Overnight Success

Chapter 730 Second Taoist Elder

"Father, should we help Mr. Lin share some pressure?"

Gao Jie said to Gao Liang.

Even though she knew that Lin Chen was extremely powerful, she was still a little worried when she saw Lin Chen being surrounded.

"Yes, father, you have to agree, and I am willing to take the lead to help Mr. Lin."

Gao Ya also echoed.

Gao Liang was a little surprised by this. You know, his eldest daughter never took any risky actions, and even last night she never went to help Lin Chen, but now she offered to propose such a drastic change in her attitude, which made Lin Chen He couldn't help being surprised.

Seeing the doubt in Gao Liang's eyes, Gao Ya explained: "Father, I believe you can also see that Mr. Lin is definitely a genius in martial arts. If we can use this to win him over, it will undoubtedly be a big deal for us." Good thing."

That being said, in fact, it was just an excuse she made.

After last night, she already had some feelings for Lin Chen from the bottom of her heart, but Lin Chen already had a wife, so it was difficult for her to express these feelings.

"Of course I know what you said."

"However, do you really think that Mr. Lin needs our help?"

Gao Liang said.

He has been observing Lin Chen from the beginning to the end. In his field of vision, Lin Chen has no emotional fluctuations at all about this so-called bullying the few with the more.

This obviously showed that he did not take those people seriously.

Maybe, if they act rashly, not only will it not help Mr. Lin, but it will also disturb him.

"Father, what do you mean..." Gao Ya was puzzled.

"Look down."

As soon as Gao Liang finished speaking, Lin Chen had already made a move.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

The entire Liuhemen people were beaten to the ground, spurting blood one by one, and their breath was extremely sluggish, as if they would die at any time.

And Master Maitreya, who is the master of the Liuhe Gate, also had a bruised nose and a swollen face at this time, and was beaten to the flesh by Lin Chen, making him miserable.


Master Maitreya couldn't bear it anymore, and after spewing out a big mouthful of blood, he shouted loudly: "Brother Luo, help me!"

Hearing this, Luo Tianming immediately rushed behind Lin Chen.

But Lin Chen, reacting very quickly, immediately turned around and aimed his attack at Luo Tianming.

Luo Tianming secretly thought it was bad, but found that Master Maitreya

He had already taken this opportunity to step aside.


This guy is playing me!

Luo Tianming complained again and again, so he had no choice but to resist Lin Chen's offensive.

But soon.

Lin Chen pierced his chest firmly with a punch.


In an instant, Luo Tianming was completely injured by this punch, several bones in his chest were broken, and he fell to the ground, completely unable to get up.


The other Tianyanghui members shouted, looking at Lin Chen already full of horror.

Obviously, even their president is not Lin Chen's opponent, they can only die if they go up!

This made them shrink back for a while, without the courage to face Lin Chen directly.

"Why, is this cowardly?"

Lin Chen smiled dismissively and waved his hand.

Swish Swish Swish! ! !

Countless silver needles flickered.

The members of the Tianyang Society were shocked and tried to escape, but it was too late, their throats were pierced one by one, and they died on the spot.

Everyone who watched this scene gasped frequently.

Can't say a word.

Especially those forces who planned to make a sudden cold shot at Lin Chen suppressed those small thoughts and avoided Lin Chen's eyes.

"This is the top force in Xiangxi? It's too disappointing!"

Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back, majestic and majestic. In his words and deeds, there was a domineering arrogance that looked down on the world.

"Then now, it's your turn!"

Lin Chen set his sights on Miao Fengtian.

For him, if others don't touch him, he won't take the initiative to provoke him.

But only this Miao family, as a running dog of the Miao Jiang clan, must not stay!

Ever since he knew that Miao Jiang was involved in the destruction of the Lin family, the hatred between him and Miao Jiang was irreconcilable! Biqu library

Seeing Lin Chen approaching every step of the way, Miao Feng raised his heart in his throat.

In terms of one-on-one, he is definitely not Lin Chen's opponent.

But if he slips away, let's not say whether he can escape successfully, even if he escapes, these families will definitely look down on him in the future and damage the dignity of his Miao family.

Just as he gritted his teeth, he planned to run away with his life as the most important thing.

Suddenly, a series of heavy footsteps sounded from outside the door.

Afterwards, a violent shout came: "Who dares to mock me that there is no one in Xiangxi?"

The voice fell.

Everyone felt the ground tremble under their feet.

as if something

What an extraordinary existence is about to appear.

next second. m.x.com

The closed door of the conference room was suddenly smashed into pieces by a blast of air.

An old man in Taoist robes appeared in front of everyone.

The old man leaned on crutches, and as he took a step, there was a clearly visible footprint on his feet.

Between words and deeds, an unspeakable oppressive momentum is covering the audience.

As soon as the old man appeared, the audience members of Shili Dao were overjoyed, they got up one after another and said, "Second Elder!"

See here.

Everyone's heart trembled, and they looked at the old man with respect in their eyes.

The second elder of the Taoist temple, named Yan Kui, is a really well-known figure in the western Hunan area.

At the beginning, senior officials of the local government heard that the ten-mile Taoist temple treasured a lot of medicines, so they immediately dispatched troops to find the location of the ten-mile Taoist temple.

And when they found it, they immediately used force to suppress it, trying to classify the Taoist temple as government territory.

But at that time, Yan Kui, the second elder of the Taoist temple, had the aura that one man should be in charge of the gate, and ten thousand men should not be opened. Even under the attack of all the troops and artillery, he still killed seven in and seven out.


The local army suffered heavy losses, so they announced that they would no longer be contaminated by the Taoist temple, so they saved some face.

Otherwise, with Yan Kui's violent temper, the local army will definitely stay there forever.

This is the prestige of killing!

"Second Elder, this is the person who killed Brother Gong!"

The people from Shili Taoist Temple were full of confidence, and immediately pointed to Lin Chen.


Yan Kui turned his head to look at Lin Chen, his eyes were like knives, and the killing intent was undisguised: "Boy, you killed my beloved disciple, are you guilty?"


Lin Chen smiled, with an unscrupulous smile.

"Old man, you deserve to convict me, so why should I be guilty?"

Lin Chen said unceremoniously: "Gong Ruyu joined forces with the Miao family to kill me and snatch the spiritual soil. According to you, I deserve to be killed by him and give up the spiritual soil!"

"You too, think too highly of yourself!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

No one expected Lin Chen to be so sharp in his words even when facing Yan Kui!

As for Miao Fengtian, he secretly laughed, secretly delighted.

Based on his understanding of Yan Kui's defense, today, this kid probably won't be able to eat and walk around!

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