Watching these shadows gradually dissipate, Lin Chen turned to hold Su Qingcheng's jade hand and smiled slightly: "Let's go wife, let's go home."

After finishing speaking, he didn't even look at the corpse on the ground, and immediately drove Su Qingcheng away from here.

After returning home.

Su Qingcheng started to pack her luggage and booked a plane ticket to the capital.

Seeing this, Lin Chen intentionally or unintentionally asked: "By the way, my wife, you didn't say just now, what is the name of the company that invited you to cooperate?"

"It's called Xingdan Group."

Su Qingcheng said, and then said: "I used to be at home waiting for you to come back, this time you stay at home obediently and wait for me to come back."

"Honey, just rest assured that I'm at home, tell me that your husband is so charming..."

In the middle of Lin Chen's joke, suddenly a cold light flickered, and a pair of scissors appeared in Su Qingcheng's hand out of thin air.

I saw Su Qingcheng playing with the scissors and humming softly.

Although he didn't speak, Lin Chen felt a chill in his lower limbs, he quickly clamped his legs, and said seriously: "My wife, please don't worry, I promise to take good care of my second brother."

Su Qingcheng pouted her lips; "Forgive me, you don't dare to mess around."

"The company has something to do recently, you can help me deal with it, if you can't solve it, call me again."


Lin Chen said, and then asked: "Honey, when is your flight?"

"Six o'clock tomorrow morning."

After Su Qingcheng finished speaking, she turned her head and went to the bathroom.

Looking back, Lin Chen's eyes flickered, he picked up the phone and called Fang Yuan.

For him, Fangyuan is quite an intelligence station at the moment. In his impression, they have nothing to do with Xingyang Group, and the other party plans to cooperate with 50 billion when they come up. Be cautious.

The phone was connected quickly.

Fangyuan's voice came: "Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

"Help me find out the origin of Xingyang Group."

"Okay, I'll send it to you as soon as I finish checking."

Not long after Lin Chen hung up the phone

, I received a text message from Fang Yuan.

Xingyang Group is a company invested by the Ma family in Beijing. The Ma family is the largest investor in Xingyang Group and holds an absolute controlling stake.

Seeing this, Lin Chen's eyes filled with a chill.

It's really interesting.

It wasn't long before the Ma family set up a reward for people from the dark world to come and assassinate him, but now they suddenly offered an olive branch to his wife, looking for cooperation with full sincerity.

"Help me book a ticket to fly to Beijing at six o'clock tomorrow morning."

Lin Chen sent it to Fangyuan.

Originally, he really planned to stay at home, but now that the opponent has played a big game of chess, he wants to see who is the final winner of the game.

"Husband, who were you talking to just now?"

Su Qingcheng came out of the bathroom and asked Lin Chen suspiciously.


Lin Chen chuckled.

Obviously, he didn't intend to tell Su Qingcheng that he would accompany him in the capital this time.

Once this happens, it is very likely that the people of the Ma family will find out and startle the snake. Only when the big fish takes the bait and relaxes their vigilance can he catch them all in one go. Biqu library


the other side.

Ma's house in Beijing.

In the hall, on the grand master's chair, a middle-aged man with a dignified face and wearing a long robe sat on it.

The middle-aged man is the head of the Ma family, Ma Kaiyuan's father, Ma Yuanfeng.

"Is everything arranged?"

Ma Yuanfeng said in a low voice to the butler in front of him.

"Don't worry, Patriarch, everything is ready. I specially invited that kid's wife to discuss cooperation. As soon as his wife appears, we will take it down immediately. Then we will use her as a threat and set up a net. I don't believe that kid won't take the bait. "

The butler responded.

"It's the best, I can't wait to cut him into pieces and avenge my son!"

Ma Yuanfeng looked cold.


The moon sets and the sun rises, and a new day will come soon.

Lin Chen drove Su Qingcheng to the airport, and the couple waved goodbye.

However, as soon as Su Qingcheng finished checking the ticket, Lin Chen followed.

To be sure that Su Qingcheng would not find out, he bought the economy class on purpose instead of choosing Su Qingcheng's first class.

hours later.

The plane landed at Beijing Airport. Biqu library

Su Qingcheng came to a star-rated hotel, and as soon as she sent her luggage in, she came out and made a phone call.


A black Rolls Royce stopped in front of her.

In the cab, a man in a suit came out and said politely to Su Qingcheng, "Is that President Su?"

"Are you from Xingyang Company?"

Su Qingcheng asked.

"Yes." The man in the suit said: "Our boss asked me to pick you up when we knew you were coming. Now our boss has arrived at the meeting place and is waiting for you to go over."

Su Qingcheng was a little surprised by this. In the phone call just now, she naturally called the boss of Xingyang Company who had contacted her in advance, but she didn't expect that the other party would act swiftly and resolutely. She had just got off the plane and was about to pick her up to discuss cooperation.

But, this is also good, finish it as soon as possible, so she can go back as soon as possible.

For some reason, when she thought of leaving Lin Chen, on the plane, she felt empty.

And this scene was seen by Lin Chen in the taxi.

"Master, follow that Rolls-Royce."

Lin Chen said to the driver.

After twenty minutes, Lin Chen followed Su Qingcheng and the man in the suit to a restaurant.

Getting off the Rolls-Royce, Su Qingcheng glanced at the restaurant, and asked indifferently: "Your boss likes to discuss business with customers in restaurants and sign contracts?"

"Considering that President Su just came to the capital, our boss set up a banquet to welcome President Su."

The man in the suit answered impeccably.

Su Qingcheng frowned, but didn't say much, and followed the man in the suit to the elevator.

Not long after the two boarded the elevator, Lin Chen came to the lobby of the restaurant and glanced around, his eyes even colder.

Because, he felt a serious murderous aura from this restaurant.

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