Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1373: wake up

December 12.

This day, as long as it is alive in the future, Zhao Tong feels that he will never forget this day.

In the morning, I felt that the monk's mood was very wrong.

His heart also panicked.

In fact, after this period of observation, he has roughly guessed the whole story.

The other was healing the unconscious man.

And when the man's injury improved, the verdict on his fate was coming.

From the end of last month to today, my own survival, if you look backwards at this time, you will find that it is just an accident by chance.

The other party needs someone to carry the body—of course, this is only incidental. The main reason is that a bandit familiar with Longji Mountain is needed to lead the way to each bandit.

He had better luck. Because of this reason, he lived more than half a month longer than other bandits. He was also less lucky. He became a bandit in Longji Mountain and met this female monk who wanted to kill Di Yuanjing.

To this day, from the expression that Chu Tonger was absent for one day, Zhao Tong felt faintly that this thing that lasted for half a month should have a result.

This result also includes whether he can leave a life.

Zhao Tong prayed, hoping that the other party could take care of his hard work and be merciful.

But Zhao Tong also understood that in the eyes of the monk, the life of a warrior was not even a cricket.

As for running away, Zhao Tong didn't think about it.

When the day arrived in the afternoon, Chu Yaner again appeared in front of Zhao Tong.

The clear eyes of the other party had shown that she had made the final decision.

Zhao Tong didn't say a word. When the other party appeared, he knelt down on the ground obediently, with a head stuck on the ground, waiting for destiny to make his final judgment.

A snap, something was thrown in front of Zhao Tong.

Then Zhao Tong heard a faint voice from Chu Tonger: "Go!"

At this moment, Zhao Tong couldn't believe his ears.

The other person really spared his life! In fact, Zhao Tong was very calm about accepting death, and even he was ready to be beheaded and killed by the opponent, and then grinded away by the stone mill magic weapon.

When he looked up and saw in front of himself, a volume of bamboo slips with text written on it, the whole man was even sluggish.

Even if stupid, Zhao Tong knew at the moment that what was recorded above was either martial arts or exercises.

What's more important is that this is the monk in the Diyuan Realm, rewarding himself! Not only picked up a life, but also the reward of monks.

At this moment, Zhao Tong suddenly felt that all the hardships and fears he had suffered before became worthwhile.

In the chest, there was a burst of tear-like emotions, the killing of the original three kings village three masters, at this moment with tears in his eyes, holding up bamboo slips in his hands, close close, and then chopped another one towards Chu Yier After ringing his head, he bowed back and turned away.

The afternoon sun in winter has a warm smell.

Zhao Tong stood in the mountain forest and squinted at the sky.

White clouds drifted slowly across the sky as the wind seemed like a boat.

Zhao Tong suddenly had a feeling of wanting to go home and see.

Yes, just go home and have a look.

The thought became an instant decision.

So he took a deep breath and walked towards Longji Mountain.

This is also the first time in 15 years since he stepped into Longji Mountain, he decided to leave the mountain.

Watching Zhao Tong leave, Chu Tonger pursed her lips.

She reached out and slowly lifted the veil that had always been covered during these days, revealing a glorious face.

At this time, his face was slightly pale, but he felt a little more pitying in the midst of sorrow.

Turn around and walk into the room not far behind.

Lying on the blanket, still lying as if Chuyan was sleeping.

But Chu Yier knew that the wake of Chu Yan should be within these two days.

No more than twenty-four hours.

She could feel that if Chu Yan's previous blood was compared to a hollowed-out pool, after these days she had performed the magic of exchanging blood from the demon, and the pool was finally filled with water.

Although there is still a long way to go before it is full, this has the same reason as opening a channel to divert water. Now that the water has been drawn, it will naturally be full next.

Looking at Chu Yan, Chu Yier's eyes appeared a touch of softness, but more, still reluctant.

"If my brother wakes up now, he will still blame me."

"Brother, I let that person go, because I know that according to his character, that person has also helped you, so I didn't kill him."

"Actually, I wish you could know that everything I do is for you."

"But it's not time now, even if you wake up this time, you're not ready to see me, I'm not ready to see you."

"I didn't even think about it, if you wake up, what should I say to you in the first sentence."

Talking, there were already tears in Chu Yaner's eyes.

She wiped it with the back of her hand, but the tears became more and more like broken beads.

Chu Yan'er's face was also crying and laughing.

She reached out and touched Chu Yan's face, and sucked her nose: "Although my brother's blood was made up by me, the spirit was still weak. What kind of shock at that time could actually hurt his spirit?"

"But there is no way. I also ran out this time secretly. If they don't leave again, those people may find it."

"Brother, take care of yourself the next day."

"I will definitely stand in front of you again the day I prepare."

"If you still hate me and hate me then, even if you kill me, I will never refuse."

Chu Yier shook her fist, stood up, wiped off the tears in the corner of her eyes, put on the veil again, then took out the jade plate and placed Chu Yan on it.

Then she took control of the flying magic weapon, and moved forward all the way. After leaving the hinterland of Longji Mountain, she found a village near the mountain.

She placed Chu Yan on a road not far from the village, and gave Chu Yan a reluctant glance before turning away.

In the evening, the villagers who went back to chopping firewood found a coma unconscious at the entrance of the village.

The villagers were enthusiastic. When they saw someone lying on the side of the road, they greeted several people and carried Chu Yan into the village.

Watching Chu Yan being lifted into the village, on a big tree in the woods in the distance, Chu Yaner's big eyes blinked, then exhaled, looked at the village deeply, and walked away. Deep into the forest.

Chu Yan was directly carried into the village chief's house, and the coma and stranger appeared at the entrance to the village.

When many people came around to watch with curiosity, Chu Yan opened his eyes slowly under the gaze of a group of people, ending the full 15 days of sleep.

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