Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1324: Ascendant Stage

The red light was like the glowing red glow, and the fire was burning. In a moment, it not only illuminated the sky, but also illuminated the black soul city under everyone's feet.

For a moment, more amazing things happened.

The whole black color of Black Soul City, at the moment under the red light, gradually revealed a touch of gold.

And this golden color keeps spreading.

Before long, the original black paint, like the black soul city cast from pig iron, turned into a bright city of gold! The breathing of many people at the scene stopped at this moment.

"It's really gold!"

At this time, among the crowd, someone yanked on the ground, and then made a sound of astonishment.

The monks at the scene were from Zongmen and from the family.

The monk's world, the universal currency, is naturally money and stone.

But in the world, gold and silver are still the most important.

Such a vast city turned out to be cast from gold.

Just thinking about it makes people feel scalp.

But even more surprising, still in the red glow that suddenly appeared.

Chu Yan also turned to his side at this moment and looked up.

In the mid-air in the distance, a red light at this moment is constantly throbbing and surging.

With the surging, the red color spreads like a transpiration cloud.

Through the light at this moment, we can clearly see that in this red light, a mass of mist is slowly opening.

As if opening the door of the secret room, it is like opening a curtain covering the heavens and the earth.

After a while, a magnificent ladder appeared in front of everyone.

The stairs go straight up, I don't know how many floors there are.

But at the highest point, it leads directly to the majestic palace in the air! And the palace, although hovering in the air, is glamorous and fascinating, as if there are endless adventures, treasures and luck, which are hidden in it.

At this moment, just a glance, it makes the goosebumps stand up all over the body, an excited emotion, constantly shaking and tearing in the chest.


"treasure house!"

"It was hidden there."

"The purpose of our visit this time is not to enter there!"

"I knew there must be some magical treasure somewhere!"

Everyone on the ground, looking at the dazzling treasure, one by one, could not help but appear intoxicated.

Even Chu Yan couldn't help breathing.

Judging from the light of that treasure, it is impossible to imagine, what amazing treasures are hidden in the palace in the air.

"The treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms are all hidden in it ... now finally ... appeared ..." Xu Muran licked his dry lips.

As a Ziwei gatekeeper, as one of the disciples performing this task, he naturally knew the origin of this black soul city.

Some treasures, if put on for 20,000 years, if they have not been preserved, will also be like human beings, the oil will burn out, and eventually they will turn into broken copper and iron.

But some treasures of heaven and earth are enclosed in an environment, and after more than 20,000 years, it is terrible.

For example, the medicinal materials used in alchemy are 20,000 years old-even the entire Tianya Sect, it is quite difficult to find medicinal materials for such a long time! And at this moment, you do n’t have to think about it, the treasures in the palace are all starting from 20,000 years! Even if it was installed in the past, it was just a germinated seed, and now it is the same old ancestor in the year! "Developed and developed ... as long as it can be contained in the pocket, my Ziweimen will not be prosperous ... Tianyou Emperor, Tianyou Emperor!"

At this moment, Xu Muran was so excited that he burst into tears and his chest was violently undulating.

At this moment, he was desperately holding his chest in his hands, as if only by doing so, could he guarantee a violent heartbeat and not crack his chest.

Many monks in the surrounding area, after spending the initial horror, now also realized the immortal margins contained in them, and the expressions on their faces suddenly changed from shock to frenzy.

Xu Muran had previously used the Ziwei Gate's reward to seduce them.

But the so-called benefit is just listening to what he said, he can't see with his eyes, so the spiritual shock is just that.

The reason why everyone is willing to listen to its orders, more naturally, is the power of Ziweimen.

But now, things are completely different.

The treasure in the sky palace stuns in front of everyone at this moment.

Although they were far apart at this time, everyone on the ground still seemed to be able to hear the wonderful fairy sounds and breathe the Qiongyeyuyu.

Judging from the amazing degree of this treasure light, I am afraid that it leaks a little bit from the inside. If anyone gets it, I am afraid it is too big and terrible.

Compared with the previous lure, this fairy tale and this adventure are real. It can be seen by the eyes and can be touched by reaching out.

And with the sound of people marveling again and again, the expanded Yun Xia also grew larger and larger.

Looking at it at this moment, it was like being in the middle of the air and being melted into a passage.

That staircase is hidden in this passage.

When the entrance of the passage expanded to the maximum, a full-six-story stone monument appeared in front of everyone! Above the stone tablet, three large characters, through the paper back, iron hooks with silver paintings, read "Dengxian Order"! Ascend this stage, you can become immortal.

Everyone at the scene, the moment they saw this stele, the look on their faces became more and more enthusiastic.

An agitated atmosphere was continually brewing at this moment, as if it were a pot of boiling boiling water, and the lid covering it was about to be lifted! In this situation, I am afraid that it will be a while before Xu Muran does not need to order, and regardless of Chu Yan blocking the front, the monks on the scene will rush up the stairs, rush to the palace, and compete for immortality.

After all, you Xu Muran has been seriously injured. Although covered with a tiger skin of Ziweimen, in front of this real fairy edge, Xu Muran's strength is not enough to shock everyone here.

As for Chu Yan, although you are strong, but thousands of people are generally flowing, can you really stop them all?

Many monks at the scene are like bulls who have drunk liquor at this moment, with nostrils slumped.

At this moment, the speed of flow seems to be slowing down.

In each person's heart, it seems that a string is tightened. This string is dropped by the jack at this moment, and it may be broken at any time.

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared below the passage ladder.

On the neat and clean steps, the shadow that appeared appeared to stand out.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but hesitate.

The next moment, more shadows, burly and densely emerged from below the stairs.

These shadows are like black spiders, like the tide, and endless. They continuously drill down from the stairs. After a while, they cover the stairs that everyone can see at this moment.

"What the **** is that ..." "Under the staircase, how can it seem to hide dirt and dirt, so many dirty things come out ..." Everyone was mumbling in wonder, and then looked intently, the next moment, everyone was together Brushing down, I took a breath.

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