Overnight Success

Chapter 191 The Murderer Turned Out To Be A Woman?

At this moment, the lights in the autopsy room suddenly went out.

There was only one candle left, emitting a little bit of light.

Lin Chen silently recited a spell, and then picked up the pen and paper Xiao Ying brought to draw a grimace.

Seeing this, everyone always felt a little hairy behind, especially the grimace talisman, which gave them a sense of eerie.

"The two poles of yin and yang are fighting to turn the world around. Today, with my blood, I will summon the ghosts of the dead—"

"Within the three realms, among the five elements, open the underworld—"

At the end of reading, Lin Chen bit the tip of his tongue and spit blood on the talisman paper.

During Setsuna, a strange tune sounded in the room, as if calling for something...

Immediately afterwards, the cool wind was blowing, and the sound of footsteps came from afar...

Under everyone's view, in the room, the two corpses in front of them were shaking violently.

"Song Jian, tie the two hands together with a red string."

Lin Chen said seriously.

Hearing this, Song Jian, who was hiding behind, braced himself and tied the hands of the two men tremblingly with a red rope.

Just when he had done all this and planned to go back.

Suddenly, two big hands pressed his shoulders.

"Ghost, ghost!!!"

Sensing this, Song Jian widened his eyes and immediately screamed.

next moment.

Lin Chen quickly made a move, and stuck the talisman paper carved on his hand on the red string. After a few seconds, the two restless corpses quieted down.

Seeing this scene, when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the candle was extinguished, and the whole room suddenly fell into darkness.

Only the red rope tied to the hands of the two corpses was emitting a faint green evil light.

"Since the two have returned, please briefly describe what happened at that time."

Lin Chen said, and patted Song Jian on the shoulder.

At this time, Song Jian was sitting cross-legged facing the two corpses, with his eyes closed tightly, without a trace of breath.

Like a dead person.

The two corpses took a deep look at Lin Chen, and immediately stretched out their other hand, putting it on Song Jian's shoulder.

At this moment, Song Jian's face was pale, his eyes opened, and he said in a buzzing voice: "I am Li Xiaolong. At first, on the way after school, I was kidnapped by a stranger. He took some of my hair and asked me to go back Home, tell my mother to pick up a treasure from the Su family within three days.

If not, three days later, I will die in a most miserable manner. "

"After I got home, I told my mother, but my mother didn't believe me, and she also told me that the Su family treated our family well.

No matter what happens, you must never do something like this. "

"Three days later, my parents accompanied me to the parent-teacher meeting. When I was crossing the road, I just felt a sharp pain in my head, and I lost consciousness in an instant. As for what happened later, I don't know. By the way, my parents still okay?

Did they feel sad for me, Big Uncle, please tell them that Longlong can't be with them anymore, and let them take care of their bodies. "

Hearing the last sentence, everyone at the scene had already shed tears, hating the injustice.

Why, why should the life of such a sensible child be deprived early!

It is not difficult to see that Li Xiaolong has no resentment or unwillingness at this time, but only cares about his parents.

Lin Chen took a deep breath and made up a white lie: "Your parents are fine, by the way, do you have any impression of the murderer?"

"His pronunciation is not standard. In terms of appearance, he was wearing a black robe and a mask that day, so he couldn't see clearly, but I smelled a little perfume."

Hearing this, Lin Chen's eyes froze.

"Thank you, now you can go back and rest."

As far as the question is concerned, the value information Lin Chen can get from Li Xiaolong is almost the same.

So now, it's this one's turn.

Lin Chen glanced at the headless corpse.

next moment.

Song Jianjian's breathing became unstable.

The whole person's expression became more and more ferocious, and his eyes were filled with strong anger.

"What's your name?" Lin Chen asked after seeing this.

Song Jian twisted his neck, looked at him coldly, and said indifferently, "Gu Jun."

"I know what you want to ask, I can tell you everything, but I only have one request, please bury my body properly."

"I will." Lin Chen nodded.

"I used to be an assembly line manager and worked for the Xiao family, but that day, a woman in black robe approached me and asked me to try my best to lure the daughter of the Xiao family to a designated place in the suburbs, otherwise I would die. my life.

However, as a small manager, I am not qualified to let the daughter of the Xiao family listen to me. I seem to have annoyed the daughter of the Xiao family. He killed me even more brutally.

I don't understand, what am I doing wrong! "

Speaking of this, "Song Jian" gritted his teeth and continued: "Do you have a pen and paper? I have seen the woman's eyes and face.

I can draw the outline of the body, maybe it will be helpful to you. "

Hearing this, Lin Chen's eyes flickered, and he didn't expect such an unexpected joy.

So, he handed over the pen and paper to "Song Jian".

Then, under everyone's strange eyes, on the white paper, a portrait of a woman's face was being vividly drawn.


When "Song Jian" put down his pen, what appeared in front of everyone was a lifelike sketch portrait.

"I learned art for a while when I was young, but I didn't expect it to come in handy now."

"Song Jian" sighed slightly.

"Don't worry, when the murderer is punished, I will bring good wine to worship at your grave." Lin Chen said solemnly.

"Remember to bring Wuliangye, I like this one."

Gu Jun grinned: "Then I'll go back."

After a while.

With Lin Chen sighing, the lights turned on.

The talisman paper pasted on the red string also turned into powder.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, the scene of the conversation with the deceased just now undoubtedly exceeded their cognition.

"Mr. Lin, is my disciple okay?"

Looking at Song Jian who was fainted on the ground, Lei Liming asked tentatively.

"It's okay, use his body to pick up the soul, he must be tired, just rest for a while."

Lin Chen said.

Then, he came to Xiao Ying and handed over the sketch portrait in his hand: "Three minutes, no more, no less, this is the outline of the murderer's face, send someone to the National Population Information Database to search for it!"

Xiao Ying took the portrait and subconsciously glanced at the time.

Sure enough, just three minutes had passed.

But to her, these three minutes are as long as a century.

"Don't be too complacent, you have to talk about whether there is such a person!"

As Xiao Ying spoke, she sent the sketch of the human body to the colleagues in the information database.

Although Lin Chen caused the deceased to speak and broke her cognition, whether the portrait drawn by the deceased is accurate or not is another matter.

Once it can't be found from the information database, then everything Lin Chen did just now is gaudy and meaningless.

Regarding this, Lin Chen smiled slightly and didn't say much.


"Ding Dong" sounded!

Xiao Ying received a message.

When she picked up her phone and clicked on the message.

The whole person couldn't help being stunned, looking at Lin Chen, his pretty face was full of astonishment that couldn't be concealed.

After a while, her throat rolled down, and she said slowly: "How did you do it?"

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