Overnight Success

Chapter 242 This Ghost Is Too Fierce In That Way

after awhile.

Seeing that the lesson is almost over, Lin Chen said: "You two can get out."

Hearing this, the two big men quickly let go of Zhao Lei, who was swollen and lost his shape, nodded and bowed: "Thank you sir, we two will get out of here."

Seeing the two of them huddled on the ground and scrambling away, Wu Qiuyi covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

Obviously, this scene is extremely funny.

"Why, didn't you want to send someone to teach me? How does it feel to be taught now?"

Lin Chen looked at Zhao Lei who was panting heavily and smiled slightly.

Zhao Lei's face was ashen, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and said viciously to Lin Chen: "Boy, I remember you, we can't finish!"


In this regard, Lin Chen frowned, and immediately came to Zhao Lei: "Are you threatening me?"

Feeling the chill coming from Lin Chen's body, Zhao Lei broke out in a cold sweat, but he didn't wait for him to speak.

Lin Chen grabbed his right hand and twisted it lightly.

During Setsuna, a scream sounded like killing a pig.


I saw that Zhao Lei's right hand was twisted into a 180-degree turn, and his arm was directly dislocated.

"Grandpa, I was wrong, I was wrong, I really dare not do it again!"

Zhao Lei endured the severe pain and cried.


Lin Chen looked disdainful, and said coldly: "Get lost!"

Of course, just as Zhao Lei staggered away.

But he didn't realize that a red rope was tied to his right arm.

For Lin Chen, if he wants to satisfy the desire of the lustful soul, he still needs someone to replace Wu Qiuyi to let the lustful soul vent.

Originally, he was still worried, but now Zhao Lei took the initiative to send it to his door, which just solved this problem.


Lin Chen turned off the chandelier and lit the candles instead.

"Miss Wu, no matter what happens later, don't panic. Just do what I want you to do."

Lin Chen said.

"I understand." Wu Qiuyi nodded.


A cool breeze blows, blowing the curtains.


A hair-raising voice gradually came from afar.

"The lewd soul is about to appear."

As Lin Chen said, he asked Wu Qiuyi to take off all her clothes, leaving only her underwear.

"Lie down."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Wu Qiuyi covered Gao Feng with both hands, and lay on the bed blushing.

This was the first time she had exposed her body to a man in this way.

Feeling Wu Qiuyi's rapid breathing, Lin Chen stared at the closed door.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Suddenly, the door was gently pushed open.

Lin Chen's expression froze, just as he was about to chant the spell and started to cast it.


There was a sound of footsteps.

Zhao Lei be careful

Wing Wing walked over here with the camera in hand.

If it were someone else, they would naturally not notice it, but Lin Chen has excellent hearing, not to mention the sound of someone walking, even any disturbance, he could not escape his perception.

Now it's interesting.

There was a hint of playfulness at the corner of Lin Chen's mouth.

the other side.

Before this, Zhao Lei had suffered a great loss, so he was naturally unwilling to leave in such a desperate manner.

So, he thought of a brilliant way.

He wanted to use a camera to record the whole process of Wu Qiuyi's relationship with this little boy.

At that time, after mastering this video, Wu Qiuyi will have to obediently admit defeat.

With this evil thought in mind, when Zhao Lei found that the door was still open, he was even more overjoyed.

God help me too!

These two people forgot to close the door when they did that!

Seeing this, Zhao Lei immediately rushed to the door, picked up the camera, and tentatively took pictures of the room.

However, the next moment.

The faces captured by the camera scared him almost out of his wits.

There are no Lin Chen and two in the picture at all, but a face with protruding eyeballs and a face that is so pale that there is no blood.

He had only seen a face like this on dead people.

Recalling what Lin Chen said about ghosts, Zhao Lei's psychological defense gradually collapsed.

No way……

But, at this moment.

A big cold hand was stroking his cheek, and then, when he raised his eyes, he saw that dead man's face approaching him and sniffing at him.

This scene scared him so much that he was about to have a heart attack.

It's just too wicked!

Immediately, Zhao Lei's body became weak, and he couldn't help but let out a scream, and then fainted to the ground.

Following that, a stream of wet liquid also flowed out from his crotch.

It can be seen that Zhao Lei was so frightened that he peed on the spot...

"Hey, I'm really asking for trouble."

Lin Chen shook his head.

Just now, he put a spell on the door, once the lewd soul appears near the door, it will show its prototype.

Therefore, Zhao Lei was able to see him.

In fact, if you look closely, the owner of this lewd soul is a relatively handsome young man.

As for why Zhao Lei is so scared, it's entirely because he has a ghost in his heart!

The ghost came from his heart, he knew that he was doing something wrong, that's why he was so afraid, afraid of being targeted by the ghost!

this moment.

Lin Chen chanted the mantra lightly, and immediately stepped forward, tied the red string in his pocket to his left hand, and handed him the doll that had already been tied with the red string in advance.

"I know you, you died young, and you have never met a woman before your life, so you are unwilling. Today I will satisfy your fantasy."

As Lin Chen finished speaking, the ghost followed suit as if he understood.

Aww a few times.

"Miss Wu, are you ready?"

Lin Chen asked softly.

Wu Qiuyi nodded with her eyes closed.

When the ghost came in, she realized it. She never thought that one day she would meet the ghost's eyes, which was incredible.

Fortunately, Lin Chen had been vaccinated, otherwise she would have screamed if she didn't faint.

"Don't be afraid, this ghost is not paying attention to you."

Lin Chen stroked Wu Qiuyi's beautiful hair, and comforted, "Did you see that mirror? I cast a spell to reflect you through the mirror and onto that doll."

"So, now he regards the doll as you."

"You and I just need to guide him and help him satisfy his desire."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, Wu Qiuyi said weakly: "Then what should I do?"

"Just call."

"Ah?" Wu Qiuyi was puzzled: "What's the name?"

"The bed screams." Lin Chen said, and turned on the recorder: "I have prepared it, you just need to scream once, and I will record it and play it in a loop."


Wu Qiuyi's face was blushing, and she tried her best to pant...


As the recorder played in a loop, the ghost worked harder and harder, sprinting towards the doll.

I do not know how long it has been.

At the door, Zhao Lei, who had been unconscious all this time, suddenly woke up.

Then, when he saw the extremely outrageous scene in front of him, he couldn't help but scream again: "Fuck, this ghost is a pervert!"

The voice just fell.

The ghost had a ferocious face, and when he looked back, his face was full of ferocity, as if he was blaming Zhao Lei for disturbing him.


He suddenly stretched out his big hand and grabbed Zhao Lei by the throat.

Seeing that Zhao Lei's face turned purple and he couldn't breathe.

Lin Chen tilted the mirror, and Wu Qiuyi's reflected light instantly hit Zhao Lei's face.

In an instant, the anger on the ghost's face disappeared, and turned into excitement.

Seeing the ghost let go of its claws, Zhao Lei ran outside without saying a word, and shouted as he ran, "Come on, there is a ghost, there is a ghost chasing me!"

Seeing this ghost chasing Zhao Lei like crazy, Lin Chen put one hand in his pocket, smiled at Wu Qiuyi and said:

"This guy now regards Zhao Lei as you. Congratulations. From now on, you can sleep peacefully."

"Then Zhao Lei wouldn't..."

Thinking of the fierce scene of the ghost facing the doll just now, Wu Qiuyi couldn't help mourning for Zhao Lei.

"Don't worry, he won't die, but some suffering is unavoidable. Of course, compared to the physical pain, the trauma in his heart must be more serious."

Lin Chen chuckled.

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