Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1333: And fell asleep

Until the passage was like a surging cloud, it was re-closed, and the void returned to its usual state. None of the crowd of hoarse monks was able to rush up.

The obstruction of more than a dozen monks from the palace was one reason.

But the more important reason was the suspicion and hindrance of the monks.

Seeing that they are hopeless, what they can do is naturally make those monks who are trying to make a last effort to be defeated.

So invisibly, this kind of jealousy and inability to see others better than themselves helped the more than ten monks in the palace to complete the final block.

With a shout, the last gap in the channel turned into a white line, then disappeared.

The sight of the Black Soul City suddenly disappeared completely before everyone.

At this time, in front of the crowd, except for the huge stele on which the Dengxian order was written, there was only the bottom step.

"This is the last way."

Chu Yan looked up and looked at the mighty palace at the end of the stairs, muttering in his mouth.

At this moment, everyone also looked up.

That palace didn't give people a sense of being out of reach.

Although it is far away, the distance from the visual inspection is also thousands of floors.

This distance may be a test for ordinary people.

But for the monks, this distance and height are really nothing.

At this time, in addition to Chu Yan and the first Lin Miao Ran, Wu Si Lan Ma, and others, who gathered on this stage of the ascendant stage, there were more unexpected people like Po Yangyi, Kong Ci, Kong Yu and Cao Feng.

And Kong Xian, as early as the End of the World, said good to Chu Yan and would meet here.

Today's watch help is only expected to achieve the promise, so Kong Xian is not an unexpected person.

But at this time, everyone did not have much energy to consider these issues.

The embarrassment and weirdness of these zombies can be seen from the demon and the master before.

In that palace, there was still his Majesty the emperor who ruled the Twelve Kingdoms.

No one knows what the emperor will do.

So at this time, no one will take it lightly.

The people were on the steps, trimmed briefly, and started to climb up.

The fainted crowds, such as Li Xiu, Su Yuqing, and Yun Nishang, have already awakened after a simple treatment.

Although still weak, walking on its own was no problem.

The remaining ones were more seriously injured, such as Shen Qing. According to Uthranma's estimation, I am afraid it will be difficult to wake up in a short time.

Those who were still in a coma were still carried by others, or by the beast of the monk of the Beast Emperor Pavilion.

All the way up.

The steps are wide and tidy, and the **** is not steep, so to some extent, this section of road can be said to be the smoothest way after everyone entered the Sansheng Mountain.

In addition, when the stairs have been walked for more than half the distance, they have not encountered any danger or accident, which also makes them worry-free.

But then, the zombies blocking the way forward appeared again.

It was densely packed, and the whole body was translucent with black evil spirits, making a gurgling sound, and crawled out from the steps in front of the crowd, blocking the remaining steps, making it impossible to drain.

These zombies are no longer just humanoid, but this time they have more beastly shapes.

The wolves, tigers, and leopards, showing their tusks, are more stingy than living ones.

The crowd looked backwards, and then looked ahead, suddenly suddenly came to understand.

At this point they had just completed the first half of all steps.

That is to say, under this step, there are densely packed with zombies.

The opening of the formation method and the appearance of the channel woke up half of the zombies.

Those zombies, turned into corpses, and rushed down.

The remaining half is waiting for everyone in the upper half of this step.

On the high steps, the corpse gas condensed and intertwined, like a horrible face, ups and downs, full of faces, looking at everyone.

The agitated breath was quickly condensing.

Chu Yan came to the front of the crowd and faced the tide of corpses.

Zhan Yan resisted on his shoulders, and Chu Yan's face looked like a smile.

In the eyes of His Royal Highness Chu, these zombies are all great supplements-what Chu Yan saw at this time was very different from what everyone saw.

What others see may be zombies, and more of it is merit, which is a chance to embark on the path of cutting spirits.

In the eyes of His Royal Highness Chu, these zombies are the core of the corpse, the flesh, and the staircase that allows them to temper their bodies.

"I'm going."

Waving for a moment, the sound of hunting came.

Behind Chu Yan, everyone was ready.

No matter what you see in your eyes, the zombies in front of you must be completely cleaned.

The zombie standing at the forefront may have a sharp mouth like a mouse because of lack of water.

At this time, his eyes seemed to be soaked in blood.

At the moment when it was full of potential, it opened its mouth, exposed the sharp teeth inside, and screamed silently, and rushed towards the crowd first.

The zombies above the steps slowly moved at this moment.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a mudslide, first flowing slowly, then pouring downwards.


Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, and his eyes bloomed brilliantly.

Suddenly, step forward.

Did not use any martial arts, nor did he perform any spells.

It is the most ordinary, but also the most powerful force.

Hey! The rat-like zombie was torn in half in an instant.

Chu Yan grabbed the opponent's corpse's nucleus at the moment, and suddenly drew the sword. He swayed in front of him, and suddenly, like a spinning top spinning at a high speed, smashed into the tide of the corpse.

Huh! Suddenly, pieces of zombies were cut into pieces. Arms, torso, limbs, and various incomplete parts seemed to be scattered as if they were scattered flowers.

In a blink of an eye, Chu Yan cleared a white ground in front of him.

The crowd behind Chu Yan was also following him at this moment.

Chu Yan blocked the first wave of offense for them, which did not mean that they could sit back and relax and be rushed up like a bamboo.

Because these zombies, as long as the corpse core is not removed, even if they break their hands and feet, they can pose a huge threat to people.

There are so many zombies here, Chu Yan naturally has no way to clear the field and take away the corpse nuclear.

... The faint movement came from the direction overhead.

Zhao Lixing, who has been here for a long time, slowly opened her eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes, she was a little confused.

Who are you

Where is this again?

Soon she realized that she should have just fallen asleep.

However, after reacting, remembering who he was and the purpose of the trip, Zhao Pingxing's brow tightened instead.

I just fell asleep just now?

And in this big pit that almost clings to the cold zombies?

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