Overlord Wizard

Chapter 900 Fierce Battle against Taiwei

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The entire space was distorted under the power of this punch, and the bones on the Lich's body were shattered inch by inch, turning into a piece of powder in an instant.

Even before his soul had time to return to the phylactery, it was shattered and dissipated by this punch.


There was a sound of metal rolling down, and Li Luo looked along the line of sight, and a metal array disk fell onto a rock on the ground, making a crisp sound.

Li Luo picked up the formation disk, and with his ability, he quickly figured out the operation and usage of this formation hub. Immediately, he ordered a few spells, and the formation disk hummed slightly, and the surrounding ground began to vibrate violently.

After a while, bone flying flags flew towards them and fell into the array.

Li Luo put away the array and continued to walk towards the depths of the Evernight Forest. Feeling the faint holy light, Li Luo's expression became more serious.

Ayla seems to have advanced to the God Realm, but the strange thing is, neither of the two God Realm masters can get out of this forest? Even if there is a formation, it is not enough to convince people to believe.

Li Luo's face became more and more solemn, and he walked step by step towards the direction of Aila's breath. The ghouls he met along the way were instantly burned to ashes by his divine fire.

As we walked forward, gradually, a colorful cave entrance came into view.

Li Luo stepped into the cave, and what caught his eyes was colorful crystals, exuding strong soul energy and divine power fluctuations, it seemed that they should be divine power crystals without a doubt.

Without collecting any crystals, Li Luo hurriedly rushed into the cave, but he retreated quickly after entering more than 100 meters.


With a loud explosion, a pitch-black fireball exploded in front of Li Luo.

The turbulent shock wave shot in all directions, and the black hellfire spread towards Li Luo.

With a wave of Li Luo's arm, a golden flame instantly rose up and spewed towards the black hellfire. At the same time, a holy aura spread instantly, dispelling all the surrounding cold aura.

Taiwei walked out of the cave slowly, looked at Li Luo in front of him, and frowned slightly.

"You kept Yuan Yang alive?"

At this moment, even he, who was an enemy, looked at Li Luo with admiration.

However, Taiwei didn't intend to shake hands with Li Luo to make peace. He saw that the nails on his palm protruded more than an inch out of thin air, and the dark scales on his body also drilled out from under the skin, covering every corner of his body.

At the same time, Taiwei's aura was rising steadily, breaking through the original limit in an instant, and reaching the level of the middle demon god.

Li Luo squinted his eyes, his body joints crackled, his figure swelled more than double in an instant, and he rushed towards Taiwei in an instant.

The fists and claws of the two crossed, and then disappeared in place in an instant, and there were bursts of thunder-like explosions in the void.

The two afterimages in the void kept interlacing, and the power of the law kept surging out. At this moment, the two completely opposite forces kept intertwining and rising, turning into tornadoes and storms and began to wreak havoc in the forest.

The pitch-black tornado storm instantly smashed the trees and rocks into powder, the dust in the sky began to stir, the turbulent black wind continued to rage, and cracks began to appear in the void.

This space began to become extremely unstable, cracking like a spider web.

Li Luo punched Tai Wei back, his eyes swept down sharply, and he turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the cave.

"Thought beautiful!"

With a sneer on Taiwei's ferocious face, he turned into an afterimage and rushed down.

Li Luo took out a scroll, and with a slight urge of divine power, the divine power on his body disappeared quickly, and his breath disappeared in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the scroll flashed white light instantly, and Li Luo rushed out of it, and his breath recovered.

Taiwei was stunned for a moment, not knowing why, but his movements were not slow, and he slammed down again with one claw.

Li Luo's expression remained unchanged, his arm exploded like a firecracker, and he slammed towards Taiwei's heart regardless of his injury.


Stab it!

Li Luo's body was torn apart by Taiwei like a rag, but it turned into a white light and disappeared instantly. And Taiwei's chest was completely sunken, but soon recovered.

But at this time, Taiwei's face became extremely pale, and his expression became more and more ugly.

"Very good, you are very good to have injured the deity like this."

Taiwei's eyes were cold for a while, flashing a dangerous light.

I saw his figure distorted for a while, and disappeared in place out of thin air.

At this time, Li Luo had already put away the spell scroll of Shenbing Tianxiang, and he had already arrived in front of a pitch-black divine crystal formation.

In the magic circle, Ella has sealed herself and turned into a dark golden energy dome, resisting the erosion of dark energy.

Li Luo's complexion changed slightly. If he came a day and a half later, the beauty in front of him might turn into a monster.

With a slight flick of his finger, several golden fireballs shot out, and exploded in front of the magic circle in an instant. Under a loud roar, the magic circle's runes turned into specks of light and dissipated.

Ella seemed to react, and the eggshell shattered instantly, revealing a slightly pale delicate body.

After seeing Li Luo, the woman's face was even more pleasantly surprised and worried.

Without waiting for her to speak, Li Luo picked it up and rushed outside in a few jumps.

Taiwei sneered, and uttered a few unknown spells, and then dark lines appeared on Aila's body, and a bloody dagger was inserted in his hand in an instant, and it was pierced towards Li Luo's heart.

Li Luo's face was startled, and it was too late to think about what to do.

With such a short time and short distance, he could only dodge his vitals, and was ruthlessly inserted into his right arm by the dagger.

At this moment, a series of bloody lines spread towards his arm in an instant, reaching the position of the shoulder almost instantly.

Li Luo also reacted very quickly. The moment the dagger was inserted, he tore his arm violently, and the whole arm was torn apart and thrown to the ground.

chi chi!

A burst of heat rose, and his arm instantly turned into blood, and bloody runes jumped out, forming a strange magic circle on the spot, and bloody chains shot out, locking Li Luo's feet instantly.

At this time, Ella also recovered.

She was chanting words, and streaks of golden energy poured towards Li Luo in an instant, a burst of golden blood flowed down the severed arm, granulation circled and grew out, and a brand new arm grew out in an instant.

Li Luo's complexion remained unchanged, and he slapped Taiwei with his hand. The eight mantra runes circled and turned into a * pattern, and a huge golden palm fell from the sky instantly.


With a loud explosion, the earth cracked again instantly, and streams of magma spewed out like springs, turning the entire land into scorched earth.

But at this moment, the ground trembled, and an extremely huge figure stood up slowly. Taiwei completed the transformation of his divine body and turned into a 100-meter-tall troll, stomping on Li Luo and Ella. Come.

Li Luo let out a roar, and red and golden lines emerged on his body. The immortal battle body and the holy battle body were activated at the same time, and his body swelled instantly, turning into a 100-meter-tall red-gold giant that punched Taiwei fiercely. go.

With Ayla's energy infusion, Li Luo completed the transformation of the Immortal Battle Body, with the increase of the Heaven and Earth Hegemony Art, the strength has increased by more than a little bit?

I saw fists and feet colliding, the void suddenly darkened, and then it shattered loudly.

Under the harsh space storm, Ayla saw the two giants instantly swallowed by the space storm, sucked into a huge wormhole, and disappeared.

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