Overnight Success

Chapter 354 The Romance Of The Sea Of ​​Flowers Is Better Than Thousands

"Good, good, good!"

Jing Jingyi said three good words in succession, and was furious: "Boy, I will let you see the difference between an expert in the industry and a layman like you!"

After all, Jing Jingyi found four bricks, placed them in the four corners of the southeast, northwest, and said the magic formula in his mouth. Then he waved his hand, and invisible air currents gathered from all directions, covering the area.

"Miracle, what a miracle!"

The secretary following behind Sun Dongliu couldn't help but exclaim.

It can be seen with the naked eye that with Jing Jingyi casting spells, all kinds of flowers that were originally sluggish are faintly opening their petals, showing signs of recovery.

"As expected of Master Jing, such methods really opened our eyes."

Seeing this, Sun Dongliu was greatly shocked.

If the old guys from the Chinese Academy of Sciences saw this scene, they might not be able to help but doubt science!

Because, all this cannot be explained by science at all!

Seeing that the situation was developing in a good direction, Sun Dongliu and Yun Gaoyuan looked at each other with joy on their faces.

On the one hand, the recovery of flowers is conducive to the development of tourism projects, on the other hand, it can also show the superb Fengshui method of Jingjingyi from the side.

With him here, maybe the weird thing on the construction site can also be solved!


After casting the spell, Jing Jingyi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and turned to look at Lin Chen with provocative eyes, as if to say if you see it, this is a master's method, boy, what are you fighting with me.

Lin Chen turned a blind eye to this and smiled lightly: "Is this the end?"

Hearing this, Jing Jingyi was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"If that's all you're capable of, then you've let me down too much."

Lin Chen shook his head.

"Boy, don't be crazy. This place has been disturbed by Yin Qi for a long time. It is not easy for me to make this place significantly better."

Jing Jingyi's face turned red, and he said immediately: "Why, from what you mean, could it be that you can make the flowers here look gorgeous again?"

"if not!"

Lin Chen was noncommittal.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced around: "You guys who sit in a well and watch the sky, open your eyes and take a good look, what is the real miracle!"

The voice fell.

Lin Chen bit his finger, dripped a drop of blood onto the ground, and doubled his hands.

With hands in mudra, he shouted: "Open!"

Setsuna room.

The warmth is overflowing, sweeping away the coldness before.

The whole ground trembled slightly.

In a breath, looking around, there are flowers all over the ground, competing to open up, beautiful and charming.

Just a few seconds.

The originally withered flowers seem to be rejuvenated, exuding a refreshing floral fragrance.


Everyone just feels that they are in the sea of ​​flowers and are company with flowers.

Seeing the earth-shattering scene in front of them, everyone was stunned, unable to utter a word.

As for Jing Jingyi, he was also completely shocked by all this, and his mind went blank.

Lin Chen was in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, stepped on a handful of roses, walked towards Su Qingcheng step by step, and said with a smile: "Honey, I know that I am not as romantic as other husbands, so I will carefully prepare gifts for my wife."

"But today, this beauty belongs to you alone."

"I wonder if you like it?"

Looking at the roses that Lin Chen handed over, Su Qingcheng's eyes became moist.

An indescribable sense of happiness surrounded her tightly.

She also envied that other people's husbands would prepare all kinds of rituals to maintain the relationship between husband and wife.

But today, she only thinks that she is the happiest woman in the world.

The romance of the sea of ​​flowers is more than thousands.

"One blood creates all things, master, this is a true master!"

At this moment, compared to the fact that everyone was still immersed in the sea of ​​flowers created by Lin Chen, Jing Jingyi's complexion changed drastically, full of disbelief.

"Master Jing, what do you mean by this?"

Sun Dongliu was also relieved, and then asked.

Similarly, he is also very curious about how Lin Chen did it...

This is too unreasonable!

If it is said that what Jing Jingyi brought before was a miracle, then Lin Chen created a myth!

"One blood creates all things. It is said that when a Fengshui master reaches a certain level, he can use his own blood to change luck, including all Fengshui patterns." Jing Jingyi said excitedly: "However, there are very few masters who can really reach this level. We call it a guru."

Speaking of this, Jing Jingyi changed his previous arrogance, and said humbly to Lin Chen: "This junior does not know that the master's realm is so high, so I apologize to the master here."

Without hesitation.


Immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times to Lin Chen.

"Grandmaster, please accept me as an apprentice!"

Jing Jingyi said in a pleading tone.

As a Feng Shui person, he clearly understands what it means to be a master. Such a person, just by moving a finger, will make you be shrouded in bad luck for the rest of your life, and you will never be able to get rid of it.

Especially when he thought of his aggressive words and other actions before, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

Everyone was surprised to find that Jing Jingyi's attitude had changed so much.

"Just because you are arrogant, you are not qualified to be my apprentice."

Lin Chen said indifferently.

Hearing this, Jing Jingyi's expression was lonely, and he couldn't help feeling a little decadent for a moment.

It must be said that just how arrogant he was just now, he is so upset now.

Such an opportunity to get advice from a master-level boss, he was abruptly lost by himself...

Thinking of this, Jing Jingyi lost his mind and walked out, no matter how Sun Dongliu called, he never looked back.


Sun Dongliu did not expect that Jing Jingyi would be hit so hard, but the more so, the more it shows that Lin Chen is unfathomable.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for your selfless help to us."

Sun Dongliu immediately changed his face and said gratefully to Lin Chen.

"You're welcome, I'm not selfless in helping you."

Lin Chen said lightly.

"Ah?" Sun Dongliu was stunned, subconsciously said: "I wonder if Mr. Lin is going to..."

"My wife and I came here today, not only to get the approval, but also to buy shares in the tourist resort developed by Tianhai Province and Bairui Group."

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders, and said flatly: "Remember that this investment is free of charge, you two can choose to refuse, anyway, the Feng Shui here has not been completely improved, and it will return to its original state in a short time."

Sun Dongliu and Yun Gaoyuan looked at each other with wry smiles.

Don't look at the current problems in the development of the resort project, but as long as they are resolved, the benefits brought by this cake are far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

So far, not only one very powerful company has offered them a willingness to buy shares.

And the prices offered are impressive.

But now it's a good thing, Lin Chen actually asks to buy shares for free. Isn't this the same as paying dividends for free prostitutes?

next second.

Yun Gaoyuan gritted his teeth and said, "I promise you."

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