Overnight Success

Chapter 715 Free Lessons

Immediately, the young man who was about to stuff the pill into the middle-aged man suddenly flashed his body and quickly avoided the silver needle.

Afterwards, the young man's face was extremely gloomy, and he glanced around: "Since your Excellency made a move, why don't you show up?"

next moment.

Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng walked side by side, entering everyone's sight.

"I have no grievances with you, why did you attack me?"

Seeing Lin Chen, the young man spoke in a bad tone.

Lin Chen slowly put away the silver needle in his hand, and then said: "If I don't take action again, you may really kill someone today!"

"What do you mean?" the young man asked coldly.

"Don't you know that your elixir is just a defective product, and it hasn't been fully refined yet?"

As soon as Lin Chen said this.

There was another commotion at the scene.

Hearing everyone's discussion, the young man's face was extremely ugly and he said: "Slander, blatant slander, I am a Taoist, and I never save people with defective products. This is the first time I have met you. Why do you target me everywhere?"

"Your skin is really thick!"

Lin Chen saw that the young man did not admit it until now, so he said: "I am also a person in alchemy, so of course I can tell at a glance whether your elixir is defective or not."

"One more thing, you said that this person has an epileptic seizure, which is even more wrong!" Biquku

"I think you should be very curious. Even if your elixir is a defective product, it is logically impossible to make the patient's condition worse!"

Hearing this, the young man said with a sullen face, "So what do you want to say?"

"It's very simple. Your diagnosis is completely wrong. This person didn't have an epileptic seizure at all. Whose epileptic seizure did not die suddenly after all your hard work?"

Lin Chen said flatly.


At this moment, the subordinate next to the young man shouted: "Boy, do you know who you are talking to, this is Senior Brother Gong Ruyu, the direct disciple of the chief alchemy master of our Taoist temple."

"Senior Brother Gong has never made a mistake in seeing a doctor in person these years. If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame us for being rude to you."

Regarding this, Lin Chen dismissed it: "At first I was quite interested in your Taoist temples, but I didn't expect that you are full of mediocre people. I am really disappointed."


For a time, Shili Taoist Temple

Everyone glared at Lin Chen, and they were about to make a move, but Gong Ruyu stopped him. m.x.com


Gong Ruyu turned to Lin Chen, Yin Yi said: "Your Excellency, since I think my judgment is wrong, then may I ask whether the patient is having an epileptic seizure, and what is wrong?"

Lin Chen didn't respond, but lowered his body and reached out to quickly press several acupuncture points on the patient.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man stopped twitching, and no longer foamed from his mouth, but his face was still pale and bloodless.

"Your father suffered from a hidden disease and injured his lungs. He could have persisted for a while, but the situation has deteriorated further due to the wrong medication."

Lin Chen said to the young woman.

After listening, the young woman panicked completely.

She quickly pulled Lin Chen's sleeve and said: "Master, you must have a way, right, please save my father, so as long as you save my father, you leave a phone number, we will definitely repay you in the future .”

Lin Chen shook his head, "That's not necessary."

"Come on, help your father up."

The words fell.

The young woman wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and helped the middle-aged man halfway up.

Then, Lin Chen glanced at Gong Ruyu and the others, and found that Gong Ruyu and the others were looking at him with a contemptuous attitude.

"Forget it, I'll give you a free lesson today, so keep your eyes open."

As Lin Chen said, he made a sudden move, and tapped the middle-aged man's Tiantu, Renhai, and Guizhong acupuncture points with his two fingers.

The speed of his hands was so fast that it almost blinded the eyes of everyone present.

So much so that before they could recover, Lin Chen stopped and gave the middle-aged man the immortal pills he was wearing.

"Boy, is this the end?"

Gong Ruyu said contemptuously: "If I'm not mistaken, the patient still shows no signs of improvement, right?"

"I know that you see that I am a Taoist, and you want to use this to suppress my fame."

"But have you ever thought about whether you can afford this price?"

When the last sentence fell, Gong Ruyu's body was already chilled.

The entourage even stepped forward one after another, surrounded Lin Chen, and threatened:

"Boy, I advise you to kneel down and apologize to Senior Brother

, Otherwise today, you would never want to leave. "

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads secretly.

Originally, they really thought that Lin Chen had extraordinary skills and unique insights.

No idea, just sensationalism.

This time, if he angered the people in the Taoist temple, he would suffer a lot.

Just when everyone was waiting to see Lin Chen's joke.

Suddenly, there was a coughing sound.

Following the prestige, he found that the middle-aged man lying on the ground stood up with his body supported, his breathing became much smoother, and his complexion also improved greatly.

"Little brother, thank you!"

The middle-aged man said weakly.

This change petrified everyone on the spot.

They never expected that the middle-aged man would miraculously improve.

"Your hidden disease has a long history. If you want to fully recover, it will take a while to recuperate. I have some pills here to help you recuperate. After taking them all, your hidden disease will almost recover."

As Lin Chen said, he glanced at Su Qingcheng.

Su Qingcheng understood immediately, and took out a medicine bottle containing immortal pills from her bag and handed it to the middle-aged man.

"Thank you little brother, thank you so much..."

The middle-aged man took the medicine bottle and sincerely thanked Lin Chen.

"In this way, little brother, you leave a contact information, and I must repay you well."

"No need." Lin Chen waved his hand: "It's getting late, and I have to accompany my wife back to rest. As for the pills in the medicine bottle, just take one pill a day."

After speaking, Lin Chen took Su Qingcheng and left directly.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at Gong Ruyu.

But the more this happened, the more shame Gong Ruyu felt, and her face was hot.

He even felt that the eyes of the people around him were full of contempt.

It's just because of his identity as a Taoist disciple that he didn't say it.

"let's go!"

Gong Ruyu said with a livid face, she had no face to stay any longer.

This scene also made many people on the scene feel embarrassed.

It's hard to imagine that the direct disciple of the chief alchemy master in the Taoist temple would stumble at the hands of a young man who didn't know his origin.

The herbal meeting hasn't started yet, but this matter has already spread...

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