Overnight Success

Chapter 681 Bully My Wife, Have You Lived Enough?

Arriving at the venue, the young man glanced around and immediately set his sights on Su Qingcheng.

Behind him, the assistant who followed also said: "Young Master Gong, you really have a destiny with this person, I didn't expect to meet you here."

The young man named Gong Shao smiled slightly, and walked towards Su Qingcheng under the gaze of everyone.

"Young Master Gong!"

For a moment, the masters of power beside Su Qingcheng hurriedly greeted each other.

The youth nodded.

And Su Qingcheng also set her sights on the young man. When she was in the restaurant just now, she discovered the existence of this man, and she didn't expect him to come to the business exchange meeting.

"Beauty, first time meeting, my name is Gong Rui."

"I don't know where you are from?"

As the young man said, a pair of eyes sized up every inch of Su Qingcheng's body wantonly.

It was unnatural to be stared at, but Su Qingcheng managed to squeeze out a smile: "I come from Yunhuai City and am the president of the Su Group."

"It turned out to be the Su Group, I've heard about it for a long time."

Gong Rui smiled.

"Some time ago, your group's industry was full of hype. I wonder if President Su would like to have a drink with me."

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng called the waiter for two glasses of red wine, and was about to hand Gong Rui a glass.

Gong Rui stopped it quickly, and said meaningfully: "Miss Su, what I mean is not to drink here."

Su Qingcheng's expression changed, "I don't know what Young Master Gong means?"

"The meaning is very simple. After the exchange meeting is over, I will send someone to book a private room, and then we will have a drink in private."

Gong Rui smiled charmingly at Su Qingcheng.

Seeing this, Yun Gaoyuan quickly reminded: "Young Master Gong, you don't know, this President Su is married and married."

"Did I let you talk?"

Gong Rui glanced sideways at Yun Gaoyuan, and Yun Gaoyuan could only keep his mouth shut.

The masters of other forces also dare not be beasts.

Obviously, even they put down their elders and greeted Gong Rui proactively, which is enough to show that this person's background is something they can't afford to provoke.

"President Su, it's your turn to answer my question."

Gong Rui chuckled.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Gong, I really don't have time, wait for the next opportunity."

Su Qingcheng declined.

In an instant, Gong Rui's expression turned cold, and his tone became low, "So, President Su has rejected my invitation."

"After so many years, you are still the first one who dare not give me

Young Master Gong's face-saving woman. "

"President Su, as far as I know, your coming to the business exchange meeting this time should be to prepare for the Su Group's entry into the capital market. After all, several giant companies in the medical and healthcare industry in Beijing have already united to launch a campaign against you at all times." Boycott, if no one will help you, even if you forcibly enter the capital market, all sales channels will be blocked."

Gong Rui said without haste.

"Young Master Gong, what exactly do you want to say!"

Su Qingcheng spoke slowly.

"It's very simple. As long as President Su agrees to drink with me, this matter will be on my shoulders. I can guarantee that within three days, I will help you pave the way for the Su family to enter the capital."

Speaking of this, Gong Rui's voice changed: "Of course, you have to choose to refuse, so I'm sorry, Su's will never set foot in the capital market in the future."

"Believe me, as long as I say a word, no one in the capital will dare to cooperate with you."

Hearing such a direct threat from Gong Rui, Su Qingcheng's face was very ugly.

Afterwards, Su Qingcheng glanced at the masters of power who had been chatting happily.

But it was discovered that, without exception, the masters of these forces all lowered their heads and did not dare to look at her.

Obviously, they acquiesced to Gong Rui's remarks.

The atmosphere became tense.

After a while, Su Qingcheng broke the silence: "Young Master Gong's tone is indeed not small, but I never like to give in, so I am looking forward to Young Master Gong's methods."

"Is President Su declaring war on me?"

Gong Rui smiled disdainfully, "With all due respect, you are not yet qualified to be my opponent."

Su Qingcheng glanced at him coldly and walked directly towards the entrance of the venue without stopping.

However, the corner of Gong Rui's mouth twitched.

What a joke!

How could the prey he was targeting run away!

next moment.

A group of muscular and imposing men in suits blocked Su Qingcheng's way.

"Miss Su, you are also dissatisfied with the capital's inquiries, who dare not give me face?"

Gong Rui jokingly laughed.

"What do you want to do?"

Su Qingcheng asked coldly.

"What? Of course it's you!"

Gong Rui said wickedly, and immediately waved his hand, and these men in suits immediately captured Su Qingcheng.

Taking a deep breath, Su Qingcheng made a move to resist.

In the beginning, she could barely cope with the siege of the crowd, but as time went by

With the passing of time, physical exertion, and these men in suits constantly engaged in wheel battles, she was gradually exhausted.

Seeing this, Gong Rui smiled even more proudly.

Married women will feel even more different when they play!

Thinking of the scene where Su Qingcheng was about to be crushed by him, Gong Rui felt a burst of desire in his stomach.

"Give me a quick fix, tie her up and take her downstairs to the private room."

After Gong Rui finished speaking, he took his assistant to the private room downstairs. When he passed by Su Qingcheng, he stopped on purpose and smiled sinisterly: "President Su, I advise you not to be stubborn, save your strength, and wait a while." You still need to take the initiative!"

"If you can serve me comfortably, maybe as soon as I am happy, this market will be opened for you."

After the words fell, Gong Rui let out a series of laughs and disappeared at the exchange meeting.

Looking back, facing the siege of these men in suits, Su Qingcheng gritted her teeth, looking extremely unwilling.

Yun Gaoyuan wanted to stop him, but he couldn't do anything about it. As for the masters of other forces, they just watched with cold eyes, as if they had nothing to do with them, and looked on high.

Seeing these men in suits showing lewd smiles, when they planned to take advantage of the capture process and stretch out their hands to Su Qingcheng.


The silver light suddenly appeared.

Silver needles pierced through the palms of these men in suits.


There were screams one after another.

In the blink of an eye, all these strong and strong men knelt on the ground, clutching their palms, twitching non-stop.

Immediately afterwards, a cold sound resounded through the entire hall.

"Dare to attack my wife, do you all want to see Hades?"

At this moment, Lin Chen appeared in front of everyone, and quickly supported Su Qingcheng, and asked with concern: "Honey, are you alright?"

"Sorry, I was late and frightened you!"

Su Qingcheng shook her head, "I'm fine."

Then, Lin Chen glanced at the crowd, and said in an indifferent voice, "Who told this group of people to do something to my wife?"

Hearing this, everyone shuddered and quickly avoided Lin Chen's gaze.

"Mr. Lin, I failed to protect your wife well, and hereby I apologize to you."

Yun Gaoyuan bowed to Lin Chen.


Lin Chen also understood Yun Gaoyuan's difficulties, and immediately asked: "Patriarch Yun, you should know who is making things difficult for my wife, right?"

Yun Gaoyuan hesitated again and again, and finally said: "Mr. Lin, please follow me!"

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