Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1312: Blast a corpse

Half of my body was buried in the ground at this moment.

Half of his head collapsed into it.

If it were an ordinary monk, even if it wasn't dead at this time, I'm afraid it was seriously injured and difficult to act.

But the state teacher jumped off the ground the first time after landing.

In addition to the recessed head, it looks weird. In other aspects, let alone injury, I am afraid that even the pain is not felt.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh: "Zombies really are, you won't feel any pain when you cut them."

The state teacher rose up in desperation. The first thing was to look at the Iori ruler in his hand.

At the next moment, the green ghost fire in his eyes jumped violently in shock.

On the Iori ruler, there was no reaction at all! There are only two possibilities for such a result.

First, there is no aura in this person.

The second possibility is that this person is not using Reiki.

At this time, the teacher raised his head and cast a glance at Chu Yan with the only remaining eyes.

Seeing that the other party was even one foot off the ground at this moment, standing in the air, the ghost fire in the eyes of the Master suddenly inflated.

"This guy is flying!"

In the days when the National Teachers survived, there was also the environment for living, and the realm of monks was not so divided as now.

Moreover, his knowledge also made him never see a monk who could fly.

So seeing this scene at this moment, the National Teacher can no longer calm down.

Even though he was a zombie who was enough to scare people into screaming, he couldn't help but exclaimed at the moment when he saw the hanged Chu Yan.

The teacher felt that if his heart was still beating now, when he saw this scene at this time, his heartbeat would be stopped suddenly by surprise! "This guy is definitely a monk, and not an ordinary monk!"

The state teacher stared at Chu Yan with a crooked mouth and murmured.

Since the other party's performance at this moment is tantamount to actively acknowledging the monk's identity, the first possibility before is naturally denied.

Then there is only the second possibility.

Just that blow, the opponent did not use Reiki at all! Thinking of this, the teacher could not help but reached out and touched his sunken cheek at the moment.

At the tentacles, he couldn't help himself.

Zombies are known for their strength and strength.

But just now, the guy hovering in the air at this moment showed a more terrifying power.

When facing himself, he didn't even bother to use reiki or magic! And don't say that you can hold the opponent's blow, and even the opponent's movements can't be seen clearly.

As for your own head, why is it just recessed in one piece instead of exploding, it is better to explain.

The other party did not do their best! "This guy--" In the eyes of the Master, the terrible green ghost fire screamed, showing all kinds of hatred and resentment.

This emotion did not appear before this.

"It's a **** cultivator. I didn't expect that 20,000 years later, there will still be cultivators."

The master held the knuckles of the Eight God Ruler, all crackling.

At this time, he saw Chu Yan stretch out two hands towards himself.

The fingers of both hands were spread out, compared to a "ten".

The teacher stunned for a moment, and immediately remembered that he had just heard half a sentence in his ear when he was just hit.

"Ten times."

Reconnecting with each other's actions at this moment means that this guy has to humiliate himself ten times just like before! As soon as he thought this, the body of the teacher was trembling with anger.

The teacher himself does not remember how many years he has not been so insulted.

"Tear this guy!"

The master shook his eight-foot ruler sharply, hissing exhausted, and ordered the corpses around him.

Nearly a thousand corpses have not been ordered by the Master before, so they just form a siege on the periphery.

Since they can become corpses, they must have sages, and not only that, the techniques of life can still be cast! At this moment, under the order of the state master, the corpses, like a tide, rushed towards the central Chu Yan.

Suddenly, countless insidious horror rays swept towards Chu Yan, as the dark tide surged and the night fell.

Thousands and thousands of human faces and beast faces are constantly alternating among the black.

Every face was roaring, crying, growling.

Deep in the black, the sound of chains mopping the floor, the movement of chewing bones, creepy, came constantly.

In the tide of corpses, Chu Yan is like a flat boat, an ant, as if the next moment, it will be completely engulfed, and it will never be born.

This scene was supposed to be a crushing situation, but when looking far away, the National Teacher couldn't say why.

And as the other party stood still calmly at this moment, there was no action that should be resisted in the slightest, and this puppet grew stronger in the mind of the National Teacher.

It was not just the shock that Chu Yan's elbow struck him.

In fact, Chu Yan just standing there made him feel a pressure never before.

This pressure, like a rabbit seeing a tiger, comes from the deepest soul, the most instinctive fear.

The teacher was staring at Chu Yan. At this moment, he saw the other person raise his eyelids.

The eyes of both sides met instantly.

The subconscious body of the state teacher shuddered.

"I think it's crowded, so I'm going to eat it?"

Chu Yan, who was gradually engulfed by the tide of corpses, had his lips slightly raised, as if smiling.

In the ear, all the corpses would trample the ground, and there were all kinds of ghosts crying, so the teacher did not hear what Chu Yan said.

But at this moment, he found that he held the hand of Bashen Ruler and shook uncontrollably.

The corpse raging around, now like the most violent flood, in a blink of an eye, swallowed up Chu Yan.

Seeing this scene, the state teacher felt a little calm.

Even if the other party is willing to resist, but the power of thousands of corpses will burst out, it is definitely not an ordinary monk can fight.

The screams of countless screams from the billowing black tide were heard in the ears of the Master at this moment, just like the most beautiful fairy sounds, which made people intoxicated.

But at this time, a voice came from the center of the tide.

This sound was extremely abrupt, and immediately overshadowed the shaking roar from the tide of corpses.


boom! There seems to be an air burst out of thin air.

The cascading tide of corpses, at this moment, seemed to be subject to some kind of vibration, and suddenly became loose.

The teacher who had just relaxed a little, suddenly tightened his body again, holding the Iori ruler tightly, widening his eyes and looking forward.


It was another blast.

The three-storey corpse tide stacked on top of it collapsed and collapsed instantly.

"This guy ... refiner ... what the **** ... how to do it ..." The teacher's crooked mouth uttered a difficult sentence.

He couldn't believe what he saw at the moment.

But in fact, it was like a loud slap in the face, slamming it on his face.



boom! The center of the tide exploded instantly.

The horrific force of horror, when the air was turbulent, the surrounding air exploded continuously, and blasts of air exploded, like a furious mad dragon, sweeping large corpses, like reed leaves, and swept out.

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