powerful monsters."

Thinking of this, Li Luo's expression became wretched, looking extremely treacherous.

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