Piaomiao Village is located in the southernmost village of Yunhuai City.

Surrounded by mountains, it has not suffered any industrial pollution for the time being.

But just like that, Piao Miao Village was still shrouded in smog, and this scene was surprisingly weird.

Due to the rugged mountain road, the vehicle could not move, and it took several hours to walk the mountain road. Lin Chen took Su Qingcheng and Li Fei until the afternoon before arriving at Piaomiao Village.

caught the eye.

Piaomiao Village is quiet, without any sound, as if no one lives at all, without any fireworks.

The further he walked, the more confused Su Qingcheng was and said: "Why did you build the village here? There isn't even a normal road. Don't they find it inconvenient to travel?"

"Maybe it's because the villagers don't want to have contact with outsiders, so they choose such a closed place?"

Li Fei said.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Lin Chen glanced around: "This village is extremely cloudy, coupled with smog, the sun cannot shine, and it is difficult for crops to grow in the field. There is a high probability that it will not be able to be self-sufficient."

"Then why did they build the village here? It's very unreasonable?"

As soon as Su Qingcheng finished speaking, a slightly obscene male voice sounded.

"Who told you that the villagers here can only rely on crops to live?"

next moment.

A middle-aged man in casual clothes appeared at the entrance of the village.

Behind him, followed by a group of men and women.

These people held various brackets and cameras in their hands, and they seemed to be a professional shooting team.

"You two ladies, you don't know something, because of the special terrain of Piao Miao Village, many film and TV drama teams choose locations here for the production of suspense and thriller blockbusters."

"And when they come, they will pay the villagers a lot of money."

"Get to know me, my name is Zhang Mou, I am the director and planner of a documentary team."

The middle-aged man looked at Su Qingcheng and the two with a smile.

As for Lin Chen at the side, he automatically ignored him.

"Hehe, shooting a documentary?"

Lin Chen smiled faintly, and interjected: "I would like to advise you, before you enter the village, there is still time for you to leave, otherwise even if you want to leave, it will be too late."

Seeing Lin Chen's influence on his communication with the two beauties, Zhang Mou was immediately upset and said, "Listen to you, this village seems like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. I tell you not to scare people here."

"The feng shui style of this village

There is a big problem in the bureau, surrounded by mountains, and the village is located in a sinking position, it is very easy to breed cloudy air, coupled with the influence of smog, the cloudy air cannot be dissipated, and over time, it is extremely easy to change here. "

Lin Chen didn't say it directly, but anyone with a little common sense should understand what he meant.

However, Zhang Mou, including his filming team, disagreed.

They came here all the way for the purpose of taking advantage of the special environment of Piaomiao Village to make a documentary and release it, so as to attract the attention of the audience and make a lot of money.

Right now, Lin Chen wants them to leave in a few words, which is obviously impossible.


Behind the director Zhang Mou, a young assistant said: "What kind of cloudy atmosphere is it? It's a bunch of nonsense."

"Feng shui pattern, it's the 21st century, aren't you afraid that people will laugh your ass off if you engage in these crooked ways?"

Hearing this, the filming team discussed one after another, showing a bit of disdain for Lin Chen.

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng frowned, and was about to speak, but was stopped by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said leisurely to the crowd: "This is not the place you should come to. In short, I have already said what should be said. If you want to kill yourself, I will not stop you."

After saying that, Lin Chen walked towards the village with the two girls amidst a burst of ridicule.

Watching the backs of the two girls leaving, Zhang Mou licked his lips, a flash of greed flashed in his eyes:

"Let's go, I want to see what's weird about this village."

the other side.

Seeing that Zhang Mou and others followed, Su Qingcheng said: "Lin Chen, is there really a big problem with Feng Shui in this village?"

In the past, she would not have believed in the theory of Feng Shui, but since seeing many weird things with Lin Chen, she has gradually believed that this world is indeed full of mystery.

Science is defined by humans, but the world is so big, there are still many things that cannot be defined by humans.

Lin Chen was noncommittal.

Strange to say, the deeper you go into the center of the village, the lower the temperature will be. It is obviously the dog days, but here, it seems like winter.

Fortunately, before coming, they were reminded by the villagers who were seeing a doctor that they all put on thick down jackets, but Zhang Mou and his party obviously didn't consider this, everyone was shivering with cold, and their noses were running.

About ten minutes later.

When everyone arrived at the center of the village, there were already many people standing here, and an old man with white hair stepped forward and said hello.

behind him, followed by a

A middle-aged man and a young woman.

The three of them were the village leaders.

"Director, look at my memory. When I called yesterday, I forgot to remind you that the village is very cold. You must have froze along the way!"

Hearing the words of the white-haired old man, Zhang Mou couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Not only was it damaged by freezing, but if the journey was longer, he doubted whether he would be frozen into an ice sculpture.

"These three are...?"

The white-haired old man turned to look at Lin Chen and the others.

Obviously, compared with the thin clothes of Zhang Mou and his party, the tight clothes of these three people are obviously not the same people.

Immediately afterwards, among the villagers, a simple and honest man said: "Village chief, the three of them are the miraculous doctors who cured my illness yesterday. I think they came to treat everyone."

"Oh?" The white-haired old village chief's eyes flickered, and he said politely: "Thank you three for your hard work and coming from afar. Come inside and get warm."

With that said, the old village head made a gesture of please.

Lin Chen nodded, then glanced around, and found that the expressions of the people in the village were very dull, except for the old village chief who was smiling all over his face. The villagers looked like sculptures, staring straight at them and the group of people with strange eyes. extreme.

At the same time, Su Qingcheng also discovered that the middle-aged man who followed the old village chief had obvious scars on his hands.

As if sensing that Su Qingcheng's eyes were wrong, the middle-aged man shrank his hands into his sleeves, looking very shy.

This made Su Qingcheng feel even more confused.

Since entering the village, whether it is the temperature or the villagers, there is an indescribable strangeness everywhere.

Afterwards, walking with the old village chief, Lin Chen and the three were assigned to a house. There were three rooms in the house, one for each person. To ensure safety, the three decided to live in one room so that they could take care of each other.

Before I knew it, night fell.

Looking at the sky over the village from the window, Lin Chen couldn't help but frown.

Such a heavy evil spirit.

The turbidity of the village is already very serious, coupled with the sudden rise of evil spirit, it is no wonder that the bodies of these villagers have changed.

"Lin Chen, what are you looking at so late, you still have to see a doctor for the villagers tomorrow morning!"

Su Qingcheng changed into pajamas and said.

Lin Chen withdrew his gaze, and said slowly: "My wife, Xiao Fei, from now on, you must stay by my side tightly, and you must not leave even one step. This village may be in great danger."

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