Overnight Success

Chapter 59 Gu Poison Old Man

"Could it be that Your Excellency...is a seventh-rank warrior?"

The two looked at each other, shocked. Biqu library

According to the talisman paper made by the master, once a warrior below the fifth rank is affixed, there is no possibility of any resistance at all.

The reason why Zhao Yingxiong was able to resist for a while was because his strength had reached the fifth-level warrior, and the young man could easily shake the talisman away. This only shows that his strength is definitely above the sixth-level warrior.

When a martial artist's strength reaches the sixth level, a layer of body shield will be formed on the body surface, but to completely prevent the influence of the talisman paper, only a seventh-level warrior can do it.

One must know that their master's strength is only at the peak of a seventh-rank warrior. Could it be that this young man in his early twenties is also a seventh-rank warrior?

"Seventh-rank warrior?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen was a little at a loss. He cultivated as a celestial being, and he didn't understand the division of martial arts levels at all.

Previously, the reason why he could easily escape from the control of the talisman paper was entirely due to the effect of spiritual power.

The spiritual power is mysterious and unpredictable, and he has only scratched the surface so far, but it doesn't matter, it is still easy to deal with these two people so far.

"Come here, lead to death!"

At that moment, Lin Chen hooked his fingers at the two with a confident face.

For a while, even though the two felt aggrieved, they still didn't dare to look at Lin Chen directly.

After all, the strength of the two had just reached the peak of the fifth rank, and they couldn't bear any thought of resistance in front of the seventh rank warriors.

"Can't you understand me?"

Lin Chen sneered, and then yanked his finger towards the void.

Immediately, one of the two was lifted up by an invisible force, and in the next second Lin Chen's neck was directly grabbed by Lin Chen.

There was a click.

Without hesitation, Lin Chen cut off the opponent's neck on the spot.

Then, a scorpion crawled out of the man's belly, and stabbed at Lin Chen with its sharp tail hook.

However, Lin Chen was clearly prepared, and before the tailhook touched him, he activated his spiritual energy and hit the scorpion Tianling Gai.

Seeing Scorpion being beaten to pieces by Lin Chen, the other man gasped, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

This person is invincible!

But, how could Lin Chen give him this chance!

As soon as the man took two steps, Lin Chen punched him in the back.


Fist wind is raging.

The man suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground in an instant, dying.

"Say! Who sent you here!"

From the talisman paper just now, Lin Chen judged that it was definitely not something that the two people in front of him could refine.


Of course, they had other orders behind their backs.

If it can't be resolved, then the people around him will probably be in big trouble.

"Boy, don't you want to know..."

Seeing that the man fell into his hands and still talking stiffly, Lin Chen flicked his fingers, and a silver needle pierced directly into the back of his head.

A wailing sounded instantly.

"Little...boy, don't...don't even think about it..."

"Don't tell me, do you?"

Lin Chen smiled coldly.

Immediately afterwards, ten silver needles came out all at once, piercing into the man's head.

With a miserable howl...

After a while, the man's head was filled with silver needles, like a hedgehog.

"Your Excellency, let me tell you, I will explain everything..."

Finally, the man couldn't bear the pain of this penetration, and told Lin Chen all the ins and outs of the incident.

After getting the answer, Lin Chen gave the man a happy ending and solved the spider in his body.

It has to be said that, including Cao Ye before, these three people are still poor people, and each of them is regarded as a tonic by the evil cultivator.

Now, sending them back to the west without having to suffer from the poison in their bodies is considered a good deed.

at the same time.

In Tianhai Province, at the border, in a hidden cave.

The old man in sackcloth spat out two mouthfuls of blood, and his breath fell instantly.

"Boy, when the old man completes the breakthrough, I will definitely burn your bones to ashes!"

Feeling that he lost contact with the other two disciples, the old man was furious, and his eyeballs were bloodshot.

Very ferocious, terrifying!

Suddenly, he looked into the distance, seemed to have sensed something, and immediately said gloomyly: "Since I found this place, after the old man breaks through, you will be my first tonic."

next moment.

In the cave, countless poisonous insects all exploded, turning into clouds of green poisonous mist, which were absorbed by the old man in one gulp.

ten minutes later.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the old man's skin is gradually dark green, and the lines of blood vessels are all over his body, and a fierce force swept out of him.

However, outside the cave.

A group of people wearing special uniforms and extraordinary skills are surrounding the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, three men stood with their hands behind their backs.

Two of the men leaned back slightly, maintaining a position of one and a half body positions with the man in the middle.

Obviously, the two are Yoshida Ikyu and Tang Long. Biqu library

However, the entire Yunhuai City can show respect to these two, except for Chen Wenbin, the governor of Yunhuai City, there is no one else.


Chen Wenbin was only a few years older than these two, and Chen Wenbin was only in his early forties. Being able to be a governor at such an age was enough to show his strength and means.

"This venomous old man has done a lot of evil, and he even participated in the Lin family's extermination. Now that his lair has been found out, I will do my best to trouble him, and he must never let him go unpunished!"

Chen Wenbin said in a deep voice.

"Brother Tang is injured, but he is still willing to come to help this time. I really admire him from the bottom of my heart."

After uttering this sentence, Yoshida Kazukyu's eyes flickered.

In fact, regarding the lair of this venomous old man, he has already discovered that the reason why he has not acted for a long time is that he is not suitable to come forward in person, and the second is that he does not have a good time.

After all, when the Lin family was destroyed back then, he also had a share of the credit. At that time, the four of them were masked, and they didn't know each other's identities. , it is very likely that he will also reveal his identity.

However, Tang Long's behavior has become more and more strange recently, which made him feel a little bad, and now he has to use the hands of this venomous old man to verify whether Tang Long's injury is healed or not!

"Eliminating evil and promoting good is the responsibility of my generation of martial arts people. What's more, the destruction of the Lin family has always been a thorn in my heart. If I don't find out the culprit, how can I be willing!"

Tang Long stared at Yoshida Ikyu and said word by word.

"Ha ha!"

Yoshida Ikyu smiled faintly: "Brother Tang, you really deserve to be a role model for my generation, but you are injured, so you must be careful later, so as not to suffer from that evil person."

"All right."

At this time, Chen Wenbin waved his hand, and then issued an order: "Start a comprehensive search, and report immediately if there is any situation."

Just when his voice just fell.

A Santana went all the way up the steep mountain road. According to the direction, the target was them!

In this regard, everyone's face changed slightly.

Right now is the critical juncture to arrest the poisonous old man, isn't going up the mountain at this time to seek death?

"Come on, stop that Santana, and make sure you don't let him get close to here."

Chen Wenbin gave the order immediately.


As several members of the Law Enforcement Organization moved towards Santana to surround him, Santana got away flexibly, turned the car around, changed a mountain road and continued to accelerate towards the mountain.

Seeing this, members of the Law Enforcement felt helpless.

Brother, what are you doing?

To add to the chaos at this time, wouldn't it make it more difficult for us to catch people?

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