Overnight Success

Chapter 316 Zhou Junfan's Death

The next day, nine o'clock in the morning.

Lin Chen was awakened in a daze by the ringing of the phone.

Pressing answer, the voice of secretary Chen Wen came from the other end of the phone.

"Lin Chen, where are you now, the president has been arrested!"

Chen Wen said anxiously.

Hearing this, Lin Chen woke up suddenly, and immediately said in a deep voice, "Qingcheng was arrested? Where was she arrested?"

"Today, the Su Corporation held a press conference for cooperation with Ms. Hua Furong, but just after the press conference ended, a group of men suddenly came in and forcibly took the president away."

Upon hearing this,

During the Setsuna, murderous intent erupted from Lin Chen's body, causing the air to freeze.

At this moment, he finally understood, what was the secret that the man in sackcloth said last night?

Unexpectedly, this group of people not only had their eyes on the village, but also his wife. It was even possible that this group of people lured him to the village as a way to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

I really want to die!

For a while, Lin Chen rushed back at full speed without saying a word.


And in Yunhuai City, in a luxurious villa.

Su Qingcheng was lying on the sofa with her hands and feet tied up with a rope, and her mouth was stuffed with a rag, so she couldn't make any sound.

In front of him, sat a man with a bracket beside him, with a joking expression on his face.

Obviously, the man is none other than the youngest of the Zhou family, Zhou Junfan.

"Looking at it this way, this woman's appearance is really good, and she can be evenly matched with Li Fei."

"However, that kid is really lustful. He already has a beautiful wife like you, and even hooked up with my woman."

Zhou Junfan stared at Su Qingcheng, and said coldly from time to time.

"Woman, what I look like now is because of your man's good deeds. I will record it today and let him see how his wife is playing with me!"

As Zhou Junfan spoke, a look of obscenity flashed in his eyes.

"Later, you can compare me and your man, who is more capable, hahaha!"

After saying that, Zhou Junfan pinched Su Qingcheng's neck and sniffed the fragrance of her body.


Su Qingcheng struggled desperately, but to no avail.

"I advise you not to waste your efforts, just enjoy it."

Zhou Junfan looked at Su Qingcheng, and laughed wildly excitedly, feeling the pleasure of revenge.

Su Qingcheng's face was full of despair, and tears fell like rain.

next moment.

Just when Zhou Junfan was about to bow his head to kiss, suddenly there was a roar outside the villa.

"Boom!!!" Biquku

Immediately afterwards, the door of the villa shattered, causing a wave of air.

A killing intent from hell swept out.

Lin Chen walked in with a cold face.

Su Qingcheng see you

When Lin Chen appeared, a gleam of light appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Then, Lin Chen glanced around, and when he found that Su Qingcheng's clothes were disheveled, a violent anger filled the entire villa.

At this moment, the villa shook violently, as if it couldn't bear the coercion brought by Lin Chen.

"Boy, you came really fast!"

When Zhou Junfan saw this familiar face, bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes.

"It's a pity that I have laid a net here, even if you come, you will only have a dead end."

As Zhou Junfan said, he waved his hand.

Swish Swish Swish!

Hundreds of men in black appeared from the villa and surrounded Lin Chen.

These black-clothed men, armed with firearms, were clearly prepared, and most of them were above the seventh- and eighth-rank warriors.

"Boy, I have already united with everyone in the Dark Pavilion, and I was waiting for you to come to die, but I didn't expect that you came here quite quickly!"

Zhou Junfan sneered and said: "But don't worry, I won't let you die easily, I will let you take a good look at how your wife surrendered to me before you die."

"Dare to collude with the Dark Pavilion, do you really want to seek death?"

Lin Chen said coldly.

As soon as these words fell, a suffocating killing intent pointed at Zhou Junfan.

"When things come to an end, why are you still talking big?"

Zhou Junfan showed disdain: "You should worry about yourself first!"

However, the next second.

Lin Chen shot like lightning.

The momentum is like a rainbow.

"Bang bang bang..."

All the black-clothed men surrounding Lin Chen flew upside down one by one, hitting the wall ten meters away, breaking down the walls of the villa on the spot.

"Shoot, shoot me!"

Seeing this, Zhou Junfan let out a strange cry and roared again and again.


Immediately, the only remaining men in black at the scene held guns and shot at Lin Chen.


As soon as Lin Chen stretched out his hand, just like that, all the bullets in the sky stopped in mid-air.

not moving at all.

It was as if time stood still.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Junfan and others were dumbfounded as if watching a magical movie.

My mother...

Is this true?

Against humanity?

Afterwards, Lin Chen waved his hand and yelled again: "Back!"

Just like that, the bullets that originally flew towards Lin Chen all returned the same way in the blink of an eye, piercing the hearts of these men in black.

However, these people did not expect that the bullets they fired would turn around and kill themselves in the end.

This is ridiculous!

At the same time, Zhou Junfan stood where he was, a chill ran down his spine,

His lips could not help but tremble.

"You, don't come here, don't come here..."

Seeing Lin Chen approaching step by step, Zhou Junfan's heart trembled and his calves felt weak.

Seeing that Lin Chen was indifferent, Zhou Junfan became ruthless, grabbed Su Qingcheng by the neck and shouted at Lin Chen: "If you dare to come here again, believe it or not, I will kill her!"

As soon as the words fell, a black shadow suddenly flashed past.

Caught off guard, Zhou Junfan was kicked by Hei Ying directly onto the floor-to-ceiling window.

With a click, the floor-to-ceiling window exploded and turned into countless fragments, scratching Zhou Junfan's body full of holes.

Blood flowed.

Accompanied by Zhou Junfan's scream of killing a pig, the black figure slowly revealed its face, it was Jiang Meigui.

However, the reason why Lin Chen was able to find the location of Su Qingcheng's arrest immediately was mainly due to her.

As the underground queen of Yunhuai City, with her means, it couldn't be easier to find out where Zhou Junfan and his group are hiding.

"Honey, how are you?"

After Lin Chen helped Su Qingcheng untie, he asked worriedly.

"Honey, I'm fine, I'm too useless."

Su Qingcheng shook her head and said in a low voice.

"What are you talking about!"

Lin Chen's expression was serious. When she saw the strangle marks on Su Qingcheng's body, her eyes flickered coldly: "Wife, just wait, I will make those who bully you worse than death!"

Afterwards, Lin Chen came to Zhou Junfan who fell to the ground.

"Before, I thought that you would learn the lesson and grow your memory, but looking at it now, I'm still too kind. People like you are only worthy of living in hell!"

As he spoke, Lin Chen violently pulled out the glass shards inserted into Zhou Junfan's body, piece by piece with flesh and blood.


Inside the villa, Zhou Junfan's shrill screams echoed.

It's okay if you don't smoke, but with this pumping, a stream of fresh blood spurts out, instantly dyeing the ground red.

Until, Lin Chen pulled out the last glass shard.

Zhou Junfan was already dying, and he didn't even have the strength to scream.

"Forgive me...I know I was wrong..."

Zhou Junfan said angrily.


The corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched: "Since you know you were wrong, then you should go to Hades and repent!"

Hearing this, Zhou Junfan's hairs suddenly rose, and before he could speak, his neck was broken and he died. Biqu library

to death.

Zhou Junfan couldn't figure out why Lin Chen was so powerful that he could control bullets.

If he knew earlier, even if he had ten thousand guts, he wouldn't dare to be an enemy of Lin Chen.

Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in the world.

He also has no chance to start over.

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