Overnight Success

Chapter 427 Raccoons Of The Same Feather

However, his voice just fell.

Sun Dongliu, who was dressed in a suit, was already striding forward in front of everyone.

Seeing this, Li Jianlong turned slightly pale, and immediately showed a smiling face to greet Sun Dongliu:

"Governor Sun, I am really honored to have you here."

"Director Li, look at what you said. As the director of our Tianhai Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau, you usually control the quality of various products in the province and ensure the safety of citizens in the province. Now that you celebrate your birthday, I naturally want to come to celebrate your birthday." a field."

Sun Dongliu smiled.

Later, when he glanced at the audience, he found that Lin Chen was looking at him with a smile on his face.

He couldn't help being quite surprised.

Strange, why did Mr. Lin come here?

Just as he was about to step forward to say hello, Lin Chen stretched out a finger to cover his mouth.

Suddenly Sun Dongliu understood.

With Mr. Lin's low-key personality, he must not want to attract too many people's attention because of himself.

After all, regarding the successful resolution of the ghosts at the construction site before, Mr. Lin politely declined the offer to commend Mr. Lin from above.

It can be seen that Mr. Lin is definitely not seeking fame and fortune. In this way, Sun Dongliu looked at Lin Chen with even more respect.

"Governor Sun, I'm ashamed to say that the chair I prepared for you was forcibly occupied by these two people."

At this moment, as Li Jianlong spoke, he gave Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng a vicious look.

"Why don't you two hurry up and apologize to the governor?"

Hearing Li Jianlong's words, a look of dissatisfaction flashed across Sun Dongliu's face.

"Director Li, you can just sit in one seat, you can just find another chair, why make things difficult for others?"

"Uh..." Li Jianlong didn't expect that Sun Dongliu would help Lin Chen and Lin Chen, and he was at a loss for a while.

His wife Wang Jiao reacted very quickly, and immediately sent someone to find a chair, put it beside the table, and said to Sun Dongliu:

"Your Excellency, the hospitality is not good, please sit down first."

Seeing this, Sun Dongliu snorted, then smiled at Lin Chen, and then took a seat.

Li Jianlong took a deep breath and looked at Lin Chen with cold eyes.

You're lucky this time, boy.

Obviously, being deflated by Sun Dongliu made him feel very uncomfortable.

next moment.

The host who presided over the banquet found that the atmosphere was a little stiff, and immediately said: "Let us all give the most sincere applause to welcome the arrival of Governor Sun."

After a round of applause, the host continued:

"Next, the banquet is about to begin. Please invite today's birthday star, Mr. Li, to give us a banquet and say a few words."

After speaking, the host handed over the microphone to Li Jianlong who was on stage.

Holding the microphone, Li Jianlong said: "Everyone, today I invite you to

Come, not only because today is my birthday, but also today is the eighteenth birthday of my beloved daughter. "

"I'm ashamed to say that my daughter's face is all because I answered a phone call and needed to go to work when I was cooking at home, but before I left, I forgot to turn off the fire, which eventually caused a fire at home."

"At that time, only my seven-year-old daughter was at home alone, so the fire took away my daughter's face. This is a guilt that I can never make up for as a father in my life."

"Later, I took her to major hospitals, but due to the large area of ​​facial burns, the doctors were helpless, unless they chose plastic surgery."

Speaking of this, Li Jianlong looked at Li Xiaoxiu and apologized: "Daughter, it's dad's fault. Dad is not a competent dad. Dad is worthy of his career in this life, but he is only sorry for you."

"It was Dad who ruined you..."

Little teardrops slid down Li Jianlong's cheeks, and he looked very remorseful.

"Dad, don't cry, my daughter doesn't blame you."

At this moment, Li Xiaoxiu stepped forward and stood on tiptoe, wiping the teardrops on Li Jianlong's cheeks.

And this move completely broke Li Jianlong's defenses, and he burst into tears, unable to hold back his tears.

