Overnight Success

Chapter 436 One Hand Is Enough To Kill You

in the eyes,

The long sword in Lin Chen's hand was glowing red, showing the color of Yin Hong, like a flame burning.

Snakes are afraid of fire by nature.

Facing the long sword, there was a scorching heat wave, and they all trembled and began to retreat.

"A bunch of trash, what's so scary, do it to me!"

The gray old man roared, his face extremely ferocious.

As if driven by him, the snakes could only step forward and attack Lin Chen.

In this regard, Lin Chen's mouth curled up in a playful manner, and he raised the long sword in his hand, and slashed down on the snakes.

In an instant.

As this sword energy raged, clouds moved in all directions, and a gust of wind blew up all around.

The sword borrows the wind.


Under Lin Chen's sword power, the pupils of the snakes were full of fear, and they made a piercing sound of spitting out their cores.

However, before they had any intention of retreating, this sword energy had already killed them and turned them into ashes.

See this scene.

The gray old man took a step back, his expression full of surprise and uncertainty.

"How could this be..." he murmured.

at the same time.

Regarding this scene, everyone in the dark pavilion was shocked, but also excited.

Originally, they all planned to fight each other to the death, but they didn't expect that the other party's weird move was so easily resolved by Lin Gaoren.

This made them more convinced that it was definitely the right decision to let Lin Gaoren serve as the Supreme Elder.

"Lin Chen!"

"You completely pissed me off!"

A gleam of coldness appeared in the gray old man's eyes, and the bottom of the skeleton crutch in his hand suddenly turned into a spike, piercing Lin Chen's chest with lightning speed.

Setsuna room.

The spike pierced Lin Chen's chest, spattering patches of blood.

The gray old man smiled triumphantly: "Boy, you probably don't know that my crutch is specially modified, and the spikes inside it are full of poison. Once it touches the wound, the poison will instantly flow into your limbs and bones. In ten seconds you're suffocating."

Speaking of which, look at the gray old man

Looking at Lin Chen, it was like looking at a dead person.

Quietly waiting for the poison to spread.

However, ten seconds later, seeing that Lin Chen was still indifferent, the grizzled old man's heart shuddered, and he already noticed something was wrong.

"Boy, don't you feel anything?"

At this moment, the gray old man even had doubts about the weapon that had accompanied him for many years.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Chen smiled slightly, grabbed the spike and pulled it out of his chest little by little.

"This weapon is not bad, it can actually break through my flesh."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the gray old man's heart sank, and he said, "Could it be that you purposely let my weapon pierce your flesh?"

"if not!"

Lin Chen shrugged and grinned, showing his white teeth: "Could it be, do you really think that your three-legged kung fu can hurt me?"

"But, next, it's my turn!"

next moment.

Lin Chen made a sudden move, grabbed the gray old man by the throat, and lifted him up.

"Little...boy...what do you want...to do..."

The gray old man struggled hard, but even with all his strength, he still couldn't break free from Lin Chen's big palm.

"What do you say I want to do?"

Lin Chen's eyes were bloodshot, and he said in a low voice: "Back then, you were like executioners, slaughtering the lives of the Lin family, so today, I will use your life to bury the Lin family with you!"

"Of course, you are not the first, and you will never be the last. None of your Xue family can escape this blood debt!"

The words fell.

Lin Chen exerted force with his palm, and there was a click.

Immediately, the gray old man's throat snapped and he died.

After finishing off the gray old man, Lin Chen glanced at the nearby jungle, where a figure was quickly fleeing away.

Following Lin Chen's line of sight, Fang Yuan said directly, "I'll send someone to chase after him."

"No need."

Lin Chen waved his hand and said: "There must be someone to inform those people, so that those people know, there is

Some things will not be forgotten with the passage of time. "

Hearing this, Fang Yuan pursed her lips and nodded.

As the daughter of a big shot, she naturally knew what Lin Chen had suffered. She even knew that the big shot was not the only one who caused the tragedy of the Lin family.

In the final analysis, the three treasures held by Lin Beifeng are really coveted by too many people.

As a result, the Lin family's blood flowed into rivers. Except for the mysterious disappearance of Lin Beifeng and his wife, almost everyone was bloodbathed, leaving only corpses all over the place.

"Does it hurt?"

"Let me bandage you up."

At this time, Fang Yuan put his eyes on Lin Chen's chest, his face was full of distress.

"It's okay." Lin Chen shook his head: "It won't take long."

"All right."

Seeing Lin Chen's reluctance to bandage, Fang Yuan pouted and said, "Don't be so rash next time, you scared me to death just now!"

"You said you have something to do, sister, how can I live..."

As soon as the words came out.

The atmosphere instantly became ambiguous.

When everyone saw this, they wanted to start booing, but after thinking about it, Mr. Lin Gao already had a family background, so he forcibly suppressed the words that just came to his lips.

"Ahem, in front of everyone, it's easy for everyone to misunderstand you by saying that, Miss Fangyuan."

Lin Chen was slightly embarrassed when he heard this.

"If you misunderstand, you will misunderstand!"

Fang Yuan said generously: "I am the Pavilion Master, you are the Supreme Elder, I want to see who dares to gossip."

for a while.

Everyone turned around tactfully and began to clean up the corpses on the ground, pretending that they hadn't heard anything.


Lin Chen and Fang Yuan entered the dark pavilion to start a new round of alchemy.

It wasn't until the next morning that he stretched himself, handed over the refined Immortal Pill to Fang Yuan, and went down the mountain to leave.

"The Supreme Elder, walk slowly!"

Watching Lin Chen's leaving back, everyone in the Dark Pavilion also consciously lined up and shouted loudly.

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