Overnight Success

Chapter 2 Killing Intent Has Started

"Meeting is fate."

"The young man can meet the spiritual consciousness of the old man. You are lucky in your three lives. No matter, I will teach you the best skills of cultivating immortals when I am about to fall. From now on, you will be my successor."

When Lin Chen was unconscious, an ethereal and old voice suddenly sounded.

Then, a huge amount of terrifying information flooded into his mind, and at this moment, his closed eyelids moved.


Outside the hotel, inside a Hummer on the side of the road.

Su Qingcheng's eyes were red, and he said coldly: "Why did you kill him?"

Regarding this, Su Xiaoqian dismissed it: "Why, Miss Su won't really have feelings for a small person, right? This matter will stop here, how about we each take a step back?"

"Ha ha."

Su Qingcheng sneered: "It's absolutely impossible, Su Xiaoqian, you should bear the responsibility, you can't escape!"

After finishing speaking, Su Qingcheng pushed open the car door and rushed back to the hotel anxiously.

She has deep guilt towards Lin Chen, so she will never allow anyone to make him feel uneasy after death.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoqian clenched her palms tightly and shouted darkly: "Su Qingcheng, you are crazy, do you know that if you do this, the entire Su family will be implicated by you!"

Seeing that there was no response, Su Xiaoqian almost went crazy, and immediately shouted angrily: "Drive!"

Since Su Qingcheng wanted to fight her to the death for a small person, she naturally had to make plans early.

"Damn it, this kid is really unbeatable, it made me feel ashamed, what a motherly misfortune!"

In the private room, the head of the bodyguard had a look of resentment, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"Boss, look at that kid..."

Suddenly, a bodyguard screamed, as if he had seen a ghost.

"What the hell are you calling, I'm afraid you didn't attract others?"

This scream made the head of the bodyguard tremble in fright, and immediately kicked him angrily.

"No... no, look... look behind."

At the same time, the rest of the subordinates retreated frequently, their eyes trembling.

Discovering this change, the head of the bodyguard turned his head and said impatiently: "What are you looking at, that kid can still live..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

Lin Chen came to him and smiled coldly: "Are you surprised to see me alive?"

The head of the bodyguard's face changed drastically, staring at Lin Chen's blood-stained face, he hurriedly calmed down: "It seems that I acted lightly just now, so that's good, it will be of great use to keep you Miss Su."

After saying that, he grabbed Lin Chen's shoulder with his palm very quickly. In his opinion, it was too easy to subdue a seriously injured young man.


Unexpectedly, not only did Lin Chen not dodge, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

With five fingers together, he made a fist and attacked the head of the bodyguard.

After the old man's voice came from his mind, not only did he acquire all kinds of unique skills, but his body was also intact, even much stronger than before.



The idea just came to the head.

There was a click.

Broken bones.


A scream came from the head of the bodyguard, covering his distorted five fingers, he rolled on the ground on the spot.

"It's your turn."

Lin Chen grinned and looked at the rest of the people.

"Brother, all of this has nothing to do with us, it was Su Xiaoqian who ordered us to do it."

Immediately, the bodyguards were terrified, their hearts trembling with fright, and they rushed to the door.

in a minute.

The bodyguards had bruised noses and swollen faces, and there was not a single intact part of their bodies. They cried and said, "Master Lin, your lord has a lot, please spare us."


Lin Chen smiled slightly, then pointed to the head of the bodyguard kneeling on the ground beside him, "Slap him until I am satisfied."

"How dare you..."

Before the head of the bodyguard could finish his sentence, the bodyguards slapped and slapped him, and immediately slapped him fiercely, "It's cool, why don't you stop it, what about your arrogance when you usually bully us?"

"Master Lin spoke today, you have to hold back if you are upset."

In the end, the head of the bodyguard was bleeding from his nostrils, and both sides of his face were swollen like steamed buns.


Lin Chen nodded, immediately turned on the phone recording, and asked leisurely: "You should know what to explain."


