Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 145 The domineering rhubarb, the confrontation between the black cat and the falcon

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When Ning Fei returned to Qingfengguan, he saw that the two waves of dogs at the east end of the village and the west end of the village were not far from Qingfengguan.

"What's the matter? Why did these two gangs of pastoral dogs come to me?"

Ning Fei said suspiciously.

Netizens are also very curious.

"The dog at the east end of the village and the dog at the west end of the village are reconciled?"

"They are all wild dogs around Qinshan Village, and they can be regarded as partners."

"I usually see these two waves of dogs fighting."

"What made them stop fighting?"

"There is only one possibility, and that is the emergence of a common enemy."

"No...it's a black cat!"


I have to say that there are always gods predicted by gods among netizens.

For example, in the "wife murder case in the toilet" that shocked China before, the husband reported his wife's disappearance before, and some netizens said that his eyes were erratic, maybe he killed his wife, and even guessed the method of destroying the body.

This time, the netizen's prediction was also very accurate.

Two waves of local dogs are here, and it is really because of the black cat, they are all guarding here.

Ning Fei was helpless when he saw two waves of pastoral dogs.

After all, there are so many dogs guarding the door. If a person bites him, or if he bites the little dog Xiaohu Xiaofei, it will be a big loss for him.


Ning Fei shouted loudly.

Da Huang was playing not far from Qingfengguan, but after hearing Ning Fei's cry, he ran back immediately.

"Be gentle and clear the field." Ning Fei gestured to two waves of pastoral dogs and said.

Hearing Ning Fei's words, Da Huang wagged his tail, raised his head, and barked twice at the local dog gang at the east and west ends of the village.

"Wang Wang!"

Its bark is full of vigor and strong, with a wild and domineering feeling, which makes people feel that this dog is really difficult to mess with.

Sure enough, when Da Huang barked, the two waves of local dogs immediately lowered their heads, a little scared.

Seeing that his father was so mighty, the little dog immediately ran over to Rhubarb's side to play around.

Ning Fei carried Xiaohu and Xiaofei into the Taoist temple.

After seeing this scene, netizens couldn't help but admire:

"As expected of the dog king, it's amazing!"

"It's the boss of the dog gang, the momentum is not blowing out."

"The puppy is still far away, you have to study hard!"

"The puppy is still a puppy and needs time to grow."

"Don't worry, with Ning Guanzhu's training, the puppy will not be bad in the future."

However, at this moment, one wave has not settled, and another wave has arisen.

Netizens were discussing the deeds of Da Huang shouting back two waves of local dogs, and suddenly, there were several shrill animal calls from the roof of Qingfengguan.

It's cat meowing!

And eagle chirping!

what's the situation?

Ning Fei was also attracted by the movement. The drone flew up for the first time. When they saw what happened on the roof, netizens were stunned.

It's Falcon, fighting that Elvis!

These two are tough characters.

The little falcon was originally a bird of prey, hunting for a living. Next to Ning Fei, he was a well-behaved baby falcon. In the wild, he was the great devil of the sky.

Elvis is a fierce cat. He grew up from a discarded pet cat. Now, the wild cats in the whole mountain village have to give way when they see him, which is very scary.

Moreover, feral cats only eat eggs and small birds, and have special birding skills.

Are these two guys fighting now?

The battle situation was very fierce. Little Falcon and Elvis were on the roof of the Sanqing Hall, hitting from top to bottom. Little Falcon's wings kept flapping, both claws and sharp beaks came out, and Elvis's sharp claws were also crazy. 's scratching.

For a while, the movements of the two beasts were so fast that netizens couldn't see how they fought.

This scene was so exciting that the barrage exploded directly.

Ning Fei saw this scene,

Immediately, I became anxious.

The little falcon is only two months old now, and it is still in its infancy.

After all, it is the king of birds. If it grows up, it will definitely not be a problem to deal with a cat.

But it hasn't grown enough yet, and that black cat is really fierce, like a small leopard.

Then, netizens saw that Ning Fei was standing in the yard holding the little fox.

I saw him let go of his hand and put the little fox down, and then sprinted, alternating his left and right feet on the side wall of the Sanqing Palace, tapped three times in a row, and then put his hands on the eaves.