Seeing that a big man can admit his fault frankly, everyone was extremely moved.

"Who says Miss Li is not good-looking, I think Miss Li is the most beautiful."

"Miss Li, be more confident, none of us think your appearance is a bit bad!"

"Yeah, on the contrary, you insist on not having plastic surgery, and we want to give you a thumbs up."

Everyone cheered for Li Xiaoxiu in the stands.

However, facing everyone's encouragement, Li Xiaoxiu was not at all happy, but extremely resisted. Biqu library

She understood that these people praised her just to see her father's face and to please her father.

If she wasn't the daughter of the director of the Quality Supervision Bureau, these people probably wouldn't even look at her.

"Thank you for your compliments to my daughter." Li Jianlong wiped away his tears and said, "Forgive me for being a little out of control just now, but I feel much more comfortable being able to speak out about these things calmly."

"Old Li..." Seeing this, Wang Jiao patted Li Jianlong on the shoulder, and then gestured to the host.

In an instant, the host understood, immediately took the microphone in Li Jianlong's hand, and said:

"Mr. Li is a little emotional, please give him some more time, let's see what gifts everyone has prepared for birthday today."

The words fell.

Waitresses in cheongsams came forward one after another with gifts:

"Chairman of Jinyang Jewelry Group, Mr. Li presented a piece of high-quality jadeite worth three million yuan to Mr. Li.

Our Miss Li sent a pair of pure gold earrings, worth millions. "

"The chairman of Tengkong Video Group, presented us Mr. Li with a Jade Buddha worth five million yuan, and presented Miss Li with a limited edition Chanel watch, which is only 100 yuan in the entire Huaguo."


After the waiters called out the value of the gifts presented by the guests one after another, the last gift held by the waitress was called out by the host himself.

The host was surprised, and his tone was extremely exaggerated: "My God! Mr. Zheng from the Tianxiong Consortium is really generous. He actually gave Mr. Li a piece of rare agate, which is probably worth tens of millions!"

However, this is not over, and then he covered his mouth again, pretending to exclaim: "Not only that, Mr. Zheng also gave Ms. Li 1% of the shares of the Tianxiong Consortium, which is probably worth hundreds of millions!"

As soon as the words came out.

There was an uproar.

One percent of the Tianxiong Consortium's shares, just this one, is enough to instantly kill all the gifts from everyone present.

Moreover, everyone can see that Li Jianlong loves Li Xiaoxiu very much, and Zheng Tianxiong obviously has a lot of scheming in giving the shares to Li Xiaoxiu.

After all, Li Jianlong is a public official, especially in front of Governor Sun, it is definitely inappropriate to accept the shares, but now, if Li Xiaoxiu accepts the shares, no one can say anything.

Faced with everyone's shock, Zheng Tianxiong just smiled slightly.

In fact, not only the gift was a decision he made after careful consideration, even the host's exaggeration was planned in advance by him.

As for its purpose, it is also very simple.

As the saying goes, cannibals have short mouths and soft hands. After today, he will completely tie Li Jianlong to his boat.

With this back door, no matter what he does in the future, he will save a lot of effort.

In addition, Lin Chen's dream of Shenxianwan will also be completely shattered.

As long as he disagrees, even if the Immortal Pill really has the miraculous effect they said, there will never be a chance for the public to know about it.

Only the ugly woman Li Xiaoxiu is cheap.

Giving away 1% of the shares like this made even him feel a little heartbroken, but it was worth it to win over her father.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng, and then the corner of his mouth curled into a playful arc.


He coughed lightly, looked at the host, and pointed at Lin Chen and Lin Chen with imperceptible fingers.


The host also understood Zheng Tianxiong's meaning, holding the microphone, came to Lin Chen and Lin Chen, and deliberately found fault: "Both of you, everyone has given gifts, so you didn't bring anything?"

"If you bring it, take it out now, there is still time."

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