The bodyguards were frowning, and they bit the bullet and confessed everything Su Xiaoqian had planned.

"You dare to betray Miss Su, wait until you go back..."

At this time, the head of the bodyguard, who had lost his human form, had just yelled halfway, but was mercilessly interrupted by Lin Chen: "Noisy."


There was a crisp sound.

The head of the bodyguard's knee was severely crushed by Lin Chen on the spot.

With a wailing sound like killing a pig, the head of the bodyguard fainted on the spot.

"You've seen it all, but he fainted by himself?"

Facing Lin Chen's gaze, the bodyguards trembled and nodded frantically.

At the same time, a phone rang.

Lin Chen pressed the answer button, only to hear a question from the other end of the phone: "Lin Chen, what do you think of my proposal?"

"Don't miss this opportunity. You don't know how many people line up to nourish and fertilize this precious land of mine!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen said with an awkward smile: "Auntie, I will make up the rent owed to you today."

"So you refused?"

The woman's voice sounded a bit unfriendly, "Remember what you said, if I don't see the rent today, get the hell out of here even with your belongings."

Seeing the woman hung up the phone angrily, Lin Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

"Come on, I'm going to press for the debt now. As for Su Xiaoqian, you tell her that I have written down this grudge."

In the end, Lin Chen changed his blood-stained clothes with the bodyguards, and then jumped from the hotel window on the tenth floor.

Witnessing this scene, the bodyguards went into cardiac arrest, mouth

Pa Zhangde boss, "This bitch is anti-human!"

At the same time, Su Qingcheng hurried into the private room, and when she didn't find Lin Chen's figure, she immediately asked the horrified bodyguards, "Where are the others?"

The bodyguards swallowed, and looked out the window in unison.


Woodpecker Repair Inc.

As soon as Lin Chen got off the taxi, he went straight to the manager's office.

In the office, a bald middle-aged man was in high spirits, drawing pies for the employees.


The office door was opened, and Lin Chen barged in, straight to the point: "Manager Li, when did you promise to pay my salary? It's already the end of the month."

"Lin Chen, you didn't see me in a meeting, get out!"

Manager Li's face turned red, and he was not in a good mood.

Seeing that Lin Chen was still standing there and didn't respond to his anger, Manager Li immediately stepped forward and pointed at his nose and said, "Boy, have you reached the target I set for you? How dare you ask for a salary? Pooh!"

"Has anyone completed the target you set?"

Lin Chen said with a blank expression, "I advise you to settle my salary, or I will put the resignation report on your desk later."

As soon as the words came out.

The office was quiet.

The atmosphere gradually became subtle.

The employees all looked at Lin Chen in surprise. No one thought that this honest and taciturn person would dare to be tough with the manager today. Maybe he was kicked in the head by a donkey when he came here.

Similarly, Manager Li never expected that Lin Chen would dare to threaten him with resignation!

If he doesn't get his place back, how will he exploit employees in the future.

Taking a step forward, he grabbed Lin Chen's clothes and said with a sinister smile, "Boy, if you dare to resign, you won't get any money."

"Look at the dog-like clothes you wear. If you want to kneel down and kowtow to me and bark like a dog, maybe I'll give you the salary when I'm happy."

After the words fell, there was a burst of laughter in the office, and everyone was waiting to see Lin Chen's joke.

The next moment, there was a crisp sound.


Lin Chen slapped Manager Li's fat face with a slap, smashing his eyes and two front teeth.


A pig-killing cry sounded at this moment.

Manager Li's face turned red from the slap, and he roared at Lin Chen: "Boy, how dare you hit me..."

In the middle of speaking, Lin Chen swung his palm away again.


"The slap just now was for myself, and this one is for the employee who was treated unfairly by you."

Manager Li was trembling, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and a trace of fear finally appeared in his eyes.

"Ancestor, I will settle your salary, can't I settle it?"


When the slap fell, Manager Li was directly slapped to the ground, stunned on the spot.

"Sorry, this palm is just to see if you owe it!"

Lin Chen smiled slightly and gave an explanation.

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

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