With another slight leap, he jumped onto the roof just like that.

"What is this?" Some netizens asked in a stunned expression who had never seen such a scene before.

"Wudang Ti Yunzong doesn't know?"

"It looks like a newcomer at first glance. Lord Ning Guan can go to the sky with his left foot on his right. What happened to the roof?"

"Rare and strange, that's Ning Guanzhu. You don't need to fly to the roof. Is it possible to use a ladder?"

"You think the cultivator is joking with you."

"This Qinggong practice is not hot enough, and I have to hit the wall three times. Usually, it takes off directly on the spot and then flies up to the roof."

"You are so hung up one by one, why don't you go to the sky?"

At the same time, Ning Fei jumped onto the roof.

Little Falcon and the black cat were fighting hard, and the black cat was also very smart. After seeing Ning Fei's appearance, he immediately turned around and ran away.

The action of the black cat once again surprised netizens.

I saw the black cat, jumping directly from the roof of the Sanqing Palace to the wall of Qingfengguan, but it landed very accurately and lightly at such a long distance, and immediately jumped off the wall and disappeared from people's sight. .


"Little Falcon, stop chasing."

Little Falcon was about to chase, but Ning Fei hurriedly stopped it.

"You've done a great job."

Ning Fei stepped forward, let Xiao Falcon stand on his arm, and then carefully checked the injury on Xiao Falcon's body.

The little falcon was not injured much, but only lost some feathers. After all, he had eaten poultry feed, and his physical fitness was strong. And in the fight just now, the little falcon was always on top, the black cat was below, and the little falcon pressed the black cat to fight.


Ning Fei stroked its feathers again and praised.

Little Falcon held his chest high, full of momentum, and looked very proud.

At this time, the drone flew over, and Ning Fei was simply on the roof, explaining to netizens:

"Little Falcon is protecting Qingfengguan, it thinks the black cat is an intruder."

"Because the black cat's body is very hostile, and it is not raised by the breeze, the little falcon can feel the blood on its body."

"Little Falcon has no injuries. The two guys only had a brief confrontation, and neither had much of an upper hand."

"But neither of them are easy to mess with, I'm afraid it will be quite troublesome in the future."

After saying that, Ning Fei came to the edge of the roof of Sanqing Hall again, squatted down, and immediately jumped down from the six or seven meters high roof.

When I landed, I didn't feel how it was affected by gravity, and my knees were only slightly bent in a half-squat position.

This action also looks very cool.

Netizens have been unable to complain about this.

They were interested in another thing.

That is another candidate for the top of Qinshan Village - Xiao Falcon.

"It would be too much for you to add the little falcon. The little falcon is the king of the sky, and it seems too childish to climb the mountain village."

"When the little falcon grows up, the black cat is really not enough to look at."

"Don't compare birds of prey to domestic animals."

"Yeah, that depends on Rhubarb."

"I'm still a black cat!"

Ning Fei was not very interested in the discussions of netizens, so there was nothing much.

At this time, the smell of food came from the room, and it seemed that Jiang Xue had really put in a lot of effort.

Jiang Xue walked out of the room wearing an apron, full of the breath of life.

"Guanzhu, I have learned a few new dishes with Chef Fang in the past few days when you entered the mountain. Come and try it."

Ning Fei is very serious, but when netizens hear this, they are not serious.

"I think what Ning Guanzhu wants to eat is not the dish you made, but your dish."

"How do you know that Ning Guanzhu won't eat 'vegetable' at night."

"What do you mean, Lord Ning Guan washes, cooks, and eats vegetables every night?"

"The atmosphere is not right, what are you talking about."

"Be honest with the ones upstairs, every time you scan - Huang has you."

"No, Sir, you have wronged a good person. I just said what happened to Lord Ning Guan washing dishes?"


The netizens are very lively. Now Jiang Xue has appeared in the live broadcast more often, and everyone likes to make fun of her.

Ning Fei walked into the house, and there were four dishes and one soup on the table, which made people appetite.

This kind of feeling that someone made a special trip to cook for themselves is not bad.

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