Overnight Success

Chapter 97 The Woman Who Desired To Die

Hearing this sentence, the waiter turned his head, and when he saw Lin Chen standing upright, he was stunned and said, "You...you weren't poisoned to death?"

"That's why I say you, being a killer is really stupid and hopelessly stupid."

Lin Chen had a mocking look on his face.

When the waiter came in just now, he felt something was wrong, as expected, after he picked up the silver needle to test the food for poison, the silver needle turned black, which confirmed what he thought in his heart.

And the reason why he pretended to be poisoned was naturally to see who sent the killer to assassinate him.

Now that he knew the real culprit behind the scenes, it was obvious that he no longer needed to pretend.

At this moment, seeing the other party mocking him, the killer simply stopped pretending, and suddenly took out a dagger from his bosom, and stabbed Lin Chen in the chest.

Fortunately, Lin Chen had been prepared for a long time, turned slightly sideways, and after defusing the attack, he slapped the killer's back with his backhand.


The killer couldn't dodge in time, and was directly slapped by Lin Chen with a mouthful of blood.

Then, the killer's eyes were fierce, and his big hands were like eagle claws, aiming at Lin Chen's heart.

"too weak."

Lin Chen shook his head, exerted strength with his wrists, and instantly clamped the killer's hands.


next second.

Along with the sound of fractures, the killer's ten fingers were directly crushed by Lin Chen.


The killer let out a scream.

At that moment, he exhausted all his breastfeeding strength, managed to break free from Lin Chen, and fled outside like crazy.

He knew very well that if he went shopping today, he might lose his life here.

However, for this kind of potential crisis, Lin Chen naturally wanted to wipe out the roots, and immediately followed up with a dodge.

To Lin Chen's surprise——

The very first time he followed, the killer had a dagger in his mouth, killed a carbine, and shot at Lin Chen.

In response, Lin Chen's pupils shrank.

Then, in a very strange posture, the body turned backwards, barely dodging the unexpected dagger.

In an instant, this cool scene stunned the children next door.

It's a pity that when Lin Chen wanted to chase after him again, the killer

Already taking advantage of this time, he disappeared into the corridor.

"Thinking about running away against me? It's so easy!"

Lin Chen smiled coldly in his heart, and went back to the room unhurriedly, picked up a pen and paper, drew a spell, took the hair that the killer had fallen, and burned it with a lighter.

next moment.

As a burst of white smoke fluttered towards the door, Lin Chen leisurely followed behind the white smoke.

This talisman is called the Tracking Talisman, and it is a strange secret technique that he has learned from "Yin-Yang Secret Art". Just take a hair of the other party and burn it, and then follow the guidance of Bai Yan to find the other party.


The white smoke floated to the second floor and dissipated in a VIP box.

"Now I see where are you going?"

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth turned up, and then he swaggered open the door and walked in.

But, the next moment.

The smile on his face froze instantly.

Because, directly opposite him, on a large and comfortable bed, there was a beautiful woman in a technician's costume, massaging a middle-aged woman. Biqu library

When Lin Chen's eyes fell on the female technician, his eyes were a little dazed.

Compared with the other female technicians he saw during this round, the skin in front of her was like snow, her skin was like jade, and her long black hair fell down her shoulders like a waterfall, making her look out of place.

Especially the technician outfit wrapped with sexy cups, outlining the slender waistline, showing the golden figure of the whole person to the fullest.

As for her face, it was extremely delicate, she had the purity of the young lady next door, but she was still charming.

At the same time, Lin Chen looked at the woman's big watery eyes begging for help, and a familiar feeling welled up in his heart.

Following that, fragments of women in memory slowly emerged.

"Is your surname Liu?"

Lin Chen asked.

Hearing this, the woman froze for a moment, then nodded: "You are..."

Lin Chen took a deep breath, without saying a word, he locked the door behind him and said to the woman, "Let's talk after I settle the trouble here."

When he uttered this sentence, Lin Chen gradually approached the wardrobe on the side.

There is no shelter in the box, if the killer is here

Here, it can only be hidden in the closet.


Sensing the danger, the killer rushed out of the closet with a dagger in his mouth, holding the technician woman and the middle-aged woman hostage.

"Ah, I'll give you whatever you want, please don't kill me."

Compared to the calmness of the technician woman, the middle-aged woman cried again and again.

"Tell me about you, both hands are disabled, why are you still holding people here!" Lin Chen said lightly.

"How did you catch up?"

The killer asked in a deep voice.

"Guess, guess right, maybe I'll let you go."

Hearing Lin Chen's slightly teasing tone, the killer turned cold: "You crippled Zhou Shao's limbs, and Patriarch Zhou has ordered you to die!"

"Unfortunately, I have seen through your scheme, so you are the one who is going to die!" Lin Chen shrugged and responded indifferently.

"I admit, I am not your opponent."

As the killer spoke, his voice changed: "But I guarantee that before you kill me, these two women will also be buried with me."

"Are you threatening me?" Lin Chen chuckled. Biqu library

The killer didn't answer, but his eyes said everything, and the dagger in his mouth was getting closer and closer to the technician woman's throat.

Suddenly, the woman closed her eyes in despair, and a line of tears rolled down her cheeks.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you die, it's better than living in such a miserable state.

Recently, successive incidents have weighed her down so much that she can hardly breathe. For her, death might be a relief.

Rather than being burdened with other people's debts and working tirelessly outside, it is better to die.

Come more happily.

Thinking of this, the woman said sadly: "Come on, just kill me, I don't want to live anyway."

At this moment, the woman's face was sad. Seeing her wanting to die, not only Lin Chen but also the killer were stunned.

It never occurred to him that the hostage who was finally caught would not want to live.

Taking advantage of the killer's astonishment, Lin Chen suddenly appeared in front of the killer like a ghost.

The killer was startled.

Immediately, with the dagger in his mouth, he stabbed hard at the woman's neck.

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