Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1317: Missing two

Liuli Xinjia exploded into countless elite fragments in mid-air, and spread out in the air.

Xu Muran's whole body was torn, and blood lines were ringing, and it seemed to fall out like money, and his body fell like a meteorite.

However, it was also because of the shadow of the reincarnation emperor that most of this knife's power had been removed when it was cut to him.

So after falling to the ground, his whole body was dripping with blood, which looked terrible, but he took his life.

After being held up by his men, Xu Muran stood up from the ground, his eyes filled with resentful glances at Chu Yan who was falling in the air.

"What the **** is going on ... you haven't said before, this guy will be so strong ..." At this time, a hoarse voice came from not far away.

Xu Muran turned his head coldly and saw Wang Lei, whose blood was still overflowing from the corners of his mouth.

Before Wang Lei was in the air, Chu Yan ripped off an arm and penetrated a large hole in his chest.

Thanks to the realm of Diyuan Realm, after falling from the air, it did not die.

However, at this moment, he is also seriously injured, and his usual strength is afraid that even one tenth is insufficient.

And not far from Wang Lei, there is even more tragic Jianghuai Wu.

Although Xu Muran and Wang Lei were also hit hard, they could barely stand by themselves in order to maintain their dignity at this moment.

But Jianghuai Wu can't.

When he was in the air, he was cut into two pieces by Chu Yan.

And the upper and lower halves fell in different directions.

If you change to another monk, it is estimated that you have to wait for death.

However, among the monks in that alliance of Jianghuaiwu, there are obviously his family members.

These clans fought desperately, rescued him by splitting his body into two halves, and gave him a secret medicine on his face, which finally saved a life for Jianghuai Wu.

However, at this moment, Jianghuai Wu looks like he has only one breath left. He is lying on a stretcher and his waist is covered with a thick blanket, but it can be clearly seen that the blanket has a circle. They were soaked with blood.

Obviously, even if the Jiang family members used the secret medicine, the injuries caused by chopping inflammation did not heal so easily.

Jiang Huaiwu didn't have the strength to speak at the moment, but his resentful expression was an expression of his feelings for Xu Muran at the moment.

If it wasn't for your information, how could this situation be what it is today! Xu Muran now has trouble in her heart.

In fact, according to his plan, the most perfect state is that Chu Yan and Jianghuai Wu and Wang Leidou lost both. He finally took advantage of the fishermen and, by the way, could take over the alliance where they both belong.

What I didn't expect was that despite being in the same realm, with a three-to-one advantage, the first sneak attack succeeded. Chu Yan struck the other two in an instant.

As for Xu Muran himself, the reincarnation of the reincarnation emperor was inadvertently obtained during one practice, and it was the secret of his rapid development.

The reincarnation emperor was notorious in several nearby territories, and he was also a hero of separation.

Although it is only partly inherited, it is enough to make Xu Muran young and have amazing strength.

But who knows, even if he took out his most proud heritage and most trusted hole cards, in the face of Chu Yan, he was still as fragile as a thin piece of paper, and was instantly torn.

What Chu Yan cut off was not only the inheritance of the reincarnation emperor, but also Xu Muran's pride and confidence.

At this moment, Xu Muran hates Chu Yan ten thousand times more than Jianghuai Wu and Wang Lei! Facing Wang Lei's accusations, Xu Muran's eyes were cold and he did not answer each other.

Wang Lei's face also showed anger at this time, and he was planning to drink again. At this time, someone suddenly exclaimed: "That guy is here!"

Not knowing who it was, he screamed exhaustedly: "We are surrounded by him!"

One person killed nearly 3,000 people.

One person surrounded these three thousand people.

It sounds ridiculous and incredible.

But in fact, after the three people Xu, Wang, and Jiang were instantly burst, and even the ghost of the reincarnation emperor was crushed by a single move, the three thousand people on the scene had already had instinctual fears about Chu Yan.

Some people could not help shaking at this time.

In Xu Muran's eyes, there was a stern expression.

Struggling hard, he strode out, took off the heads of the most flustered people at the scene, and gritted his teeth, "Stop what! Stop me!"

Xu Muran was full of wounds and blood dripping on his body at this moment, and he looked very scary.

At this moment there were several heads rolling under his feet, a bang in his hands, and a crushed head, and it was even more shocking.

However, he was so stunned, and the people who had been in a panic immediately responded to them. Facing Chu Yan, a barrier rose up like a wall, blocking Chu Yan and everyone.

But Chu Yan didn't care what it was, raising his hand was a knife.

In his eyes, the so-called advantage of these guys simply does not exist.

For example, can 3,000 ants kill an elephant?

I'm afraid that it is the elephant who can blow away most of the ants with one breath.

The red sword light, burning the blazing flames, two beeps, and drawn a large "Zigzag" in the air, printed on this barrier.

Knife Mount seemed to be imprinted and melted into the barrier.

Everyone on the ground stopped for a moment.

They faintly felt that something seemed to be broken.

The next moment, that knife mark bloomed with dazzling light.

As the light swallowed, the knife marks spread more and more, and the entire barrier burst in a burst of exclamation.

The wind raged, Chu Yan stomped on the chessboard of the world and stormed down towards the crowd.

A pair of three thousand, without any hesitation, cut with a knife! The results of my siblings' hard work, why did you pick the fruits! At this moment, it is no longer Chu Yan and these people's pure personal grudges.

Daomang was gaining momentum. For a few miles, this moment seemed to be rolling.

The terrifying coercion of the army's pressure caused the hearts of everyone on the ground to beat wildly, and even at this moment, some people were so scared that they fell pale on their knees.

"Chu Yan, do you want to watch them die!"

At this time, Xu Muran took a step forward, looked up at the sky, and shouted loudly.

He reached out and pointed backwards.

Suddenly, there was an area of ​​monks who pushed away like a tide, exposing several silhouettes held by them.

"Come on! They are your companions! You are here to save them! If you dare to cut down this knife, their lives will be gone!"

Xu Muran's hate was full of face, and he bit his teeth and said, "Look at these nine ... uh?

Why are there two, only seven? "

Looking at Li Xiu, Jiang Panmeng, Su Yuqing, Shen Qing, Su Jianyuan, Furui, Su Xinyu, and others held by his men, Xu Muran blinked, and his eyes looked confused.

He remembered what he had counted before. It should be nine people.

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