Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1339: Past and Present

Holy and living.

At this moment, everyone has not been able to feel the difference, how much difference it will make.

But in the hearts of everyone at the scene, there was a faint premonition.

Since the life of this emperor is so bad, the reason is probably related to the incident he just emphasized.

"I originally thought that the three holy mountains refer to the three tombs in the mountain."

Lin Miaoran murmured at this moment.

The others nodded silently.

Even Chu Yan thought so before.

In fact, this is not everyone's fault.

There are few records of the Three Holy Mountains.

And the age of the three mountain names can no longer be determined.

With this preconceived notion, I entered the Black Soul City, and found that when there were three people: the demon, the master, and the emperor, it was natural to compare the three saints with the three.

In this way, it is more true to the origin of the name Sansheng Mountain.

But now, everyone knows that they have always been wrong.

Not only that, the name of Sansheng Mountain, at this time listening to the emperor's tone, seemed to contain any special meaning.

It's just that Chu Yan had no patience at this time and didn't plan to listen to the other party anymore.

Because Chu Yan has discovered at this time that, as time goes by, the old man's blood is gradually filling up.

Although it is much lacking compared to normal people, the situation of the other party is indeed getting better.

From this point of view, the other party has said so much, it is very suspected of deliberately delaying time.

And one more important thing.

That's what the old man said, and no one knew whether it was true or not.

Every sentence he said may be true, or he might be deceiving everyone.

The darkness all around became more intense now.

As if there was no torrent of sound, before everyone noticed it, it quietly piled up to an extremely scary level.

"Hey, it looks like you've found it."

Chu Yan hadn't started yet, the old man suddenly looked at him with a smile on his face.

At this moment in this dim environment, his look looked terrible.

Chu Yan looked up and looked at the old man.

At this time, he was surprised to find that the old man's eyes had changed.

Greatly different from before.

The old man's muddy eyes seemed to be sweeping up in this moment.

"not good!"

Chu Yan was in a quandary.

Whenever a monk makes a move, he must be energized.

However, the old man had no aura running in his body. At this moment, when he suddenly shot, it was equivalent to no sign.

Everyone at the scene did not watch out.

At this time when everyone reacted, everyone felt as if it were a huge wave, surging up, and hit him hard.

The next moment, everyone felt that their consciousness was beginning to fall apart.

"How is this ..." Li Xiu gritted his teeth, trying to resist.

His skin began to show a slight rune, and his hair changed back and forth before black and light gray.

Obviously, he wanted to use the means of entering Shura Road to counter this sudden engulfment.

But the drowsiness around it was like a warm spring breeze blowing on his face.

Just a moment later, Li Xiu's eyes closed, and the rune on his body disappeared.

Lin Miaoran is clear in jade. Once he concentrates, the evil is hard to invade.

But now, she also feels that her eyelids are as heavy as possible, and her sleepiness is like a tide.

She couldn't help but even opened her mouth slightly, slap Hatch, and in her eyes, there was a tear of grief.

Right next to her, Furui had closed her eyes at this time and made a steady breathing sound.

Su Yuqing, Jiang Panmeng, Su Jianyuan and others stood one by one and fell asleep.

Even handsome, sugar candy, and gold armored leopard, fell to the ground at this moment, drilled his neck under his front paws, and fell asleep.

The scene was still struggling to support, leaving only Chu Yan, Lin Miaoran, and Uslanma.

"My nightmare body is the most resistant to your means."

Uzrama's silver teeth clenched.

Although at this moment, in fact, the tone is extremely reluctant.

Lin Miaoran was completely incapable of speaking at this time. She had to concentrate all her attention to support this sleepiness.

Chu Yan clenched his fists.

At this moment, he felt like a mortal who hadn't slept for many days. His head was sore and painful. He just wanted to close his eyes and sleep well.

But Chu Yan knew that once he fell asleep, I was afraid that there would be no room for reversal.

Difficultly raised his eyelids and looked at each other.

The old man's expression at the moment seemed to be non-smiling, and in his eyes, three swirls were constantly spinning.

The vortex seemed to carry indescribable power.

Chu Yan only glanced at this moment, but immediately, he felt more sleepy.

At this time, he felt his eyes opened a slit, and he had to work hard for strength.

The endless drowsiness makes him feel as if he is stepping on the clouds, everywhere is soft, and can't wait to fall immediately, and never care about everything around him.

"You must not sleep ..." Chu Yan tried his best to resist sleepiness.

"Huangquan ... the evil dragon ..." said hard in his mouth.

Chu Yan's left hand was slowly raised.

With your **** on your right hand, buckle to the ring that emerges from your palm.

He wanted to use the gate of **** to **** in the old goods directly for a hundred.

But it is too sleepy at this moment.

It's like when a person is trapped to the extreme, not only is the reaction extremely slow, but the brain almost loses its ability to think.

Chu Yan is almost like this at the moment.

Two fingers worked hard many times, each time they hit the ring, but there was no way to hold it.

Things that should have been as easy as eating and drinking are now as difficult as climbing cliffs.


The old man's eyes fell on Chu Yan, and then he laughed out loud, "Should you want to resist?

The three of you, who can withstand a round of strength, seem to be capable.

In that case, let me see what you are all about. "

As the old man's words came down, Chu Yan was hazy and saw the three swirls in the other's eyes, as if all of a sudden became bigger and closer.

Suddenly, the tiny pupils seemed to have expanded tens of thousands of times, and the giant wheel that supported the heavens and the earth rolled towards itself.

In front of this giant wheel, Chu Yan was as small as a ant and as dust, and was instantly drowned.

Uzrama hummed, and then there was only a gentle breathing.

Lin Miaoran trembled, then lowered his head and never moved again.

Chu Yan's clenched fist loosened little by little under the gaze of the old man, and finally, he drooped down completely, and his tight body became soothing.

The old man grinned, jumped from the coffin, coughed and said, "Let's have a good night's sleep, and then sink in your past life and this life, and become a complete life-dead."

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