the other side.

In the private room, Lin Chen saw a text message from Mr. Xiao, and replied with a simple smile.

It seems that the old man waited too long and was a little anxious.

next moment.

The door of the private room was pushed open with a bang.

Hu Sandao rushed over angrily, followed by Xiao Wanyu and others.

"Boy, Miss Xiao is here in person, if you are capable, repeat what you just said!"

Hu Sandao looked at Lin Chen proudly and said.

As soon as these words came out, Du Bufan and the others trembled as they looked at Xiao Wanyu's face that was enough to amaze the world, and hurriedly hid in the corner with their heads in their hands, for fear of attracting everyone's attention.

"Why, boy, are you afraid now? Didn't you want to make me look good just now?"

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't say a word, Hu Sandao just thought that Lin Chen was so frightened that he couldn't say a word.

"Miss Xiao, this kid is causing trouble. You don't know how arrogant he was just now."

Hu Sandao nodded and said to Xiao Wanyu.

Now with Xiao Wanyu's backing, no matter how strong this kid is, he will never be able to make any waves.

"Kneel down!"

At this moment, Xiao Wanyu said coldly.

"Boy, did you hear, Miss Xiao asked you to kneel down!"

Hu Sandao yelled at Lin Chen in an arrogant manner.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wanyu directly slapped Hu Sandao, and said coquettishly, "I'm telling you to kneel down, don't you understand?"

"Huh? I kneel down?"

Hu Sandao was dumbfounded, subconsciously plopped, and fell to his knees.

See here.

Only then did Xiao Wanyu put her gaze back on Lin Chen, her pretty face was full of indescribable emotions.

"Since you're here, why don't you go up!"

Xiao Wanyu pursed her mouth and said angrily.

She had been waiting for this guy up there for so long, but this guy was lucky enough to open a private room by himself and never went up.

"Hey, I ran into a little trouble and wasted time."

Lin Chen smiled lightly.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Hu Sandao, who was kneeling on the ground, was completely dumbfounded.


What is this scenario?

Looking at this posture, is it possible that this dick knows Miss Xiao?

But, how is this possible, Miss Xiao is a character like a dragon and a phoenix among people, and this kid is an out-and-out coward, no matter how you look at it, these two people are not from the same world!

"When you're in trouble, why don't you tell me, Lin Chen, don't you consider me a friend!"

Xiao Wanyu stared straight at Lin Chen,

The tone was full of resentment.


Lin Chen scratched his head and said with a sneer: "Miss Xiao, look at what you said, I have never been friends."

"Yeah, I can only be friends..."

When she said this sentence, a look of loneliness appeared on Xiao Wanyu's face.

However, in Hu Sandao's eyes, this scene made his hairs stand on end and he gasped. After all, with Xiao Wanyu's demeanor and tone, it was really hard not to let him fantasize.

What is the relationship between these two people!

In response, Lin Chen shook his head and could only smile wryly.

The hardest thing to bear is beauty.

Xiao Wanyu has helped him a lot, so this time, he entrusted the Xiao family to take care of the Wu family's property, which also meant to repay his kindness.

As for more, he couldn't give it, and he couldn't give it.

"Okay, let me help you solve the trouble first!"

Following Xiao Wanyu's words, there was a crisp applause.


In an instant, a five-finger red mark appeared on Hu Sandao's face, and he was dizzy from the beating.

"This palm is hitting you blind, do you know what's wrong?"

Xiao Wanyu said coldly.

"Miss Xiao, I didn't know you knew this kid. If I knew, I would never dare..."

In the middle of Hu Sandao's words, Xiao Wanyu slapped him again, and interrupted forcefully: "I asked you what's wrong, you don't understand?"

With this palm, Hu Sandao's face was completely swollen.

He covered his face, quickly lowered his head, and said in a trembling voice: "Miss Xiao, I am blind, I shouldn't provoke this gentleman, I should die!"

Seeing this scene, the private room fell silent for a while.

Zhu Ying and the others stared wide-eyed and opened their mouths wide open.

Originally thought that Hu Sandao was seeking revenge from Miss Xiao, but unexpectedly, the situation was reversed, and instead he was slapped twice by Miss Xiao.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this daughter of the Xiao family, who stands on the top of the cloud, seems to have a good relationship with Lin Chen.

What is the origin of this Lin Chen?

Just when they think so.

There was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

Afterwards, Mr. Xiao in a white robe ran in panting.

"Grandpa, why are you here?"

Xiao Wanyu asked.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin told me that he is in this private room..."

After speaking, Mr. Xiao looked at Hu Sandao who was kneeling on the ground, and thought of everything he said before, and suddenly realized.

Dare to love, this Hu Sandao

The young man mentioned was actually Mr. Lin!


Without further ado.

Mr. Xiao just slapped Hu Sandao hard on the face.

"I think you don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. You have opened this hotel for too long, so you don't want to do it anymore, do you?"

"Look at your dog eyes wide, you dare to provoke Mr. Lin, I'll fuck you to death!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Xiao gritted his teeth, and kicked Hu Sandao in the chest angrily.


Hu Sandao clutched his chest, his face was pale, his lips were bloodless, and he didn't dare to fart.

However, the bosses who followed Mr. Xiao were also a little confused.

"Mr. Xiao, what's the matter with you?"

"Yes, who is this young man?"

Hearing everyone's questions, Mr. Xiao took a deep breath and said slowly: "Didn't I say that the main purpose of my dinner here today is to thank a big man."

"The young man in front of me is the big man I've been waiting for."

The voice fell.

Hu Sandao's face was ashen, and he felt a cold air rushing towards Tianlinggai, and his scalp was numb.

What a joke.

This young man dressed as a dick is actually the big shot Mr. Xiao has been waiting for.

Long ago, he was still thinking about the background of a big man who had to be taken seriously by someone with the status of Mr. Xiao.

If he could make friends with one or two, his hotel would skyrocket. However, he never dreamed that this mysterious big man was so close at hand.

For a while, Hu Sandao felt remorseful.

As for Du Bufan and the others, they were even more shocked to the point of being speechless.

It turns out that the boss is by my side...

But if you think about it carefully, what did they do? They were mocking the boss beyond their limits...

Looking at Lin Chen, Wu Qiuyi's pupils were as shocked as everyone else's. At first, she only thought that Lin Chen knew some strange spells and could see through things that ordinary people couldn't see through.

That's why she wanted to find Lin Chen to help her solve her recent physical problems.

However, as these things went on, she found that Lin Chen she knew was just the tip of the iceberg.

The Xiao family, how could she not have heard of it, this is the most prosperous family in Yunhuai City, but even the Xiao family respects Lin Chen so much.

It is conceivable how unpredictable this young man is...

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