Overnight Success

Chapter 414 Tonight, I Want To Stain This Land With Blood

"A traitor?"

When Sun Dongliu heard this, he couldn't help being a little stunned.

Then, his brain turned, and the suspicion was immediately locked on Liu Mengting. Biqu library

Tonight, she was the only one who entered the formation on the grounds of shooting materials. In the past, the formation was strictly guarded, and when no one entered or exited, nothing unusual happened.

It happened to be tonight, just as she stepped in with her front foot and came out with her back foot, the formation was destroyed by itself. It was absolutely impossible to say that she was not suspected.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Liu Mengting immediately retorted: "Lin Chen, don't spitting blood at others, your big formation might have gone wrong a long time ago, and you don't want to pour dirty water on me."

"Ha ha!"

Lin Chen disagrees.

The more anxious this woman is, the more guilty she is.

But, now is not the time to find out the traitor, he still has serious business to do!

Then, he took a step, looked at the interior of the construction site, and shouted: "Why, you don't even dare to speak when you see me?"

"I just didn't expect you to be alive!"

The hoarse voice said coldly: "That's fine, today, we will decide to die!"


Above the sky, the dark clouds rolled again, and drops of acid rain exuding a stench fell down in an instant.

Seeing this, Lin Chen focused his eyes, turned his palm upwards, mobilized his aura, and turned into a protective shield to envelop everyone.

Everyone didn't know why at first, but when they saw the acid rain falling on the ground and eroding the grass, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Eyebrows full of fear.

If it weren't for Lin Chen, if they were hit by the acid rain, they would probably lose their skins if they didn't die!

"I didn't see it, you still have some skills."

The hoarse voice smiled coldly, and then he continued: "But it's just an appetizer."

The voice fell.

Countless black shadows let out roars, frantically attacking desperately on the protective shield.

"Bang bang bang..."

After a series of impacts, the protective cover also loosened.

Seeing this, Lin Chen snorted in disdain, waved dozens of silver needles, and shot towards the black shadow.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

A series of silver needles pierced the black shadow's eyebrows, shooting him into white smoke on the spot.

"That's it?"

After getting rid of the black shadow, Lin Chen stood on the protective cover, his whole body glowed with golden light, and he was not affected by the acid rain at all.

"Boy, don't be too complacent!!"

This time, the hoarse voice was already a little more exasperated.

Obviously, after these two moves failed to cause the slightest injury to Lin Chen, he was already a little helpless.


Immediately afterwards, a series of jerky spells sounded suddenly.


The ground beneath everyone's feet was trembling violently.

Visible to the naked eye.

The ground is constantly sinking, showing a broken posture.

In the cracks, bone hands are struggling to crawl out, and the empty eyeballs are full of longing for the ground.

At this scene, everyone who watched was breathless and trembling all over.


When these big bones successfully climbed out of the ground to reveal their prototypes, they were bone skeletons with unsound bones and a rotten breath. They were roaring as if they were releasing the grievances of the past century.

It can be seen that these people must be the children who were killed by the priest back then.

"It's been a hundred years, vent your grievances to your heart's content, and slaughter wildly!"

The hoarse voice let out a morbid laugh: "Kill, kill all those living people!"

"Kill them all!"

As if they had been instructed, the skeletons opened their palms and came towards Lin Chen fiercely.

In this regard, Lin Chen frowned.

He could see that these skeletons were controlled by people using secret methods. With his strength, he could easily destroy the skeletons. But back then, those children were poor people. It would be too cruel for them to destroy these skeletons. Lin Chen couldn't help hesitating for a while.

"Why, can't you do it?"

"Lin Chen, I don't see that you still have a kind heart."

The hoarse voice said contemptuously and sarcastically.

"You are just hiding in the dark, a clown who dare not show your face, if you have the ability, you come out to duel with me in person, using some poor children's bodies as pioneers, what is your ability?"

Lin Chen said coldly.

"Poor kid? No, they are all my right-hand men now!"

"Besides, if you want to duel with me, you must also have the qualifications. Of course, you can choose not to fight, then you just wait to be torn to pieces!"

The hoarse voice gradually became rampant.


Lin Chen shook his head lightly, looked at the oncoming army of skeletons and said, "Forget it, I'll save you today."

As he spoke, he swung the spell that had been drawn in advance.

The charms emitted starlight, connected into lines, and turned into a weaving net, which immediately enveloped the skeletons.


Lin Chen gave a loud shout.

The starlight net blooms with scorching brilliance, its power is astonishing, and it can shake mountains and rivers.

All skeletons are being annihilated rapidly.

Childish screams followed one after another.



After the screams, when the skeletons turned into fine powder, one after another souls floated into the sky from the web, and sincerely said to Lin Chen:

"Big brother, thank you for saving us."

"We are free at last."

"I miss home so much."

Just when these dozens of souls were about to disappear into the sky.

A thunderous voice sounded.

"Lin Chen, how dare you overthrow the skeleton army I have painstakingly cultivated!"

Speaking of this, the voice turned dark:

"But, do you think they will be free if you do this?"

"I let them see the light of day again, so the purpose of their existence is to serve me!"

"It's not that easy to reincarnate!"

Saying that, an old figure wearing a black robe and leaning on a walking stick appeared in midair.

He swung several spells, and the spells turned into big demonic hands, grasping all the souls floating towards the sky in his palms.

"Slave for one day, slave for life, I gave you a new life, without my permission, none of you can go!"

"Stay here and give my ghost king one last helping hand!"

The old figure smiled ferociously, and with a powerful wave of his big hand, all those souls were thrown into the deep underground where cracks appeared below.

"don't want……"

"Big brother, save us..."

Crying like a child, Lin Chen was about to make a move and pull them back from the ground.

Unexpectedly, the black-robed old man blocked in front of him, holding a cane, and launched a sharp blow at him.

Facing this blow, Lin Chen could only stop and block it with his palm.


Both sides take a step back.

However, it was this episode that caused the souls of the children to sink into the ground.

Vaguely, it seems that the sound of chewing can be heard from under the ground.


Lin Chen showed a look of grief, his veins bulged, and he roared like a dragon.

The scene is full of sand and stones.

A monstrous force emanated from Lin Chen, making everyone breathless.

Even Xiao Ying saw Lin Chen's anger for the first time, the overwhelming grief and anger, and the hostility of Wang Yanghai.


"Damn beast!"

"How can you bear to attack these children!"

Lin Chen closed his eyes tightly, and when he opened them again, murderous aura overflowed, and his voice was like an abyss: "Tonight, I want to stain this land with blood, and use the blood of your Xue family to bury these children with me!"

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