Overnight Success

Chapter 455 Dead People Don't Need To Know

at the same time,

When Miao Han saw the murdered blood of the people in the dark pavilion flowing into rivers, and they were in a panic, he couldn't help laughing wantonly:

"Hahaha! Good kill, good kill!"

"I thought, if you Dark Pavilion can resist more fiercely, I might personally warm up, but I didn't expect that you are such useless!"

"Forget it, today I will raze your dark pavilion to the ground, and let the world know that if you dare to fight against the Miao people, you will be crushed to pieces!"

Listen, Miao Han's extremely arrogant words, even if everyone in the Dark Pavilion is angry, they can't make any effective countermeasures.

Indeed, the strengths of the two sides are too disparate.

In such a short while, there are less than thirty warriors still alive in the Dark Pavilion.

However, Fang Yuan faced death double-teaming.

Seeing it, the headless corpse was about to slap Fang Yuan's head.

The sound of breaking the air sounded.

A silver needle instantly penetrated the palm of the headless corpse.

Then, a voice yelled: "Where is the evildoer, dare to make trouble here!"

Hearing this familiar voice, everyone in the dark pavilion was shocked.

Especially Fang Yuan, was extremely pleasantly surprised.

This stinky brother is finally here!

Hearing this, Miao Han looked around and said coldly: "Since your Excellency is here, you might as well stand up, sneaking around, what a skill."

next moment.

Lin Chen stepped on the strong wind, like a god, descending on the headless corpse.

The whole person, golden light suddenly appeared all over his body, majestic and majestic.

Faced with this oppression, many nearby headless corpses were directly reduced to dust.

It can be seen that Lin Chen's momentum is extraordinary.

"The Supreme Elder!"

The crowd cheered.

Obviously, the arrival of Lin Chen gave them hope and a straw to save their lives.

"Lin Chen." Miao Han stared at Lin Chen closely, and said calmly, "I didn't expect you to come quite quickly."


Biqu library

, your grandpa is not welcome? "

Lin Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Miao Han's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said in a cold tone: "What a sharp-tongued kid, but I don't know if your strength is as good as your mouth."

"Don't worry, beheading you is more than enough."

As Lin Chen said, he waved his palm.

In Setsuna, the headless corpses that surrounded Fangyuan were completely obliterated into slag.

"Smelly brother, sister, I have worked hard and tried my best..."

Fang Yuan said, then his eyes blurred, and he pretended to fall to the ground.

Fortunately, Lin Chen supported her in time, and took out a fairy pill and handed it to her: "I know, thank you for your hard work."

"Next, leave it to me."

"Cut, nothing but these?" Fang Yuan rolled his eyes, and then swallowed the Shenxian Pill in one gulp.

The originally pale complexion improved in an instant.

"After this matter is resolved, I'll treat my sister to dinner."

Lin Chen smiled, turned his gaze like a knife, and said in a cold tone: "But before that, I will make those who hurt you pay in blood!"

Say it.

He stood up and pointed at Miao Han: "Miao people, it seems that you haven't had enough of the lessons of the past!"

"Alright, today I will kill all of you and let the people above you know that I am not easy to mess with!"

"Big words!" Miao Han dismissively said: "You don't understand the strength of the Miao people at all, how can you imagine the horror of the Miao people?"

After speaking, he played the guzheng, and the headless corpses began to surround Lin Chen.

From the looks of it, it was going to use the crowd tactics to make Lin Chen unable to support himself.

Unfortunately, he still seriously underestimated Lin Chen's strength.


Lin Chen raised his hand, silver needles flying all over the sky.

In an instant, the silver needle shot out, piercing the chests of these headless corpses.

Make it stand still.

Afterwards, Lin Chen threw out both fists, blowing up all the headless corpses with his bare hands.

The whole process takes less than three minutes.

Seeing this, Miao Han was a little startled, and then his face became solemn: "I didn't see it, you are quite capable, no wonder Miao Yesheng died at your hands, it seems that his death was not wronged."

"Don't worry, you'll be with him soon." Lin Chen said indifferently.


Miao Han coldly reprimanded, kicked the guzheng in front of her, and kicked it down towards Lin Chen.

next moment.

A notch protruded from the bottom of the guzheng, and a sharp arrow was shooting towards Lin Chen's heart at lightning speed.

Suddenly, everyone in the Dark Pavilion exclaimed and shouted: "Be careful!"

However, Lin Chen seemed indifferent, until the sharp arrow was less than an inch away from him, he slowly stretched out his two fingers to clamp it.

"Too slow."

Lin Chen shook his head: "How come the Miao people only know how to use concealed weapons, and they play this dirty trick, right?"

Miao Leng snorted, and then appeared in front of Lin Chen like a ghost, attacking him directly.


Because all this happened so quickly, before everyone could see clearly what was going on, they heard a muffled groan.

On the Miao side, led by the woman in black, they glanced directly at Lin Chen, wanting to see if the other party had killed him.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly——

Lin Chen stood in place intact, while Miao Han was knocked back by a blow and kept bleeding.

"Why is your strength so strong?"

Miao Han stabilized his figure, his eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty.

For so many years, this was the first time he showed surprise.

Obviously, Lin Chen's strength far exceeded his expectations.

"The dead don't need to know."

Lin Chen said coldly, turning into a breeze, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Miao Han, grabbed his neck and picked him up like a chicken.

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