Overnight Success

Chapter 359 The Snake's Life Was Not In Vain

"You mean you took the initiative to attack Mr. Lin?"

Fang Yuan said coldly, a cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes.


The greasy man just finished speaking.

There was a "snap"!

A loud slap slapped him hard on the face, knocking out a few of his teeth, and the blood flowed down from the corner of his mouth uncontrollably.

"Things without eyes, the one in front of you is the leader who captured the summit of the kings."

When Fang Yuan's cold words resounded at this moment, everyone was completely dumbfounded as if struck by lightning.



Lin Chen is the expert who swept away all the strong at the summit of kings?


For a moment, Chen Yunxian, Wu Kui and the others felt their brains buzzing, and their faces were full of disbelief.

"Pavilion...Pavilion Master, I didn't know he was that expert..."

At this moment, the greasy man's face was ashen, and he even wanted to die.

"It's because I don't have eyes, it's because I look down on people with dog eyes, I should hit, I should die!"

The greasy man slapped himself several times, and soon both cheeks swelled into big bumps.

"It's okay, you have fulfilled your duties, and I will let you go this time."

Lin Chen smiled lightly.

Hearing this, the greasy man breathed a sigh of relief, kowtowed again and again, "Thank you leader, thank you leader!"

"Brother, sister was busy with business just now, so she forgot to notify her subordinates, you won't blame sister!"

Fang Yuan looked at Lin Chen, blinked, and his posture was extremely charming.

"Uh..." Lin Chen coughed twice, then turned to Su Qingcheng and said, "Honey, this is a friend of mine named Fangyuan."

"Hi Miss Fangyuan, I'm Su Qingcheng."

Su Qingcheng said generously.

Regarding this, Fang Yuan's eyes flickered, "Hi, Miss Su."

"Come on, let's go in and talk about something."

Saying that, Fang Yuan made a gesture of please.

Lin Chen was also polite, walking in the front, and said: "The Chen family are my friends, let them in too."

"Are you sure, that guy just put all the responsibility on you."

As Fang Yuan spoke, he glanced sideways at Wu Kui.

Wu Kui's face froze, his expression a little embarrassed.

Before, he taunted Lin Chen many times, but he never expected that in the end

However, whether he can enter the dark pavilion depends on Lin Chen's face.

"Let them in."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned to Chen Yunxian and said, "Remember, the Chen family owes me a favor."


There was a wave of waves in Chen Yunxian's heart, and he said sincerely.

Afterwards, Lin Chen and others followed Fang Yuan to the inside of the Dark Pavilion.

To the naked eye, the dark pavilion is more like an underground black market, with a wide variety of goods, all of which are marked with codes, which need to be exchanged for contribution points.

"What are these contribution values?" Lin Chen asked curiously.

"This is what I came to know. The Dark Pavilion often issues missions, and those who complete the mission will get a contribution value. It can be said that everything in the Dark Pavilion is not exchanged for cash, but all use contribution value."

Fangyuan explained.

"Your group of partners, I am afraid that even if they enter here, they will not be able to exchange for anything without contribution points."

Fang Yuan blinked slyly.

Lin Chen shook his head helplessly: "For my sake, let's give them a back door and let them exchange for cash. The reason why they want to come here is most likely because they didn't bring enough supplies."

"Well, since you have spoken, I will naturally be satisfied, but I have the final say on how much cash."

Seeing the corner of Fang Yuan's mouth curled up, Lin Chen knew that this woman was going to kill Chen Yunxian and his party severely.

Not long after.

Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng went to the banquet prepared by Fangyuan in advance.

At the banquet, many senior officials of the Dark Pavilion gathered.

When they learned that Lin Chen was the leader of the Kings Summit, they all looked solemn and tried to toast Lin Chen.

The scene can be said to be in full swing.

On the other hand, Chen Yunxian and others are relatively bleak, and they can only envy Lin Chen.

"Miss, this group of people is too dark. I bought some food and ammunition, and the price is more than ten times the price of the supermarket."

Wu Kui said gloomyly.

"Okay, people are under the eaves, it would be nice to exchange for it."

Chen Yunxian glanced at him coldly, if it weren't for Lin Chen just now, she might not have been able to enter the dark pavilion smoothly.

the other side.

After Lin Chen had eaten and drank enough, he continued on his way.

Originally, Fang Yuan wanted to go too, but was blocked by Lin Chen.

Right now, the situation of the beast is unknown, and he has no idea about protecting Su Qingcheng alone, let alone one more.

All the way up, it took about three hours.

Lin Chen saw a pine forest in front of him, so he took out the tent he had prepared in advance and planned to spend the night here temporarily.

As an immortal cultivator, he could keep his eyes shut all night, but Su Qingcheng couldn't. In just a short while, Su Qingcheng's physical strength was too much for him, after all, she was only half a foot in the door.

Just like that, just as Lin Chen set up his tent.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps.

Lin Chen looked up and found that it was Chen Yunxian and his party who came.

"Oh, what a coincidence, Ms. Chen." Lin Chen joked.

This group of people didn't have any food supplies in the dark pavilion just now, and now they are all exhausted and out of breath.

Chen Yunxian looked at him and didn't say much.

From the very beginning, she was curious about what Lin Chen came to Qianlong Mountain for?

Follow this route and continue walking. In a few hours, they will arrive at the lair of the beast. Could it be that Lin Chen also came for the beast?

Just when Chen Yunxian was muttering, Wu Kui and others were very upset.

Especially when thinking about the treatment they received in the Dark Pavilion before, it was quite different from that of Lin Chen.

In addition, the female companion brought by Lin Chen's side was stunning in appearance and in excellent figure, which made them extremely unbalanced. Biqu library

The bonfire was lit, and it was already midnight.

Everyone entered the tent one after another and began to sleep.

Suddenly, there was a sound of pain coming from Lin Chen's tent.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

Seeing Su Qingcheng's pretty face turned pale, Lin Chen hurriedly got up and said with concern.

"I seem to have been bitten by something."

As soon as Su Qingcheng finished speaking, Lin Chen grabbed the head of the culprit with quick eyes and quick hands.

In the field of vision, a 1.5 meter long, black and white corona snake was pinched tightly by Lin Chen, unable to move.

"Honey, I'm so dizzy..."

Su Qingcheng's voice was weak and she collapsed on the ground.

"Damn it!"

Lin Chen didn't show mercy, and immediately said after ending the life of the corona snake, "Honey, let me see where it got bitten."

A blush appeared on Su Qingcheng's earlobe, and she pointed to her buttocks in embarrassment.

Lin Chen: "..."

My god, this snake really knows where to bite.

His wife had never even bit him before, but now a snake took the lead.

It seems that the death of this snake is really unjust!

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