Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1375: His Royal Highness Chu


what? "

After the veil, Chu Yier's lips opened.

The answer from the other side caught her off guard.

This seems different from what I expected.

The woman on the opposite side, Tang Liyue, stood there, turned her face slightly, and looked at herself with a slightly curious look.

"Wow, wouldn't it be embarrassing to say nothing more?"

Chu Yier blinked, and her heart was anxious.

"Huh ... ah ..." Chu Yier's brain quickly turned, and after a while, he asked tentatively, "Is Sister Yue here for a special trip?"


Tang Liyue answered very simply.

Chu Yier stunned again.

The answer from the other side made her feel that she didn't know how to speak for a while.

Chu Linger knew that Tang Liyue, like herself, was listed as one of the four little demon girls by the monks of the kingdom.

But she knew that Tang Liyue had never been known for lying and playing with people.

In contrast, she said very little.

And she usually doesn't need to talk to anyone.

What she excels at is the Royal Beast Way.

So now that she said she wasn't here for a special trip, it must be true.

But Chu Yier always felt strange.

Longji Mountain stretches for thousands of miles. Why is it so coincidental that Tang Liyue arrived sooner or later, but just after he settled in Chu Yan?

She has always believed in her instincts.

So this time, Chu Yier always felt that things were not so simple.

However, just as her eyes twitched, thinking about how she could tap again and again, Tang Qingyue took the initiative to say: "I came here to follow the Zijin ape."


Chu Yaner heard the words, his gaze was instantly fixed.

Every time Chu Linger spoke again, Tang Liyue seemed to know what she was going to say, and continued: "What I saw was a purple ape that peaked at the peak of wisdom. It hasn't changed shape yet, it seems to be catching up What's going on in this direction. "

After pondering a bit, Tang Liyue continued: "In the direction, if it didn't change direction halfway, it should be near here at noon tomorrow.

I also feel curious. I do n’t know why the purple ape, which has always valued the territory, suddenly left its territory, traveled thousands of miles, and came to this place. "

As for the monster, Chu Linger knew that he was far less profound than Tang Qingyue.

However, since the other party has explained so at this time, it seems that it should be a coincidence.

And if you think about it again, Chu Yier also feels that Chu Yan and Tang Liyue, or the forces behind them, do not seem to have any possibility.

Now think about it, it should be that you care about it, so you think too much.

And when he came, he didn't come in a straight line. The possibility that the purple gold monkey wants to pass through the village tomorrow is very small, so there is nothing to worry about.

After thinking about it this way, Tang Liyue's expression on his face became much easier.

With a smile on her lips, Chu Yier said, "Since Sister Yue has an interested monster, that little girl will not disturb her."

After that, she took out the slippery spinning jade plate and was about to step forward.

But at this moment, Tang Liyue said something lightly again: "Forget it, I'll go back with you, then the purple ape looks like it's either chasing someone or being driven away, anyway. If we get closer, it will inevitably lead to unnecessary disputes.

It seems that the suzerain is planning something big recently. I still try not to disturb the suzerain. "

Chu Yier's footsteps on Yupan were delayed, but soon returned to normal, and then she smiled sweetly: "On the way back, it is best to have Sister Yue and me as partners."

"You don't think I'm bored."

Tang Liyue's fingertips lifted slightly, and suddenly appeared in front of a small boat rolled into a leaf.

The two stepped on the jade plate one foot, one stepped on a small boat, flew into the sky, and walked on the moon.

Shortly after the flight, Tang Liyue suddenly said, "The messenger of the King of the East China Sea came here five days ago, and is still a guest in Zongzhong."

This is not a head or a tail, but it makes Chu Huan's cheeky face suddenly turn white.

This time, after a while, Chu Yier smiled reluctantly: "Thank Sister Yue for reminding me, I know how to do it."

Tang Qingyue tilted her head and glanced at Chu Xier.

Looking at her, she seemed to want to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything, just sighed in silence.

...... It was quiet at night, and the entire Shijie Village seemed to fall into a deep sleep, showing a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Although Chu Yan closed his eyes, he did not fall asleep.

At this moment, in his mind, pictures were quickly passing by in an intermittent situation.

The information contained in it makes Chu Yan feel strange and familiar.

Amnesia is the loss of a memory, but it does not mean that a person has become a fool.

Although Chu Yan did not remember who he was at this time, and he did not remember his past life trajectory, his personality and habits were still well preserved.

So when he first found out that he had amnesia, although he felt dog blood, he didn't panic because of it.

Later, when she realized that her memory was recovering at an extremely fast speed, Chu Yan became even more panicked.

All he had to do now was wait patiently.

When the chickens roared outside and the sky was completely bright, Chu Yan walked out of the room.

Longji Mountain as a whole spans thousands of miles, but Shijie Village is closer to the south of the mainland, so even if it is mid-December, the weather is not particularly cold.

In fact, the location of Shijie Village, even in the coldest of the year, will not snow, and the water will not freeze.

Because of this, when Chu Yan opened the door and still came out naked, he would not be surprised to see his villager because of his appearance.

However, when everyone saw the most eye-catching armband on his arm, he still looked twice and thought that such a thing should be worthless.

As for the storage ring that Chu Yan wore on his left hand, and the echo ring hanging on his ear, because it looked old, it didn't attract much attention.

Because the villagers of Shijie Village saved their relationship, Chu Yan smiled and greeted someone when he walked out when he saw someone passing by.

Although Chu Yan's temperament made these ordinary villagers feel that his identity was not ordinary, the villagers would not think too far away because of their limited knowledge.

The most knowledgeable village chief, however, did not think that Chu Yan was a merchant who had been robbed by Longji Mountain bandits. The guesses of other villagers were naturally simpler.

Moreover, once Chu Yan showed an intimate attitude with others, that kind of affinity would also make people uncontrollably affect him.

So although Chu Yan came to Shijie Village just six hours ago, and hadn't even touched too many people, the villagers' impression of him was already very good.

It happened to a stranger that it was almost unimaginable.

After walking around the village at will, Chu Yan soon discovered that the atmosphere in Shijie Village seemed to be a little more tense than he thought.

With curiosity, he went to visit the village chief.

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