Overnight Success

Chapter 644 Ouyang Family

There are one hundred thousand mountains in Miaojiang.

At this moment, in the mountains surrounded by poisonous miasma all day long, there is a dark palace.

In the palace, there was an old man wearing a sacrificial robe sitting cross-legged in the palace.

In front of him, there are three sticks of incense, two of which have been extinguished.

next second.

The last remaining stick of incense was suddenly extinguished.

Immediately, the old man opened his closed eyes, and a icy killing intent shot out from his eyes!

"Lin Chen!!!"

The old man let out a low growl, and the sacrificial robe on his body suddenly exploded.

A raging strong wind is filling the entire hall.


Two figures came from outside.

Noticing something unusual in the hall, he hurriedly knelt down in front of the old man and said, "High Priest, what happened?"

"Both Meng Na and Zan Qianming are dead."

As the old man spoke, his eyes immediately turned dark: "You two, go and inform the third elder, and tell him that I have a task for him."

Hearing this, the two were shocked and immediately nodded in agreement.

In the Miaojiang system, the high priest holds the highest power, followed by the elders, with a total of five elders.

Further down, there are the patriarchs, the three major sect masters.

Normally, the elders would not be invited unless there was no serious matter, but now that the patriarch and the three major sect masters have all fallen, it is no wonder that the high priest is so angry.

I really don't know who has such a shocking ability.

However, before the two got up.

Outside the door, an old man in gray robe walked in.

The old man's eyes were sharp, exuding a fierce look.

And he is the third elder of Miaojiang - Dugu Leng.

"Meng Na is my apprentice. She is dead now. If you don't tell me, I will take revenge for her!"

Dugu Leng saluted the old man and said.

"Apart from that, is there anything else you want me to do?"

In response, the old man nodded: "Twelve Huayu, according to reliable sources, Lin Chen who killed Meng Na held several pieces in his hand, and I need you to fetch them."

"In addition, you should find out the whereabouts of the fragments of the Dragon Seal. The Dragon Seal is an important map for finding the hiding place of the treasure. We must not let others find it first."

"Understood." After Dugu Leng finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and walked out of the hall.


Shangguan's home.

The storm subsided.

After the people cleaned up the two dead bodies, Lin Chen also rescued Shangguan Xue and Shangguan Leng. kanδんu5.net

Compared with Shangguan Xue who only needs to heal her wounds, when treating Shangguan Leng, Lin Chen can be said to be tweezers to put her body into the body.

Chapter 644 Pick out the Gu worms of the Ouyang family [1/3] bit by bit.

The whole process caused Shangguan Leng to suffer so much that he almost fainted.

"Thank you."

At this moment, the two women spoke sincerely to Lin Chen.

"How are you?"

After saving the two girls, Lin Chen looked at Shangguan Wan'er and said. Reading La

"I'm fine, please take a look at Uncle Wang, he was hit by the opponent for saving me."

Lin Chen nodded in agreement, then swung out the silver needle, and within a few seconds, Wang Xionglie's injury was healed.

When Wang Xionglie woke up, he learned that it was Lin Chen who rescued him, and he said gratefully: "Doctor Lin, you saved my life. From now on, my Wang family owes you a favor."

"As long as you need our Wang family's place, just ask, we will definitely not refuse."

"You don't need to thank me. I did this for Wan'er. Instead of thanking me, you might as well thank her."

Hearing what Lin Chen said, Wang Xionglie was a smart person, so he immediately said: "This time, my Wang family married Shangguan's without Miss Wan'er's consent. I really didn't think carefully."

"I declare the wedding to be void, and I will definitely not disturb Miss Wan'er's life in the future."

For a while, Wang Wantang felt unwilling, but he didn't dare to refute.

After all, his father had already let go, and if he wanted to express his dissatisfaction, he would be slapping his father in the face.

Moreover, he could always feel that Lin Chen seemed to be scanning him intentionally or unintentionally.

Recalling Lin Chen's previous fighting strength, he couldn't help but feel chills down his spine, and he didn't even have the courage to express his dissatisfaction.

"I will be staying at home tomorrow. According to my formula, you send someone to the pharmacy to grab the medicine and brew it. I believe that within a week, you will be able to recover to your peak combat power, and you may even go a step further."

As Lin Chen spoke, he handed over the written medicine list to a servant beside him.

"Master Lin, you saved me and my daughter. I really can't repay you. You are really the benefactor of the entire Shangguan family!"

Shangguan said excitedly tomorrow.

I thought it was a surprise that he was able to save his life, but unexpectedly, he still had the possibility of returning to the peak, and even had the hope of breaking through to the heavenly realm.

Under all kinds of surprises, even though he had seen strong winds and waves, he couldn't help crying.

"Don't thank me in a hurry. I saved you because you, as a father, care about your daughter from the bottom of your heart. But every yard counts. I have something to ask you."

Lin Chen said blankly.

see the atmosphere

Chapter 644 Ouyang's Family [2/3] No, Shangguan said in a low voice tomorrow: "Just say it."

"I must know everything."

"Fifteen years ago, there was a family named Lin's family in Yunhuai City, Tianhai Province, which was wiped out overnight. Did your Shangguan family intervene?"

Lin Chen asked.


Shangguan said firmly tomorrow: "I have heard about the family you mentioned, and some shocking treasures are involved behind it, but the Shangguan family has never been involved."

"I can guarantee it with my life."

"I believe you." Lin Chen nodded. In fact, after understanding this period of time, he already guessed that Shangguan's family should have nothing to do with what happened back then.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible that there are no clues.

"Then do you know which family once attacked the Lin family?"

Lin Chen continued to ask.

Shangguan hesitated for a while tomorrow, and then said: "Things back then are complicated. Before the day when the Lin family was destroyed, I was invited by Ouyang Nan Feng to go to Ouyang's house to have a talk. I happened to see Ouyang Nan Feng discussing with a mysterious person. What are you wearing?"

"At that time, aware of my arrival, the mysterious man and Patriarch Ouyang sent me an invitation to attack the Lin family. I refused without hesitation. , let the Lin family's blood flow into rivers."

"Seeing my refusal, the two immediately attacked me in a thunderbolt. I suffered a terrible loss. I was seriously injured and fled back to Shangguan's house. Fortunately, those two didn't continue to attack, otherwise I might not escape."

"With your strength, will you be seriously injured by them?" Lin Chen was surprised.

Shangguan sighed tomorrow: "Ouyang Nan Feng's strength is comparable to mine, but that mysterious person is especially powerful. Although she is wearing a mask, I noticed a boss logo engraved on the back of her earlobe."

"When my father was alive, he told me that the world is silently controlled by a group of people, and this group of people formed an organization called boss. I suspect that they didn't continue to chase me back then. It should be out of some kind of emergency. They gave up their plan to hunt and kill me." Read the book

Speaking of this, Shangguan stared at Lin Chen tomorrow and asked: "Doctor Lin asks this, but is it a member of the Lin family?"

Lin Chen didn't answer directly, but pointed to Shangguan Tongshi who was kneeling on the ground beside him: "Tomorrow Patriarch, how do you plan to deal with him?"

Chapter 644 The Ouyang Family [3/3

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