Overnight Success

Chapter 43 The Dragon Has Reverse Scales


Everyone in the Xu family stared wide-eyed, showing dull gazes, and their expressions were all stiff.

They watched Xu Changtian fall to the ground, that dead body, and for a moment, they were scared out of their wits.

Among them, the one with the ugliest face was Xu Tianlong.

No one thought that Xu Changtian, the Patriarch of the Xu family, was shot dead on the spot without even uttering a complete sentence!

It can be seen that the young man in front of him is very fierce!

"Protect the young master!"

Looking at the devil-like face, the housekeeper yelled.

When he came back to his senses, the guards of the Xu family carefully surrounded Lin Chen.

See here.

Lin Chen's eyes flickered with murderous intent, and he struck directly.

Normally, he might not be able to kill, but today it is about his wife, no matter how rational he is, he can't control the violent anger in his heart!

The dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it, you will die!

For Lin Chen, Su Qingcheng is his reverse scale!


With Lin Chen's sudden attack, these well-trained guards of the Xu family were like blank paper, breaking at the touch of a finger!

In a blink of an eye.

Howls filled the entire Xu family.

As far as the eyes could see, the guards of the Xu family were moaning and twitching in pain on the ground.

It seems that this place has become a Shura field.

"Young master, run!"

Seeing the guards fell to the ground one after another, the housekeeper yelled at Xu Tianlong in desperation.

However, at this moment Xu Tianlong was drenched in cold sweat.

His face was full of horror, his legs were trembling non-stop, and he didn't even have the slightest strength to escape.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen appeared in front of him in an instant, and punched him hard without saying a word.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Xu Tianlong flew out directly, his breastbone collapsed, and his face was pale.


The butler let out a mournful cry, and was about to rush towards Lin Chen, but unexpectedly, Lin Chen shot out the silver needle, freezing it on the spot.

"Tell me, what method of death do you want to choose!"

Lin Chen said indifferently, looking at Xu Tianlong like looking at an ant.

"Lin Chen...I advise you, don't mess around..."

Xu Tianlong trembled and said, a smelly liquid trickled down to the ground.

"Is this scaring you to pee?"

"You kid is really a coward!"

Lin Chen looked disdainful, and then grabbed Xu Tianlong's arms, suddenly exerting force.

next second.


With a scream of earth-shaking ghosts and gods,


Xu Tianlong's arms were torn apart by Lin Chen.

Blood flowed.

Xu Tianlong almost fainted from the pain, and it was not over yet, Lin Chen stepped out and stepped on Xu Tianlong's knee suddenly.


Cracked kneecap.

"Please, please kill me and stop torturing me!"

Xu Tianlong's face was extremely distorted, and his voice was so shrill that it spread throughout the Xu family.

In an instant, everyone in the Xu family was terrified...

They didn't know what happened, but this didn't prevent them from knowing that their young master was suffering from inhuman torture.

"Calculate the time, you dare to report to Hades, don't make your father wait too long!"

The voice fell.

Lin Chen stepped out again.


This foot was extremely heavy, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, it directly crushed Xu Tianlong's heart!

Accompanied by a stream of fresh blood slowly flowing from Xu Tianlong's body to the ground, the air was filled with an extremely thick smell of blood.

So far, Xu Changtian and his son were killed on the spot!

end it all.

Just when Lin Chen was planning to expand the scope of his search and continue to search for Su Qingcheng.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.

Then, there was a cold voice that could not be heard with joy or anger.

"Boy, you are quite ruthless!"

Lord Cao's figure suddenly appeared.

"But you interrupted my cultivation, so you must die!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen wondered, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am, but I can tell you that your wife will soon become my cultivation furnace."

"I have to say, your wife is really pretty. When you die, I will take care of her."

Looking at Lin Chen, Master Cao smiled jokingly.

"court death!"

Lin Chen's voice turned cold, and a cold killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Then, he suddenly appeared on Master Cao's back, grabbed his head, and smashed it to the ground!




After a series of impacts, the ground was also smashed into a deep hole as Master Cao was bleeding.

"Boy, you..."

Before Master Cao could finish speaking, Lin Chen kicked him in the chest again.

In the blink of an eye, Master Cao flew tens of meters away and lay on the ground vomiting blood.

Apart from horror, there was astonishment on his face, and the pride and arrogance he had just now had long since disappeared.

He never thought that such a brat would explode with such terrifying strength.

"Tell me the whereabouts of Su Qingcheng, and I will spare you!"

Lin Chen said indifferently.

"You are dreaming!"

Lord Cao covered his chest, panting heavily.

"Then you go to die!"

Lin Chen said something lightly, just when he was planning to take his life.

This Mr. Cao suddenly let out a stream of light.

In the streamer, a red centipede about three feet long was shaking its body and making a hissing sound.

"Boy, you forced me to do this!"

Lord Cao shouted viciously.

Ever since he embarked on the journey of martial arts and became a teacher, the old guy gave him the red centipede as a gift.

Usually placed in the body to warm up, once sacrificed, the red centipede will suck up the enemy's blood with lightning speed.

Of course, it's not without its drawbacks.

Once the opponent's blood energy is not enough for the centipede to absorb, he will have to sacrifice his own blood energy, which can be described as a double-edged sword.

next moment.

Facing the red centipede's attack, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

Not giving the beast a chance to get close, Lin Chen mobilized his aura and shouted, "Back!"

The red centipede screamed, and a layer of dark green blood oozed from its body, and rushed back into Master Cao's body again.

"Who are you!"

Seeing the killer's mace missed, Mr. Cao's face was full of intense fear.

However, when he screamed, his body was shriveling at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the breath of life was also rapidly disappearing.

In this regard, Lin Chen's eyes turned cold.

Because, he saw a living creature wriggling violently inside the man in front of him, as if it could burst out of his belly at any time.


Master Cao wailed in pain, his body was cut open, and the red centipede came out again. Compared with before, its size has expanded a circle at this time, and it has reached five feet!

With the complete disappearance of Master Cao's breath of life, the red centipede also planned to escape.

However, Lin Chen had already prepared for it, and he hadn't waited for it to start acting.

A burst of spiritual energy shot out, piercing through the head of the red centipede in an instant.

Make him scream and die on the spot!

For Lin Chen, ever since he saw the red centipede, he had a feeling of rejection. Not surprisingly, the red centipede must be the most evil thing.

If it slips away, how many people will be harmed!

And at this moment.

In a damp cave thousands of miles away, there was a roar.

"Whoever destroyed my plan, I will tear you to pieces!"

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