Overnight Success

Chapter 27 Exchange

"Xu Shao, are you uncomfortable? Why is your face so ugly?"

At this time, Zhao Kai asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Xu Tianlong's face turned green, he picked up the coffee cup and immediately splashed it on Zhao Kai's face.


Suddenly, Zhao Kai let out a scream, and quickly picked up the napkin beside him and wiped his face frantically.

"Xu Shao, what happened?"

Feeling the burning pain on his face, Xu Kai said tremblingly.

"You idiot, what the hell are you talking about!"

While gritting his teeth, Xu Tianlong threw the phone in Zhao Kai's hand.

And when Zhao Kai witnessed the content of the text message, his originally flushed face suddenly turned pale.

"Xu...Xu Shao, I obviously...have already arranged everything, I...I don't know why this happened!"

Zhao Kai said tremblingly.

"Are you playing me like a monkey?"

Xu Tianlong took a deep breath and was very angry: "The eyeliner I placed in Su's finance company clearly took screenshots of the payment from those two companies. What do you mean, can this still be fake?"

Zhao Kai had a sad face and didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

The bosses of the two debt-debt companies flew to Mauritius, but he bought the plane tickets himself, and he also saw from his mobile phone that the two of them had indeed boarded the plane.

It doesn't make sense!

Could it be that Lin Chen can predict in advance, why not fly to Mauritius?

"Xu Shao, give me some time, and I'll go back and investigate."

Zhao Kai thought of Wang Beibei, didn't she go with Lin Chen to ask for the payment, she must know.

"What is the use!"

Xu Tianlong slapped the coffee table angrily, his eyes were clouded.

He figured it out, since that kid Lin Chen appeared beside Su Qingcheng, every time he planned against Su's, he would be destroyed.

Presumably this time, it must be related to him again.

Thinking of this, Xu Tianlong made a call.

Soon, the call was connected.

A deep voice came from the other party: "Young Master Xu, what can I order?"

"Yuanhu, you are the person I trust the most, and now I have something to entrust to you!"

Xu Tianlong said coldly.

"Xu Shao, please speak."

"Go and kill a man named Lin Chen, and I will send you information about him later."

A trace of hostility flashed across Xu Tianlong's face.

"Xu Shao, don't worry, I promise to complete the task!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Tianlong lit a cigar and said coldly: "Boy

, Those who dare to oppose me, have not had a good end yet. "

Afterwards, he sent a message to Xu's marketing manager: "At all costs, I will ask Su's to get out of the beauty and skin care market within a week, or you can bring your resignation report to the personnel department."

After doing all this, Xu Tianlong's face was full of cold light. Su Qingcheng, you think you can rest easy if you want to get the loan back. As I said, I will ask you to come to me personally.

Are you not proud?

In a few days, I'll see how you can still be proud!


at the same time.

In the Rolls-Royce, Tang Long was the first to break the silence: "You saved my son's life, and I have already notified the two companies to transfer the payment owed to Su."

Lin Chen sneered at this, "It's only natural to pay off debts, how could it become a gift from your mouth?"

At this time, if outsiders saw Lin Chen dare to talk to the famous Long Ye with such an attitude, they would probably be so shocked that they would be speechless from ear to ear.

Tang Long was noncommittal, and then said: "I know you have resentment towards me, but the same thing, I don't want to explain it a second time."

"I called you here because I want you to help me see a doctor."

Lin Chen frowned: "How do you know that I will definitely see a doctor for you?"

"Behind the Xu family is the Han family. If the Su family wants to survive under the attack of their two families, you can only rely on me."

Tang Long said lightly.

Hearing this, Lin Chen fell silent.

Even if he can extract the method of making scar removal cream based on the old man's self-created "Scar Elimination Technique".

But if you want to compete with Xu in the large-scale issuance market, it will take a long period of time.

Now if Mrs. Xu knew that Mrs. Su got back the 300 million payment, he would probably use thunderous means against Mrs. Su.

"You must be aware of the strength of the Tang family. They are also one of the four big families in Yunhuai. Even though I have only been in business for a short time, I still think they are not inferior to the Han family."

Speaking of this, a look of sadness appeared in Tang Long's eyes.

If it weren't for this hidden illness, how could he have retired from the all-powerful Long Ye to start a business.

For five years, he searched all over famous doctors, but none of them could see his hidden disease, but Lin Chen could see his problem with just one glance.

As Lin Chen said, he can feel that his time is really numbered.

"Okay, I can treat your illness, but the premise is that you promise me to protect Su Shi for a month."

Upon hearing Lin Chen's words,

Tang Long smiled heartily and boldly said: "No problem."

The car drove to the city center, and then turned into a remote mountain road.

Twenty minutes later.

An elegant and simple Chinese-style villa appeared in Lin Chen's sight.

"Doctor Lin, here we are."

Tang Long smiled slightly and got out of the car.

Lin Chen followed closely behind.

Stepping into the gate of the villa, Lin Chen glanced around and found that the huge villa didn't even have a bodyguard except some nannies.

Seeing Lin Chen's astonishment, Tang Long smiled and said, "As far as I can see, my bodyguard is only a hero, and I can't trust anyone else."

Lin Chen nodded.

When he came to the bedroom, Tang Long took off his shirt, and a cold air emanated from his body, penetrating into the marrow of his bones.

Lin Chen hurriedly circulated his spiritual energy to resist, and only now did he realize how bad Tang Long's body was. It is no exaggeration to say that with his current body, if he gets angry, he may die suddenly at any time.

"You have also seen my body. Presumably that person wants to harm my son, just to see if I will get angry."

Tang Long coughed.

The truck driver who hit his son was not drinking, so it was obvious that he did it on purpose. As for who it was, he already had a rough guess in his mind.

"Doctor Lin, do you know the list?"

At this moment, Zhao Yingxiong, who was silent on the side, spoke slowly.

Lin Chen shook his head.

Before he got the old man's inheritance, he was just an ordinary repairman, and he didn't even have access to Lian's family. How could he have heard of any place list.

"Then you should know the Forbes rankings, right? Just like that list, the so-called ground rankings are rankings of martial arts masters in terms of strength."

Zhao Yingxiong said slowly: "Master Long used to be a master of the local list, the highest ranked eleventh, and one of the only two remaining figures in the local list in Yunhuai City."

"The land list is updated every three years. Ever since Master Long chose to start a business because of hidden diseases, his ranking in the land list has continued to drop, and he fell out of the land list last month."

"And the reason why Master Long is suffering from hidden diseases is all due to the design against Master Long fifteen years ago. Here, I implore Dr. Lin to save Master Long, as long as you can make Master Long hurt. Heal, I, Zhao Yingxiong, have worked hard for you all my life, and I have no complaints or regrets."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yingxiong knelt down on his knees and gave Lin Chen a heavy kowtow.

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