Overnight Success

Chapter 377 Poor College Girls

"You let me go!"

Yu Zhen broke free from the strong man's hand, and turned sullenly: "This is my home, I don't welcome you, please leave!"

Seeing Yu Zhen issuing the order to evict the guest, the burly man smiled disdainfully: "Miss Yu, do you still think that you are the daughter of the former Yu family?"

"Let me tell you, it's your Yu family who are asking for Brother Bei. Today is Brother Bei's birthday. If you want to spoil his interest, maybe he won't do anything to you, but the person next to you can't tell."

Hearing the blatant threat from the burly man, Yu Zhen's face was very ugly.

"Miss Yu, we two brothers are kind to persuade each other. Don't be ignorant of flattery. You don't want to let this doctor have trouble, do you?"

The burly man laughed triumphantly.

In the past, how could he have the courage to talk to the daughter of the Yu family like this, but now as Zhang Nanbei's number one dog leg, in a sense, what he said was Zhang Nanbei's instructions.


Yu Zhen gritted her teeth and said.

"Miss Yu, since the other party sincerely invites you, let's go over there, since we are free anyway."

Lin Chen chuckled.

Regarding this, not only Yu Zhen was taken aback for a moment, but the burly man also said in astonishment: "Boy, do you want to go too?"

"Yes!" Lin Chen shrugged and said, "Why are you not welcome?"

"Of course you are welcome." The burly man laughed.

I don't know if this kid is really stupid or not, Brother Bei hasn't made a move yet, but he is lucky enough to send it to his door!

Now it's fun!

"Mr. Lin, you don't know what they are..."

Yu Zhen wanted to dissuade her, but Lin Chen patted her on the shoulder and comforted her: "Don't worry, I don't think they can do anything to me."

Hearing this, the burly man snorted, snorted, but didn't say much, and went downstairs first.

Then, seeing Lin Chen leaving with the burly man, Yu Zhen only felt that her head was too big.

With Zhang Nanbei's cruel methods, if he knew of Lin Chen's arrival, he didn't know how he would treat Lin Chen.


In any case, Mr. Lin was implicated by him because of himself. She will try her best to protect Mr. Lin later.

Otherwise, in the next life, she will never feel at ease.

Afterwards, a group of people rode in a BMW and headed towards the city quickly.


Every night singing club.

This is a club invested by Longhutan.

This clubhouse has an excellent location, and it attracts many guests every night, and it is often full with no empty seats.

Inside the clubhouse.

On the large stage, hot, sexy beauties in revealing clothes are

Twisting his posture, he threw eyebrows at the guests one after another.

After coming and going, many distinguished guests came to the stage and brought the dancers they liked into a private room to do some indescribable things.

In this world, most things have a price tag. In the same club, as long as you have money, you can take any girl from the club with you, and no one dares to say no.

As soon as the music started, accompanied by bursts of DJs, men and women rubbed their bodies against each other and danced wantonly, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

However, compared to the hustle and bustle outside, in an exclusive VIP room. Biqu library

The atmosphere was cold.

On the luxurious sofa, a young man in a custom-made suit and a Rolex was staring at a row of women in front of him.

The women knelt down on the ground, their makeup was stained with tears, and they were all trembling, not daring to look directly at the young man.

The young man crossed his legs, lit a cigar, took a puff, then stood up, and pressed it firmly on a girl's face.


The girl uttered a scream, tears streaming down from pain.

Soon, there were burn marks on her face.

"Everyone pretends to be pure and innocent, even daring to refuse my request, you are really tired of working!"

The young man kicked the girl to the ground, stepped on her body with his big feet, and glanced at the other girls coldly:

"Don't worry, take your time one by one today, none of you can escape!"

"Don't you like to pretend to be innocent?"

"Well, I will strip your clothes and throw you on the street to perform. Then you will know that if you offend me, death will be a luxury."

The young man's voice just fell.

There was a knock on the door.


The young man said coldly.

A burly man approached, and when he saw the girl on the ground who was only in her early twenties and obviously of the age of a college student, he subconsciously froze for a moment, then bowed to the young man and said, "Brother Bei, according to your request, I will be with Miss Brought it."

Obviously, to be able to be respected by a strong man like this, the identity of a youth is ready to be revealed.

It was the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Altar, Zhang Nanbei.

"However, there is another man casually..."

The burly man added another sentence.


The corner of Zhang Nanbei's mouth curled into a joke, "It's just in time, and it saves me going to find him."

"Let them in!"

"Yes!" The burly man responded, and led Yuzhen and Lin Chen into the private room.

"Honey, I'm so glad you're here."

After Zhang Nanbei led Yuzhen to the sofa, he continued

And said: "After I get rid of these ignorant women, let's celebrate the birthday again."

As for Lin Chen who followed, from the beginning to the end, Zhang Nanbei never looked at him directly.

Even though his subordinates had explained just now that this person was the doctor Yu Zhen had found, but the doctor would inevitably touch his fiancée's body when he saw a doctor. Thinking of this, Zhang Nanbei couldn't help flashing a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

"Honey, tell me, I'm happy today. Is it too much to ask them to come and have a drink with me, sing me a birthday song, and dance for me?"

Zhang Nanbei looked at Yu Zhen and said, "But they just rejected me. You know, I can't see others rejecting me the most."

Say it.

Zhang Nanbei came to a woman in a light pink dress again, pinched her neck with one hand, and stroked every inch of her skin with the other, and said coldly: "Say! Why do you reject me?" !"

The woman's lips were slightly purple, and she struggled desperately, but the more she struggled, the tighter Zhang Nanbei's big hand was holding her neck.

Gradually, the woman was almost about to lose consciousness.

On the side, among the women's companions, a relatively older woman said to Zhang Nanbei: "We are all college students, and today we are just here to relax. We are not the people you imagined, please let us go." !"

"Let you go?"

Zhang Nanbei's eyes were cold, and he held a fruit platter in his hand, and put it directly on the face of the open-mouthed woman.


The woman's nasal bone was cracked by the fruit plate, and the fruit even hit her all over.

But she didn't cry, she was still pleading for her companion.

"I don't know good and bad things, do you know that I am the biggest investor in this club?"

Zhang Nanbei was extremely upset.

Especially since his fiancée is still here, and these women dare to reject him time and time again, he still wants to lose face!

As a man, power and beauty are important symbols of status.

Let me ask, which man doesn't want to wake up and take over the power of the world, and lie drunk on the lap of a beauty?

As Zhang Nanbei, the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Altar, his status is self-evident. It is no exaggeration to say that here, even if he makes the owner of the club eat shit, no one dares to say anything.

Because, he is heaven!

It is the object of worship by thousands of people!

Therefore, he does not allow anyone to dare to go against his wishes!

Seeing that Zhang Nanbei picked up the beer bottle and wanted to smash it on the head of the older woman.

Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded.

"Hey, you are a big man, are you not afraid of being laughed at when you deal with a weak woman like this?"

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