Overnight Success

Chapter 251 Red Flag World

Hearing this, Lu Yao hurriedly grabbed Xue Qi and said: "Brother Xue, you are not a martial artist who doesn't know something. This mentality is extremely important to martial arts practitioners, but there are also different levels of mentality. There are some mentalities. It may cause harm to the human body.”

"According to what Lin Chen said, it should be that there is a problem with the mental method that Mr. Chen cultivated."

When he said this sentence, Lu Yao looked at Lin Chen with incredible eyes.

According to what his father said, it is beyond ordinary people's imagination to improve his mind. He did not expect the young man in front of him to have such a superb ability!

Moreover, it is not difficult to see from Mr. Chen's demeanor that he seems to be very satisfied with this improved method.

Of course, Lin Chen didn't bother to respond to Xue Qi's question from the beginning to the end.

Immediately afterwards, he said to Chen Fangnian: "Old man, I will write you a prescription, take it according to the prescription, and within a week your condition will be greatly improved."

Hearing this, Chen Fangnian was excited, got out of bed quickly, and bowed deeply to Lin Chen.

"You don't have to be polite, old man." Lin Chen helped Chen Fangnian up, then wrote down a prescription and handed it to Chen Qingqing.

Taking the prescription with both hands, Chen Qingqing was also extremely happy.

Obviously, grandpa's condition can improve, and for her, this is what she has been looking forward to the most.

Looking at Lin Chen, Chen Qingqing's beautiful eyes were also full of waves.

Before, I thought this guy was a fart, but now that I saw him up close, I didn't expect this guy to be quite handsome.

But soon, her eyes shifted, and she coldly glanced at Xue Qi who was at a loss.

The next moment, she said in a cold tone: "Just now you said you wanted to cut off half of my grandpa's lungs?"

Being stared at by Chen Qingqing was a little hairy, Xue Qi bit the bullet and said: "This is unscientific!"

"Could it be that Ms. Chen really thinks that just a few words written by this kid can cure the old man's illness?"

"Science? There are many things in this world that are beyond scientific cognition." Lin Chen smiled dismissively: "Besides, what you call science is also defined by people."

"Today I will let you know how ridiculous the cognitive science you are proud of is!"

Speaking of this, Lin Chen glanced at Xue Qi's facial features, and said coldly without hesitation: "Why do you always hold your back? If I guess wrong, you should lose one of your two waists, right?"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone looked suspicious, but Xue Qi's expression changed drastically.

He looked at Lin Chen, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

How did this person know that he lacked a kidney?

"Besides, your limbs are extremely uncoordinated. It seems that this is not born, it should be artificially caused by the day after tomorrow?"

Lin Chen

Staring at Xue Qi, he continued.

If Lin Chen's previous sentence could still keep Xue Qi calm, then this sentence has already set off a huge wave in his heart.

His limbs are indeed uncoordinated, and the reason is that he has been artificially injured.

When he was twenty-five years old, he just went abroad to study, and ran into a drunken and beautiful woman, which gave him a bad idea. When she was drunk, he dragged her to a nearby hotel and opened a room.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he took off his clothes, the door was kicked open, and a group of big men rushed in.


He understood that this was a fairy jumping trick.

Sure enough, in the next second, the corner of the woman's mouth showed a joke, she didn't look drunk.

This group of people searched his wallet, but as a college student who just studied abroad, his family is not good, so there is no extra money.

I thought that if he had no money, these people would let him go.

Unexpectedly, the nightmare had just begun.

These people beat his limbs violently, and his bones were damaged to varying degrees. The most extreme thing was that the woman who pretended to be drunk before even picked up a scalpel and cut his waist without even applying anesthesia.

Recalling the unbearable past, Xue Qi couldn't help but tremble.

"Lin Chen, I know you are capable, but you don't need to slander people, right? My friend is in good health, how could he lack a waist?"

Lu Yao just wanted to speak for Xue Qi, but he didn't want to. Xue Qi lowered his head and said in a trembling voice: "He's right, I do have one less kidney."

"Uh..." Lu Yao looked confused.

This is too nonsense!

Even he didn't know about the secret of lack of waist, how did Lin Chen see it?

"Put away your self-righteous cognition!" Lin Chen turned to Lu Yao and said, "It's true that he lacks a kidney, but his kidney function hasn't suffered too much, but you are different."

"Because of excessive indulgence and drinking, you have already reached the point where you have to hand in your gun in ten seconds!"

"And I advise you to quit porn as soon as possible, otherwise if you continue like this, you will only cry in vain when you see women in the future."

Every sentence of Lin Chen was like a sharp sword, piercing Lu Yao's sore spot fiercely.

Lu Yao's face turned red, and he didn't even dare to raise his head to look at Chen Qingqing. As we all know, he has been pursuing Chen Qingqing recently, but now Lin Chen pointed out his kidney deficiency in person. One can imagine what face he will have in the future. See Chen Qingqing. Biqu library

The magic of aura is mysterious and mysterious.

For Lin Chen, he only needs to mobilize the spiritual energy and pour it into the opponent's body, and he can clearly know all the problems in the opponent's body.

"Mr. Chen, I still have something to do in the martial arts gym today, so I won't bother you any more."

Lu Yao blushed like a monkey's ass, greeted Chen Fangnian, and immediately left in despair.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Lin, I was the one who was rude today, and I apologize to you two here."

After finishing speaking, Xue Qi was in a trance.

He has always regarded science as a firm belief, but today, his belief was overturned by Lin Chen on the spot.

It turned out that his self-confident beliefs were so ridiculous, and what was even more ridiculous was that he would overpower himself and want to compete with Mr. Lin.

Looking at it now, he lost completely.

"Remember, Western countries certainly started earlier and developed faster, but China has a culture of five thousand years, which is not available in any Western country."

"If you still insist on staying in the Western countries, then I can only say that it is a pity for you, because one day in the future, all the Western countries you are proud of will set off a storm of red flags!"

Lin Chen's voice was like a bell, each sentence shook Xue Qi's heart.

Xue Qi showed bitterness, bowed deeply to Lin Chen, then turned and left.

"Mr. Lin, what you said and did today really made me feel sincere admiration."

Chen Fangnian sighed.

Lin Chen shook his head: "There are not many people like Xue Qi, I just try my best to enlighten him."

"As for whether he can figure it out, that's his business."

Chen Fangnian stroked his beard and laughed heartily: "By the way, Mr. Lin, there will be a Tianlong auction in the provincial capital next time. I don't know if you are interested."

Lin Chen was slightly surprised when he heard about the Tianlong auction.

After all, the Tianlong Auction is famous enough to rank among the top five in the country, but it was unexpected that the Tianlong Auction chose Tianhai Province as the auction location.

"According to reliable sources, the finale item of this auction is a spirit crystal. Speaking of this spirit crystal, it is said that wearing it can prolong life, but this thing is a consumable. My Chen family also has some, but it has been consumed all these years. gone."

Lin Chen's eyes froze. As he guessed, the Chen family really had spiritual crystals, but ordinary people wearing spiritual crystals can at most delay aging, and as time goes by, spiritual crystals will indeed be consumed to a certain extent.

It's just that compared to him using spirit crystals to cultivate, the consumption is not so fast.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, it's good to learn more." Lin Chen smiled slightly.

Later, Chen Fangnian asked Chen Qingqing to fetch an auction ticket and handed it to Lin Chen.

After accepting the auction ticket, Lin Chen looked around, and suddenly his heart moved, and he said, "Mr. Chen, forgive me for offending me. I would like to ask if the Chen family owns a piece of dragon jade?"

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