Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1328: One

puff! The sound of flesh came through.

The smile on the short monk's face gradually solidified.

He looked down at the spear that had fallen into his chest, his eyes revealing an incredible look.

Then in this expression, he saw a very delicate girl, holding the other end of the soul-locking gun at this moment, holding the other hand to the ground, and slowly stood up.

"Neither of you ... meet the teacher ..." The young girl's throat made a low voice.

I can see that she was so tired that when standing at this moment, she was shaking slightly, as if a gust of wind could blow down.

But just as she spoke the last word, the soul-locking gun trembled.

Immediately, the pierced monk felt a horrific force raging in his body.

"Do not!"

He had only had the time to shout out the word, and his body crackled and he was torn apart.

Shen Qing shook her body again.

With a bang, she supported the ground with a soul-locking gun, and she did not fall to the ground again.

Shocking shouts not far from the front, she didn't seem to care at all.

Turning his head hard, Shen Qing looked at Chu Yan not far behind.

Chu Yan's body was also shaking slightly at this moment.

Obviously insisting to this day, he is trying his best to support it.

Turning his head, Shen Qing took a deep breath, facing the light of the sword, and swiped his gun away: "Come!"

... Although he tried his best to stop it, at this time, with Lin Miaoran, Shen Qing, and the black robe, it was impossible to stop the monk-like offensive.

At this time, personal strength has no effect at all.

Hundreds of magic weapons exploded in a round, and Shen Qing fainted on the ground again. Although the soul-locking gun was still tightly held in his hand, the gun body at this time had been broken into two pieces.

The black-clad cricket was also almost scattered. At this moment it looked like a weird arthropod, and after a few laps, it was split in half by a sharp knife light.

Lin Miaoran covered her chest, the blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

Nowadays, in her realm, it is naturally no problem to deal with more than five siblings.

But now the realm of the scene surpasses her monk, I am afraid that there are five or six hundred people, not to mention the same level.

In this case, being able to last for almost ten breaths is even amazing.

In fact, Lin Miaoran and others supported a total of thirteen breathing times.

The two of them stunned, and they were no different from those of the Prayer Arms when dealing with the three thousand monks who could not change much.

The kind of sudden explosion that instantly kills the enemy with an unreasonable gesture can only appear in imagination or in a novel.

After such a period of time, the zombies who have been swallowed into the gates of **** have also fully approached half.

Xu Muran stood in the crowd-he had learned the previous lesson, but he was not at the front.

A smile belonging to the winner appeared on his face: "Chu Yan, this time you lifted a stone and hit yourself.

At this time, even if you stop casting mysteries, it is useless.

Because you and your companions are going to die.

And I also want to thank you, because you helped me solve half of the zombies and climbed to the immortal level for us, but cleared many obstacles. "

Xu Muran made a proud laugh.

He felt that the more proud of his performance at the moment, the more he could stimulate Chu Yan.

After all, from his point of view, this is indeed the case: Chu Yan played off.


But at this moment, facing away from his Chu Yan, he suddenly spoke a number.

I don't know what this number represents, but Xu Muran felt his eyelids jump suddenly.

After all, the psychological shadow that Chu Yan had brought him before was really too big.

However, at this moment Xu Muran looked towards Chu Yan again, but saw Chu Yan's body shaking even more.

Looking at the back, it looks like a sick person in the world, trying to support it.

But Xu Muran didn't dare to care.

When he gritted his teeth and was about to open his mouth and ordered everyone to quickly kill Chu Yan, Lin Miaoran, and others, Chu Yan's voice grabbed him one more step and came first.


At this time, as long as it is not a fool, you will know what kind of accidents will occur if Chu Yan speaks one.

So Xu Muran never hesitated.

On the one hand, he was worried that something really happened.

After all, even if the other party holds the heart of the fish dead net and uses them to deal with them, that's enough for them.

On the other hand, Xu Muran's heart had already felt something wrong.

How could Chu Yan make such a big mistake?

It feels like it's like the other party dug a hole and let yourself jump in! With that thought, Xu Muran's scalp began to tingle.

Furious, he no longer hesitated, and immediately yelled, "Don't give him a chance, cut these guys!"

Lying down on the ground, Shen Qing, Su Yuqing, Yun Nixian, and others fainted, Lin Miaoran also had no battle.

Xu Muran now just wants to make a quick decision, chop these people into meat sauce early, so that he can feel at ease.

With Xu Muran's order, the monk who had been around for a long time was ready to yell, and he yelled and rushed forward.

A distance of dozens of feet is just around the corner.

Countless violent rays of light, like a storm and a storm, fell towards Chu Yan.

A void was roared and exploded into chaos.

At this moment, Chu Yan's mouth came with a final cry: "One!"

Huh! A white light appeared suddenly behind him.

All kinds of killing moves were suddenly blocked by the white light, and a dazzling Mars burst.

The various rays of light flying sore people's eyes sore, almost unable to look directly.

But Chu Yan after the light was really unharmed at this time.

Even at the gates of hell, he could steadily begin withdrawing at this moment.

The group of monks who rushed to the front, even before Su Yuqing and others who had fallen close to the ground, were suddenly pushed away by an invisible and vigorous burst into a mass with everyone behind.

The scene suddenly fell into chaos.

And the white light that protects Chu Yan, at this moment, is a situation of beams of light, rising one after another from the ground, wrapping Chu Yan and his companions one by one.

Lin Miaoran looked at the white beam of light guarding him in doubt.

She could feel that this beam of light was not meant to trap her.

On the contrary, in this beam of light, she could even feel a trace of aura, continually converging, and gushing towards her Dantian.

And even the injuries that were suffered before, also showed a cool and refreshing feeling, and the pain was greatly reduced.

"Who dares to break the good of Ziweimen!"

Seeing this, how could Xu Muran still not know what happened, and suddenly yelled.

Kill a Chu Yan, why are there so many twists and turns! "Dare to fight against Ziweimen, don't want to live!"

He yelled and looked around, trying to find out who actually shot at this critical moment, which was a bad thing for him.

And just as his voice fell, a voice, like Ru Qiankang, and at the same time with disdain, came from the front: "You just deserve to represent Ziwei Gate?"

"who is it!"

Xu Muran turned his head fiercely and looked in the direction of the voice.

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