Overnight Success

Chapter 396: Chu Ling Was Slapped In The Face

The applause sounded, and everyone cheered.

Along the way of martial arts, the strong are respected, especially in the military.

For a while, many people admired Lin Chen.

Apparently, Lin Chen had conquered them with his strength just now, and many of them were talented recruits who had already obtained the s rating and thought they were extraordinary.

The same as s, there is also a gap.

When he came back to his senses, Xiang Yu quickly said to Chu Ling: "President Chu, why didn't you press pause?"

In the situation just now, if Lin Chen hadn't reacted, it is very likely that the giant punch would have unforeseen consequences.

"Sorry, I was negligent."

Chu Ling looked embarrassed, and immediately pressed the switch to stop the giant fist.

In fact, before, when she saw that Lin Chen was too easy to deal with ten punches, she couldn't hold back immediately, and planned to take advantage of his unpreparedness to make him suffer.

Who would have thought that this guy not only had extremely fast reactions, but also had such terrifying strength.

The eleven-stroke giant fist fell, and in terms of strength alone, it was no weaker than a blow from a ninth-rank warrior.

Even if it is her, she must deal with it carefully. From this point of view, Lin Chen's strength is no less than that of a ninth-level warrior.

She has heard of Hua Guo, the talented young man on the list, but Lin Chen, she has never heard of it!

"Mr. Chu, I've made a note."

Lin Chen said meaningfully.

He could see that the reason why the giant fist landed the eleventh punch was clearly the woman's intention.

Quarrels are quarrels, but in your assessment, it's too much to make a stumbling block!

"Don't worry, I will return this punch to you soon."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Chu Ling said disdainfully, "It's up to you?"

Now that she was seen through by Lin Chen, she simply stopped pretending.

"Begin now, the fourth round of test assessment."

Chu Ling looked at Lin Chen, and said coldly: "Didn't you say that you want to return this punch to me?"

"Now, the opportunity has come. In the fourth round of test assessment, the chief examiner will score the recruits' offense. I will stand still and wait for your attack. As long as you

You can let me move a step from where I am, but you remember, you don’t have to do it three times..."

In the middle of Chu Ling's speech, Lin Chen interrupted: "There is no need for three times, one time is more than enough to deal with you!"

As soon as the words came out.

There was a burst of exclamation in the audience.

As the leader of the Qilin Army, Chu Ling's work focuses more on command. As for combat, it is indeed not her strong point, but no matter what, as the leader of the Qilin Army, her strength must be beyond doubt, at least Above the ninth rank martial artist.

Now, Lin Chen said he wanted to push her back with one move, how could it not be shocking.

If they hadn't seen the series of performances of Lin Chen just now, they would have suspected that this guy's head is watts.

"Okay, I want to see if your ability is as good as your mouth."

Chu Ling smiled instead of anger, and said coldly, "Xiang Yu, come and call for the countdown."

And at this moment.

A man with a body like a gun and a sharp face walked out of the corner and came to the playing field.

Seeing the man coming, the crowd around the audience showed panic and gave way one after another.

The man came to the front and silently watched the two people who were confronting each other.


When Xiang Yu finished calling the countdown, Lin Chen's figure flickered.

In just one breath, she appeared behind Chu Ling.

Immediately, Chu Ling's back was filled with cold air, and goose bumps appeared all over her body.

She couldn't catch Lin Chen's movement!

Of course, just as she reacted, she just turned around and made a gesture of resistance.

Fist wind whistled.

Lin Chen's punch has already reached in front of her.

This punch is not fancy, it is very simple.

However, it was such an ordinary punch that made Chu Ling feel suffocated.


The fist wind pierced through Chu Ling's defense and hit her lower abdomen fiercely.


As Chu Ling spat out a mouthful of blood, she threw her head up from mid-air and fell to the ground, obviously seriously injured. Biqu library

"Well, you don't

Okay! "

Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back and said indifferently.

In fact, he only showed less than 10% of his strength in this punch. No matter what he said, he would stay here and continue to stay. Therefore, he only planned to teach Chu Ling a lesson.

However, unexpectedly, this woman was weaker than he imagined.

However, he didn't feel embarrassed because he hurt the woman. Whoever told this woman to use dirty tricks first, he would at most call an eye for an eye.

The moment Lin Chen finished speaking.

The faces of the people around were already stiff, and they gasped.

Previously, they only hoped that Lin Chen's offensive would cause some danger to Chu Ling, but they didn't expect that this guy almost punched Chu Ling until she passed out.

As for Xiang Yu, he rubbed his eyes hard, and after confirming that Chu Ling was bleeding, he stepped forward to help Chu Ling up, and asked about the situation.

"I...I'm fine..."

As Chu Ling spoke feebly, she felt her eyes were staring and the sky was spinning.

However, she is still conscious and knows exactly what happened just now.

When she thought of being blown to the ground by a young man in front of many recruits, her face turned green and pale, and she wished she could find a crack in the ground and slip in.

"Mr. Chu, I was negligent just now. I forgot to consider your frail body. I'm really sorry."

Lin Chen came in front of Chu Ling, and said leisurely: "Officer Xiang, I suggest you take Chief Chu to have a look at his head, it won't be good if you have a slight concussion."

Hearing Lin Chen's seemingly concerned remarks, a strong sense of humiliation filled Chu Ling's heart.


At this moment, Chu Ling's chest heaved and she was so angry that another mouthful of blood spewed out.

His face suddenly turned pale.

"Mr. Chu, as I said, this punch will be returned very quickly."

Lin Chen said lightly: "I've always had a clear distinction between kindness and hatred, kindness for kindness, and revenge for revenge, especially revenge. I don't like staying overnight."

"I don't know, when will these five rounds of tests start, we two still have a stake!"

"You shouldn't forget!"

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