Overnight Success

Chapter 31 The Board Of Directors

"Lin Chen, why are you here?"

Li Fei was stunned for a while, and then became angry from embarrassment: "You lied to me on purpose, just to see me laugh?"

"I hate you!!"

After saying this, Li Fei put on her shirt and ran upstairs from Lin Chen's side angrily.

It wasn't until Li Fei slammed the door loudly upstairs that Lin Chen looked at the black figure in front of him and said coldly, "Who gave you the guts to enter and kill people?"

"Boy, I have to say that you are quite blessed. I didn't expect that besides Su Qingcheng, there is another beauty hidden in this villa."

Yuan Hu licked his dry lips, and smiled evilly: "Don't worry, when I kill you, I will be the favor of this beauty."


Lin Chen's eyes sank, then turned into an afterimage, and kicked Yuan Hu violently.

Seeing this, a look of disdain flashed across Yuan Hu's face.

Just as he was slowly covering his body with his arms, Lin Chen's kick directly changed his expression.

With just one breath, his arms were instantly broken, and his chest was also severely sunken.

Yuan Hu wanted to scream, but Lin Chen blocked his mouth fiercely with another big foot, causing him to be unable to make a sound.

"Say! Who sent you!"

Lin Chen said in a low voice.

Yuan Hu blushed, exhausted all his strength, and choked out a few words: "I won't say it!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen stepped on Yuan Hu's face so hard that it was almost deformed.


Yuan Hu struggled violently, but even with all his strength, he couldn't get rid of Lin Chen.

At this moment, traces of fear rose in his heart.

According to what Xu Shao said, this kid is just a repairman, but how can a repairman beat him as a Tier 3 warrior without the power to fight back.

The information is wrong.

Yuan Hu regretted that he came to trouble Lin Chen without any weapons.

At this time.

Lin Chen's eyes changed suddenly, and then he slowed down his suppression of Yuan Hu.

Taking this opportunity, Yuan Hu escaped from the restraint and rushed out towards the open north window.

next moment.

The door of the villa was pushed open from the outside.

Su Qingcheng came in with a haggard face carrying a satchel.

"You haven't slept yet?"

Seeing Lin Chen sitting on the sofa in the living room, Su Qingcheng's tone was full of apology: "I'm sorry Lin Chen, it must be hard work being my fiance, I haven't had time to spend with you."

Hearing this, Lin Chen felt very uneasy, and Lin Chen, who was afraid that Su Qingcheng would find out the abnormality, felt a little embarrassed: "It's also my responsibility. If I can help you solve the group's problems earlier, you can return to the office sooner." home."

"You've helped me a lot

Now, without you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold on. "

Su Qingcheng shook her head, said softly, then came to Lin Chen, leaned over and kissed him lightly on the side of the cheek.

Immediately, Lin Chen felt delighted, as if he had eaten honey.

"Honey, I want more."

Lin Chen pouted, trying to continue asking for kisses.

Unexpectedly, Su Qingcheng ignored it and walked upstairs.

"I'm going to rest, and I have to get up early tomorrow."

Hearing this, Lin Chen hurriedly followed her: "Honey, I have already resolved the issue of the market share of Su's products."

"Solved?" Su Qingcheng looked suspicious, "How is that possible? Xu's forced many partners to cut off cooperation with Su's. This is obviously to destroy Su's, and wait for me to compromise."

"I said it's resolved, and it will definitely be resolved. You can sleep well and wait for the news tomorrow!"

Lin Chen said with a smile, and then let it go: "Besides, there may be a surprise tomorrow."

Just now, he clearly saw that Li Fei had already applied the scar removal ointment on the scar. As long as it was effective, he believed that the scar would be greatly improved tomorrow morning, or even disappear completely.

"Ah..." Su Qingcheng was a little dazed, and then said seriously: "Lin Chen, tell me the truth, what have you done?"

"Hee hee, just take a look, my wife. Then you will know how wise and handsome your husband is..."

Lin Chen boasted about himself.

Su Qingcheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she knew that Lin Chen knew martial arts and medicine, but none of these had anything to do with business!


She simply didn't bother to think about it, and then said tenderly to Lin Chen: "No matter what you do, the first thing you need to do is to ensure your own safety. I can live without a company, but I can't live without you."

"Don't worry, my wife is so beautiful, how could I be willing to take risks."

"That's good." Su Qingcheng blushed pretty, and trotted back to the bedroom.

"I've said it all, so why be shy?"

Seeing his wife shy when talking about love, Lin Chen smiled.

Just then, a message came from the phone.

It was from Zhao Yingxiong.

"Master Lin asked clearly, the killer was sent by Xu Tianlong."

Lin Chen replied: "Get rid of him."


In fact, as early as when he went downstairs, he sent a message to Zhao Yingxiong, asking him to stay outside the villa.

In other words, if the killer didn't escape, he really didn't know what to do for a while.

After all, he didn't want Li Fei and Su Qingcheng to know that there was a killer eyeing him.



after breakfast


Nervously, Li Fei called Lin Chen aside. At this moment, she rarely asked nervously, "Lin Chen, do you still have the scar removal cream you made?"

"I lightly applied it last night, and this morning I found that the scars on my back are almost invisible, and I want to reapply."

"Didn't you say I was playing tricks on you?" Lin Chen said.

"Yes... sorry, I misunderstood you..."

Li Fei lowered her head and whispered, like a child who has made a mistake.

Lin Chen didn't want to continue to embarrass her, he shrugged and said, "I put it in the refrigerator at a constant temperature, you can just use it."

Li Fei was overjoyed, and smiled: "Thank you very much, I will treat you to dinner another day, you can choose the place you want!"

"That's what you said!" Lin Chen frowned.

"Hey, I haven't seen you two being so nice. What are you talking behind my back?"

At this time, Su Qingcheng cast his gaze over and said with a smile.

"Qingcheng, I'm off to work."

Li Fei said, picked up the satchel and ran out of the villa.

"I've known her for so long, and I've never seen her as happy as she is today! How did you do it?"

Meeting his wife's slightly curious gaze, Lin Chen blushed and said, "Girls, seeing a handsome guy early in the morning will definitely make you happy."


Afterwards, Lin Chen drove and took Su Qingcheng to the Su Group.

not for a while.

When the two of them stepped into the company's gate, the secretary Chen Wen immediately greeted them, and hurriedly said: "President, you are here. The chairman is going to hold a board meeting, and now it is up to you."

"Board of Directors?"

Su Qingcheng frowned: "When was the notification, why do I not know?"

"The chairman came to make a decision this morning. It is said that he wanted to discuss the company's current situation and your marriage."

Speaking of this, Chen Wen didn't even dare to look directly at Su Qingcheng.

"Discuss my marriage? When will my marriage need them to decide?"

Su Qingcheng was annoyed.

Different from the general meeting of shareholders, many members of the board of directors are family members. Obviously, this group of people is afraid that they will completely fall out with the Xu family, which will damage their interests.

"Honey, I will accompany you to participate."

Seeing Lin Chen speak, Su Qingcheng was embarrassed: "But you are not a member of the board of directors..."

Lin Chen shook his head and interrupted with a smile: "Then last time I was not a shareholder, this time I will participate as your fiancé, I will see who can stop me."

After uttering this sentence, Lin Chen's attitude was unprecedentedly firm.

Today, he will meet with the board of directors to see who dares to force her wife to do things she doesn't like!

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