Overnight Success

Chapter 432 Please! Hurry Up And Invite Mr. Lin Back

The woman is Li Xiaoxiu.

It's just that at this moment, she put on a white dress and a pair of stilettos, her black hair hanging down her waist.

Like a princess in a fairy tale.

She walked step by step, her high heels making a rattling sound.

At this moment, the audience was dumbfounded.

Everyone stared blankly at Li Xiaoxiu, their eyes filled with disbelief.

The brain can't help but be in a trance.

In the gaze, the ugly scars on Li Xiaoxiu's cheeks had disappeared, and instead she was an extremely delicate, white and flawless face.

Coupled with her sexy figure, when she walks, the breeze gently shakes the skirt, giving people an ultimate visual enjoyment.

The so-called suffocating beauty is nothing more than that.

Li Xiaoxiu came in front of Li Jianlong and his wife, as the only Theo: "Parents, what are you looking at, don't you recognize your daughter?"

hear this.

Li Jianlong and his wife came back to their senses, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

As parents, how could they not think of their daughters.

It's just that this scene is too unbelievable.

"Daughter, what happened to you?"

Speaking of this, Li Jianlong and his wife's voice was choked up, and their expressions were quite excited.

Li Xiaoxiu smiled lightly: "It's all thanks to the big brother, it was she who restored her appearance, and I also found that I seem to be taller again."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help looking at Li Xiaoxiu's figure. Sure enough, compared to before, Li Xiaoxiu seemed to be a few centimeters taller. Most importantly, she seemed to have completed her second growth.

The place that was originally flat is now full of turbulent peaks, ready to emerge.

Thousands of words, finally turned into two words, a miracle!

What a miracle!

It's hard to imagine how Li Xiaoxiu has undergone such earth-shaking changes in such a short period of time.

Even, the rich second generation who read countless girls on weekdays can't help but lose their minds, and even can't help but want to bow down under their pomegranate skirts.

"Could it be that this has something to do with Mr. Lin's pill?"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted this sentence.

The scene fell into an uproar in an instant.

Obviously, before Li Xiaoxiu underwent such a change, she only took the pill that Lin Chen handed her, so it can be deduced that it must be the effect of that pill that restored Li Xiaoxiu's appearance to its original state.

With that in mind.

many single youths

, quite annoyed.

However, Zheng Haoran couldn't even say a word.

Especially when he thought of rejecting Li Xiaoxiu before, his bowels couldn't help but regret it.

"Dad, what's going on here?"

Zheng Haoran looked at Zheng Tianxiong with an ugly expression.


Zheng Tianxiong was at a loss for words for a moment, and his expression seemed constipated.

How uncomfortable it is, how uncomfortable it is.

"What, are you surprised?"

Sun Dongliu smiled sarcastically: "As I said, with your narrow vision, how would you know Mr. Lin's unfathomable depths?"

"Should you believe it now?"

When he said this, Sun Dongliu glanced at Li Jianlong.

For a moment, Li Jianlong was speechless, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Director Li, what do you think of my son? He has a double-degree master's degree from a famous foreign university. Do you want your daughter to consider it?"

Someone reacted and said first.

The words fell.

After everyone secretly cursed at the treacherous and cunning, they raised their voices one after another: "Director Li, my son is now a manager of a listed company with an annual salary of one million. If there is a chance, let your daughter meet him!"

"Director Li, my son..."

It can be said that just half an hour ago, this group of people didn't want to see Li Xiaoxiu, and it was disgusting to look at it, but now they are kneeling and licking each other.

All kinds of expressions made Li Xiaoxiu, who was watching all these coldly, feel very disgusted in her heart.

"Director Li, I would like to apologize for what I said that hurt Miss Li before."

At this moment, Zheng Haoran stood up gracefully, bowed slightly towards Li Xiaoxiu, and said sincerely: "Here, I am willing to give 5% of the shares of the Tianxiong Financial Group under my name to Miss Li as an engagement ceremony. "

Hearing this, everyone showed frustration.

They knew that when Zheng Haoran uttered this sentence, they would no longer have the chance to compete.

If the 5% shares of the Tianxiong Consortium are converted into money, the unit of measurement may have to be measured in billions, and even if they sell the company, it may not be worth half as much as others.

As a result, the originally noisy atmosphere immediately became silent.

However, for Zheng Haoran's sky-high engagement, Li Xiaoxiu just smiled coldly: "Sorry, I'm not interested!"

"You still keep this share for dividends, I don't care about it!"

After the words fell, she also scanned the crowd and said: "Still

I don't like any of you hypocritical people, you should die as soon as possible! "

"Just now, I will never forget the harm you did to me. Now that I am completely reborn, you all have the cheek to take the initiative to lick it. This appearance really makes me sick."

Immediately, everyone was ashamed, and Zheng Haoran's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

I thought that Li Xiaoxiu would have no possibility of refusing him after he revealed the Tianxiong Consortium's shares as his trump card.

However, Li Xiaoxiu slapped him in the face with a backhand!

This made Zheng Haoran wish he could get into the hole, he was ashamed as hell.

As for Li Xiaoxiu, ever since she walked out of the villa, she has been looking for that figure that changed her destiny, but to her disappointment, no matter how hard she searched, that figure never showed up.

"Mom and Dad, where is the big brother, where did he go?"

Li Xiaoxiu asked.

Immediately, Li Jianlong showed embarrassment and regretted it very much.

What did he do!

He actually drove their family's benefactor out of here with his own hands.

"Did you drive the big brother away?"

Li Xiaoxiu was already smart, and thinking of Li Jianlong's attitude towards Lin Chen before, he quickly guessed.

"Daughter, don't be angry, it's dad who has blind eyes and wrongly blamed your big brother." Li Jianlong said: "Don't worry, your big brother's car is still here, he must not be far away, dad will send someone to take your big brother away." Big brother back."

As he said that, Li Jianlong gave instructions to the servants at the side: "I order you to go to Mr. Lin immediately, no matter what method you use, even if you invite him, you must invite him to me. Did you hear me?"


After the servants responded, they left the yard one after another.

At this moment.

Zheng Tianxiong hurried forward and explained to Li Jianlong: "Director Li, actually I..."


Li Jianlong raised his palm and slapped Zheng Tianxiong fiercely.

This palm goes down.

Half of Zheng Tianxiong's face swelled up immediately, and his whole body couldn't help but stare at him.

"Zheng Tianxiong, this is the end of the matter, you use me as a gun to deal with Mr. Lin, do you really think I can't see it?"

Li Jianlong said with disgust on his face: "If you hadn't instigated it, how could I have such a big opinion on Mr. Lin, let alone force him away."

"You really have a good plan!"

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