Overnight Success

Chapter 364 The Fifth Huayu

Afterwards, Lin Chen held the long sword and walked towards the big snake step by step.

On the surface, he seemed to be an ordinary person with no fluctuations in his body, but for the big snake, looking at Lin Chen, its body trembled slightly and fell into extreme panic.

Obviously, the biological instinct made it understand that the man in front of him really has the ability to kill it.

The big snake screamed sharply, spewed mouthfuls of dark green venom, and surrounded Lin Chen.

Knowing that the venom is terrible, Chen Yunxian quickly reminded: "Lin Chen, get out of the way!"

Su Qingcheng also exclaimed, her jade hands clenched her sleeves tightly, sweating for Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen didn't change his face.

I saw him holding the long sword in his hand and waving it lightly.


The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the cold light is cold.

In the blink of an eye, the venom all over the sky was swallowed up by the sword qi, and the sword qi continued to move forward, slashing towards the big snake's belly.


There was blood everywhere.

Visible to the naked eye, the indestructible scales of the big snake were instantly pierced by sword energy, leaving a bloodstain several meters long on its abdomen.

Feeling the severe pain in the abdomen, the golden pupil of the big snake was filled with blood red.

The breath became extremely violent.

Obviously, it was completely enraged by Lin Chen, and it was about to start fighting to the death.


The big snake raised its head to the sky and screamed, and the breath in its body quickly gathered on the snake's head. Even if they were far apart, everyone could feel a terrifying destructive power from the snake's head.

without any exaggeration.

If this destructive power falls on them, I'm afraid they won't even leave ashes behind.

However, regarding this destructive wave, Lin Chen sneered, his eyes fixed, and strands of aura around him also converged on the long sword in his hand.

At this moment, the strong sword light shot straight into the sky, fighting against the destructive wave on the big snake.

Even over one head.

"It's almost time to send you on your way!"

With the sound of Lin Chen's voice, the wind and clouds swirled, and with him as the center, everything seemed to turn into sword energy, raging crazily.

Seeing the suffocating fluctuations on Lin Chen's body, Wu Kui, who was lying on the ground, was already in shock.

How could this person be so powerful.

If it is said that Lin Chen's arrival earlier seemed to him to be actively seeking death, then now, through the terrifying strength displayed by Lin Chen, he clearly realizes that this person may really be able to

Beheaded the big snake.

The center of the battlefield.

The sword energy billowed, and the sword light burst forth.

Facing the ultimate sword energy on Lin Chen, the big snake was intimidated, and the scales all over his body exploded one by one, as if he was in an endless abyss.

The big snake hissed and launched the offensive first.

Seeing the big snake attacking him with monstrous destructive waves, Lin Chen's eyes burst out with fiery fighting intent, and then he held the long sword, whipped up a gust of wind, and slashed at the big snake's head.

In an instant, a sword and a snake collided with each other in the strongest posture.

Violent fluctuations spread out.

Everyone held their breath, looking nervous, staring at the center of the battlefield.

At this moment, the sword energy revived.

一 The sword light of Setsuna is ruthlessly penetrating the head of the big snake, tearing everything violently.

next second.

A column of blood surged into the sky like a fountain.

The big snake wailed like a cuckoo bleeding, and then fell to the ground, motionless all over, obviously dead and unable to die again.

Lin Chen retracted his long sword, and when he jumped off the big snake, the huge body of the big snake exploded in an instant, turning into blood and flesh all over the sky, and fell to the ground.

The long sword soared into the sky and cut the snake with one move.

At this moment, everyone looked at Lin Chen with their mouths wide open, full of disbelief.

On the other hand, Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back, as majestic as a god, his sleeves fluttering in the wind.

This aura kept impacting Chen Yunxian's heart. Now, she wanted to start to examine this man again.

As for Wu Kui, he closed his eyes, with a wry smile on his face, his expression sour.

Thinking of his mockery of Lin Chen before, now it seems that this is really a great irony.

It turned out that the other party just didn't want to be as knowledgeable as him, otherwise with this ability, I'm afraid he would die without a place to bury him if he moved his finger a little bit.

"Honey, it's all right."

Lin Chen smiled gently, and came to Su Qingcheng who was sluggish, and stroked her hair.

"You scared me to death."

When she regained her senses, Su Qingcheng let out a loud cry, and plunged into Lin Chen's arms like a baby swallow throwing herself into her arms.

Looking at the couple, Chen Yunxian withdrew his gaze with a complicated expression.

From the very beginning, she thought that Lin Chen was petty, caressing about every detail, not worthy of grandpa's praise, and now, he made a move and strangled the big snake with one sword.

Her impression of Lin Chen turned upside down again

The change.

She is the most outstanding young man in Tianhai Province, but she is no match for the snake's three moves.

But Lin Chen, this man younger than her, defeated the enemy with a sword while talking and laughing.

This kind of demeanor is simply beyond her reach, and she is delighted to surrender.

No wonder grandpa always said that the masters are among the people, but she, the proud daughter of heaven, is actually nothing in front of the real strong.

"Mr. Lin, this time you saved us, and the Chen family owes you another big favor."

Putting away his thoughts, Chen Yunxian bowed to Lin Chen and said.

The attitude is very respectful.

Seeing this, Lin Chen waved his hand: "I killed it because of my own selfishness. Miss Chen doesn't have to do this. Besides, I have one more thing I want you to help with."

"What's the matter?" Chen Yunxian said.

"I like quietness. This time the big snake in the mountain was strangled. What I want the outside world to know is that all of this was done by the Chen family, and Miss Chen, you are the main contributor."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Chen Yunxian quickly lowered his head and said, "Mr. Lin, this is absolutely impossible. The killing of the big snake this time is all thanks to you alone. How dare our Chen family take credit for it."

"Miss Chen, I don't give this credit to you for free. I will still need your Chen family's help in the future."

Lin Chen said seriously.

Right now, the big snake has been beheaded, and the third piece of Huayu is about to surface. Including the one he got from Piaomiao Village earlier, he has already got four pieces of Huayu. As for the piece from the Chen family, he doesn't need it right now, so naturally he doesn't need it. Take it in a hurry.

So there were seven dollars left for him to find.

"Okay, my Chen family has written down this favor."

Chen Yunxian hesitated and nodded.

"By the way, Miss Chen, I have to go into this cave now. Such a ferocious big snake can be bred here. I doubt whether there will be radioactive substances that will cause the species to mutate, so please stay outside."

Lin Chen continued.

"it is good."

Chen Yunxian wanted to follow in, but considering her own strength, if danger really happened, she would only add trouble to Lin Chen if she was inside.

"Honey, be safe."

Su Qingcheng knew the purpose of Lin Chen's trip, so she reminded her.

"Don't worry, wife, I'll come back after I check it out."

The words fell.

Lin Chen looked at the bottomless dark cave, took a deep breath, and stepped inward with one foot.

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